Advantages and disadvantages of distance education the following aspects should be considered before you enroll in an online course: time: many online students are workers or parents, which with this educational system can manage their time at convenience, because assignments deliver them is with a deadline, depending on each student the distribution of their hours of studyYou can also work from home in their activities. Money: while these courses have a cost, sometimes considerable, and certain technological resources are needed, their cost in comparison to other professional level is very low. Sometimes material is provided online do not have to buy books, not spent on transportation, gasoline, parking, and is even lower in comparison to those traveling to other cities to specialize, does not need accommodation or food. Self-motivation: must assimilate that although there are many people more studying the same course, you will be studying only and self must be sufficiently responsible to manage time and resources, deliver on the dates indicated, and above all, do not annoy the monotony that can be considered to not to socialize or attend a classroom.
Delayed feedback: one of the main of this type of education problems is the passive that might be, while in school systems the doubts are resolved almost immediately and the interaction with the teacher is constant, in online education feedback is through emails, in some occasions are made through chat sessions, but not daily, which can cause frustration or even in the incurrimiento of more errors by the student. Distance learning, alternative for some while in the United States and Europe only the online courses, especially universities, are having a considerable growth, Latin America still struggle to include these systems. Underdeveloped countries still have problems to bring the internet connection to most of their territories, being only a percentage, sometimes low, the privileged who have Internet access. In the framework of the day of the Internet world, in 2009, the National Institute of geography and statistics (INEGI) said that until March 2008 only 13.5 percent of Mexican households had Internet at home, having similar statistics in relation to Argentina, Chile and Brazil who also have only one tenth of their homes with this technology. However, options in developing countries are increasing through universities and institutions such as the UN who created the first University online with free tuition, which aims to encourage access to the Internet and education online at these countries in addition to counteract rising University fees in the world.