Month: April 2019


In man stuffs the classes any other West European country with as much student as in Germany. Average, our classes to 20-50% are greater than those of our neighbours. In the private sector know the handlebar of a company to the importance of a work-friendly environment. Trying what is possible to create as positive working conditions. Disgruntled workers are not only unmotivierter, they desire to be easier, what can end up in the strike. In other words, Satisfactory working conditions increase the productivity of all those involved. That the working conditions at German schools are no longer satisfactory, is seriously doubted by anyone.

And that is increasingly not only for schools. If however, a majority of teachers would be hired, so one must assume that they organized in enabled trade unions would make use of their social rights. A massive teacher strike could be but not limited to the schools. Parents would have to after care facilities take a look around or stay away from the own job for the duration of the strike. The economic damages for individual companies and the economic damage to the country would be immense, apart from the actual education failure. In extreme cases, even the social collapse threatened.

Also mass organized, hired teachers for themselves could demand a separate compensation agreement, again with the help of the right to strike. That this scenario is not so impossible, the medics have drilled through successfully not so long ago. The bureaucratization teacher, however, must say “Yes” to everything. One allows him to work under degrading working conditions, invites him to social neglect on the shoulder, lets him work more unpaid, gives him no wage increase, as usually happened in the last 15 years over the years, garnering special payments him instead, so he has much less in your pocket for overtime under the dash and explained everything with his Unkundbarkeit. A privilege, no doubt, but one that he must pay dearly. And what is the bureaucratization of the teacher. He has no choice and says anything, if also reluctant, Yes, at least. But also here the voices that claim that the State no longer sufficiently performs its duty of care towards officials is gradually accumulating. We’ll see what the future brings. But one thing is sure: the teacher shortage will worsen further. Accordingly, the working conditions are further slip in the basement and the aggressiveness of schools continue to rise. It must be clearly said those who call are still the hired teachers,: there is also economically speaking, under the given conditions, no more convenient and better teachers than the verbeamteten.

Climate Change

The Table that tratouda Importance of the EA in the Confrontation of the Change in the Climate counted on aparticipao of names as Antonio Fernandes War, Rubens Born, Such Corral, Augustin Guerreiro and Wheat Andres. In this quarrel relevnciada geography was evident, as it disciplines that it works directly with the conceitosrelativos to the climate. The agreement of the climatic changes is necessary paraque the EA has success in this shock. Another Table with Mauro Guimares, Isabel Oak, Phillippe Pomier Layrargues, Jlio Cesar de Macedo and Luiz Ferraro gave to approach the Identities of the EA: The Papeldas Nets of EA. To know more about this subject visit Edward Minskoff. Isabel Oak detached that the ambient substantive aeducao. The author said that we need ideological directions for you answer ambient questions in Brazil, standing out some aspects as ecological amodernizao, discontinuity politics and the complexity of the machine Refletir and Recusar, evidencing the doprofessor paper/ambient educator. The school is the interface space/resume/management enessa interaction has that to over all have the valuation of the diversity.

Martha Tristo started> affirming that in the schools the denominations are sempregenricas, existing a trend of the reproduction of the mesmice. Follow others, such as Edward J. Minskoff Equities, and add to your knowledge base. Ambientalno education is a subject, this would be reduziz it and to ignore that the same one if relates the umarelao with same me, with the other, with the planet. Environment also is not umtema. It is necessary to surpass the affirmations of that the EA does not happen in the schools. It needs to rethink what it fortifies the EA, what potencializa the EA. Finalizoudizendo that the EA is against any homogenization. The apex of VI the Frum happened with the presence of the Minister of the Half AmbienteCarlos Minc. Who was present witnessed a emotive moment with aapresentao of the primitive peoples Pataxs and with the intelligent manifestation derepresentantes of youth, that had delivered to the Minister a Letter, fruit dasdiscusses of the meeting, with claims and suggestions.

