Month: June 2014

Leadership Skills

Is it promoting the qualities of leadership in their children? Or they are learning to simply follow instructions? Today’s world need responsible leaders who have a genuine vocation for service. However, a true education for leadership is not easy to find. Traditional education systems do not prepare our children for leadership. Rather teaches them to fulfill orders and to be good followers. Then, how to train leaders who will have the necessary qualities to be able to lead to future generations? Here are three very effective ways to foster the qualities of leadership in children: 1.-the first that anything, teach them to their children to obey. However, when they question their instructions, answer them with respect. Is not enough to say: because I say so! Take advantage of every opportunity to teach them the because of life. This will give a good foundation so that they can make their own decisions in the future.

2 Let them make mistakes. And when fails, not make them feel ashamed or guilty. Rather than help them to find how to do it better the next time. Children must have the freedom to make mistakes within a secure framework. If they feel criticized, they will learn not to take risks.

And it is precisely the capacity to know a risk to measure what makes a good leader. 3 Let them make their own decisions. Many times mothers just tell their children what they should do and the only thing they have to do them is to obey. Maybe this works for the tasks of school, but so will not forge the character of a future leader or entrepreneur. Men and women learn to lead a company when they are taught from guys to have ordered parts and to contribute to their family’s needs with tasks around the home without having to tell them what they should do. Does not create that their young children are not able to do this. You will be astonished how much a child of 8 years can help. Will also be amazed of how happy you will be when Ud gives them a responsibility and them It shows that you are confident that they are able to meet with her. The challenges children love. They like to participate in Affairs of real life with her parents. Opposite to their children with challenging real-life situations and then allow them to learn the lessons of life through the mistakes that make. If they don’t learn it now, their mistakes cost them much more expensive when they are adults and have to learn these lessons with his own family in tow. Think about the way they educate their children. Ask yourself, I am training my children to be leaders or I’m training them so they just follow instructions?