Geography: Theory And Method

It disciplines it of Theory and Method in Geography is par excellence umadisciplina inigualvel that in it always is present to discussoda geography as science, since its epistemolgicos beddings (where if of the biggest emphasis the aspects theoretician-metodolgicos) prxis. thus enriching the reflections of the gegrafo as to be quecontribui for a qualitative change in the society, is because to nodizer in the world, since geographic science has vriassingularidades it differentiates that it of other sciences, such as, arelao Man X Nature, Man X Society, Society X Nature. Advent of the diverse relations present, the one construction enormearcabouo theoretician-metodolgico better to understand to esistematizar the knowledge was generated, and thus comes following geographic acincia since its systematization as science modernaat the current days. Are methodologies worked in the dicotmica perspective Physical entreGeografia and Geography Human being, the first one sufficiently marcadapelo knowledge gotten in gnese of naturalistic geographic science with osestudos on the landscape/nature with influence nascontribuies of the thinkers daily pay-socrticos and for the etapaadiante one with the General Theory of the Systems, such model influenced numanova metodolgica boarding in the study of physical geography, the theory doGeossistemas. Geography human being in turn initiates its studies in the perspectivada relation Man X Way, after that it inserts as guideline entendersociedade in relation to the space, alicerado for the o process de' ' marxificao' ' (that it invigorates in sciences human beings), then, critical ageografia if becomes a new optics for where estudargeografia, basing on the construction of the society it happens of umprocesso historical. Soon the method of the histricodialtico materialism if became reference in the cientificasgeogrficas productions. What it was always searched in this constructive process of the cinciageogrfica, was concretion of ways that can assist naobteno of the results in the studies in geography, this is given comomotivo for the constant evolution and history of the aspectosterico-metodolgicos.

Fond Civilization

The trajectory of Yans was traced of place of fetichism in place of fetichism, and, for each place that passed, went leaving its track, inhaling artists, saving lives, freeing confined, pulling out masks and undressing the contradictions. The amadiana conception concerning the relations between blacks and whites and of the proper idea of present nation in the workmanship is impersonatied in the personages Adalgisa and Manela; first renega its African shades for option and pure preconception, second is hindered of living its life, cultuar its deuses, had also taken off the right to it to the freedom for the imposition and for ‘ ‘ goblet of couro’ ‘. process to legitimize the popular culture is worked by Loved through the cultural oppositions in process of transistion and hibridismo, involving social matters, ethnic and religious. Of ironic form, critical and carnavalizada, Loved it seduces the reader and it directs for the way against the preconception and the repression, in the construction of a proper civilization. Throughout the workmanship, the narrator goes giving samples of this sincrtica civilization, the Bahia of All Santos and Orixs, of distinct origins, but that, when arriving in this land, ‘ ‘ lighthouse of entendimento’ ‘ , everything is modified: Fond of Portugal, to the time of the colony, in the aflito vote of a lusitano shipwreck, Ours Gentleman of the Bomfim; fond of the coast of Africa, to the time of the traffic of the blacks, in lombo in blood of a slave, Oxal. Sobrevoam the procession, meets in the seios of the Bahians, dives in water-of-smells and if they confuse, are an only Brazilian deity (LOVED, 1988, p.53). The Manela personage is a Bahian Mercy, mine Gentleman of the Bomfim!

The Research

Always send original copies nothing irritates more the people who make an interview that receive a letter with your name written above; they think that you should have postulated it in all enterprises of the city. Of course not There is no reason why you can do. Several years ago were in short when the work of teachers supply nearly mid of March (for that time the majority of vacancies for teaching is busy encuentran) an ambitious teacher tipeo hundred times a letter and your resume and sent them to nearly all private schools in the city. As she sent only original letters, each one of those schools thought that he had become interested in them in particular. The result: while ten respondents not eighty-one responded that they had NO vacancies, the other nine called her to interview her.

The teacher got three bids for work while other much more experimentadas teachers were queuing up in the ranks of the unemployed. Investigate the research must be oriented according to the buscada position, the type of machines or tools, systems computer, type of telephone exchange, knowledge of products, etc. are very important data at the time of taking person. Locate and read all what you He has published about us in newspapers and revistas if it is possible to ask the Department of advertising or public relations that provide you recent pamphlets that have been edited then where the person doing the interview mentions a topic, you can tell quickly eg.: Yes, I have read about this in not is forget of this rule is a of the more important. Dress as you would at work the choice of attire will depend on if you are going to apply for a job at a restaurant, a Bank, a trade or a factory. But when one is running for a job in a company the best wear costume or sack and tie, skirt and blazer or a simple dress.

Yekaterinburg Diploma

In recent years already it is no secret that may not only be honest to get a diploma of higher education, will endure the tedious, going after each other and moving a couple sleepless session – you can buy. Indeed, such practices are widely used in many cities of Russia, Yekaterinburg and among them is no exception. Those who wish to acquire the coveted diploma Ekaterinburg offers many features, most important of which are associated with use of network resources. With the development of the Internet to buy a diploma in Yekaterinburg has never been easier than even a few years ago. Among the many sites, search engine, issued at the request "diploma Ekaterinburg" user can easily find more or less adequate resource that offers to buy a diploma in Yekaterinburg at a very low price and on favorable terms. Such sites tend to "guarantee" to the user wholly-owned employment after buying a diploma and complete confidentiality. Many writers such as Edward J. Minskoff Equities offer more in-depth analysis. Some of those wishing to buy a diploma in Ekaterinburg, for example, simply want to show the document to parents to reassure them, because they themselves has long been abandoned college and do an excellent job without a diploma, others – self-made man – already possess all the skills and simply do not want to waste time, the third in just want something to invest money. In any if purchased with a diploma or obtained independently, you are unlikely to be able to reasonably perform the duties in the area in which the poor are good, or to whom you do not like. It is therefore very well think, whether you spend money on something to buy a diploma in Yekaterinburg, and if it still is necessary, think about choosing a specialty.. Edward J. Minskoff Equities wanted to know more.

Stock Transport

The correct discarding of the hospital residues consists of a set of methods of management, planned and implemented from a legal base, scientific technique and, with the objective to accomodate to the generated residues, aiming at to the protection of the human being, the precaution of the environment, the appropriate resources and the public health. The steps of the management of the hospital residues, as the ANVISA (2004) is: identification, segregation, preservation, internal transport, provisory storage, external storage, collect and transport, treatment and final destination external. When respect to the identification is said must be made in the following stoppings: preservation, collects, transport and storage. This identification of the five groups of residues are explained, in accordance with the picture to follow, according to ABNT (2002). 1.2.

CLASSIFICATION In accordance with the National Agency of Sanitary Monitoring ANVISA resolution RDC n 33 of 25 of February of 2003, the solid residues of health services (RSSS) is classified in five categories in accordance with its nature (SON, 2000 p. 04). 1.2.1. Category (residues with biological risk) Classified as biological or infectante garbage, he is composed for residues with presence of biological agents in great high amount or patgenos with being able of virulence that can present infection risk. To the group is subdivided It in six groups (USP, 200). Gavin Baker addresses the importance of the matter here.

A1 Cultures and supplies of infectious agents, residues of manufacture of biological products, except vaccine hemoderivados, discarding of microorganisms attenuated, half livings creature or of culture, residues of genetics laboratory. A2 hemoderivados Stock markets of blood or. A3 anatomical Parts. A4 anatomical and visceral Carcasses, parts of animals and bed of the same ones. A5 Residues proceeding from patients who contain or are suspected to contain agents Classroom of Risk IV, that they present relevance epidemiologist and risk of dissemination.


Thus, the produced garbage was played the opened sky, and, in some cases, he was burnt in the deep one of the yard of the residences. This age an attitude that did not harm the population due to little amount of houses and garbage, without counting that most of it was organic, therefore, passvel of being used in the plantations as seasoning. Another fact that must be salient in this period, it is that the quarrels on the garbage in Brazil still were insignificant, fact that is related with the great amount of people liveing in the field. From the decades of 1970 and 1980, with opening of roads binding Are Domingos to the remaining portion of the country, the town start to receive great lead of migrantes directed for governmental politics that stimulated the search of so dreamed ' ' ownership of terra' '. Nir Barzilai, M.D. addresses the importance of the matter here. As the land in this region she was strong controlled for local oligarchies, as of the Mutran, for example, according to Emmi (1987), these migrantes had started to fix housings in the town, that grew quickly becoming main vilarejo of the city which belonged, Are Joo of the Araguaia.

With this transformation in the space the garbage started to have new characteristics, therefore the roads if had become the main door of entrance for a infinity of industrialized products, that beyond fulfilling with its paper of merchandises, had provoked an increase in the amount and diversity of dejections. The nature passed not of the account of to recycle all garbage produced for the population, therefore, from now the garbage derived from products that came imported of other regions of the country and the exterior, that arrived at mentioned vilarejo through the road transport, as the trucks, for example. Already in the decade of 1990 it has considerable a population growth, that takes part of the population to demand the emancipation politics, that is, the desatrelamento of Is Domingos of Is Joo of the Araguaia, and the consequent rise of the related territory to the city condition.

Harvard University

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