Month: September 2019

Acrylic Bathtubs

Acrylic bathtubs – this is the last product, which appeared in the Russian market of bathrooms and immediately subdued buyers for its diversity. Our shops are tubs of acrylic from many manufacturers, but what is their the difference In practice, there is no big difference, since virtually all acrylic sheet is produced in Holland. A reasonable question, but what's all the same distinction, and why some acrylic baths are more expensive than others? The answer – it's sort of acrylic, form design and the layers of reinforcement. Let's look at the order of these three items: What is acrylic? As written in the handbook of Wikipedia: "Acrylic – a colloquial name of polymers based on derivatives of acrylic and methacrylic acid and polymer compositions of them. Methacrylates, the common name of esters of methacrylic acid and its salts. Esters – colorless liquid, salt – crystalline substance. Industrial importance mainly esters of ethanol, methanol, butanol, which is synthesized from various polymers. In particular, by the polymerization of methyl acrylate produce acrylic Plexiglas.

"Or Simply put – the plastic. All acrylic baths are made approximately the same technology – is taken acrylic sheet and a specialized vacuum chambers by heating a sheet attached to the required shape. In Further, to impart rigidity design – the outside of the bath applied to a reinforcing layer, the surface is covered with a special acrylic bath option of epoxy resin, which , binds Aquatic plastic. The procedure is somewhat similar to the imposition of gypsum in travmopunkte.

School Games

During many years scientists of diverse areas they come trying to clarify as then if of a learning. The concernentes theories to this subject had been taking forms more significant and today we can cite three forms summarily well distinct of the conception of learning human being: comportamentalista, humanist and cognitivista. In the comportamentalista or behaviorista boarding the knowledge is seen as a reproduction of what it happens in the external world. For they (behaviorista) the learning can be observed through measurable objective aspects. The adepts of this psychological chain defended mainly for Skinner cited for Haidt (1994) The learning depends on the relation understood between the stimulaton and the reply. Further details can be found at Edward Minskoff, an internet resource. For some scholars of this theoretical chain, the number of attempts, the amount of the reinforcement, intensity of the stimulaton, the reactive inhibition and the inhibition and the conditional inhibition are essential functions for the learning. (Haidt, 1994, p.28) It is important to stand out that the learning hardly occurs if the child will not be motivated.

The theory humanist follows a well different track, having Carl Rogers cited for Haidt (1994), as its main theoretician places that, the objective biggest to be reached by the man is its auto-accomplishment. This theory values the man in its totality as individual capable to suffer modifications and to transform its world. With this new vision of human being, that it defends a natural potential to learn, the front in the direction was given to a great step to not only advance in the field of Psychology, but in something much more deep. The man now was valued in its all and had as objective greater its auto-accomplishment. Rogers, cited for Haidt (1994) unquestionably, innovated and revolutionized the concepts of human being e, in such a way, it demonstrated how much the man is capable to grow individually and to take the knowledge to the world and the people surround who it.

Ukraine Properties

One of the most popular interior parts are the doors. By the same author: Fabrizio Freda. At the present time in Ukraine and the Ukrainian market primacy occupied door sales of natural and artificial materials. Natural material has a very low acoustic and thermal conductivity, high frost-resistance, high strength, they are easy to recycle, but despite many advantages, in the wood there is excess moisture, which immediately leads to loss of its physical and mechanical properties. Therefore, a significant segment of the market belongs to substitutes that cost less than natural materials. Major natural materials for doors for doors from natural Wood is mainly used deciduous and coniferous trees.

Each tree has its own special properties. – Oak is the most widely used material in the manufacture of doors. It is practical and durable thanks to its strength and hardness. – Beech in value almost equal to oak. And has the same properties. – Ash unique tree, which has elasticity, toughness and flexibility at the same time, as well as hardness, more than oak. He retains its properties even in poor drying. – Mahogany – not just one breed.

This is a separate species of Australian eucalyptus, the California redwoods and the Philippine arrowroot, tree swallowtail, which has a high resistance to moisture and temperature extremes. -Cherry, walnut and maple – and precious woods. – Pine is the most practical timber. It is available for mass production. Due to their properties, there is little response to changes in temperature and humidity. Solid Wood Door There are two stages of manufacture of doors by the continuous filling of natural wood: one piece of wood (traditional) maple array (modern) Technology for manufacturing doors of solid work with living material requires special knowledge and skills.

Wood Colors

In choosing the material for the window block out and for aesthetic reasons, that is – the beauty, purity, surface treatment, elegance profiles, color nuances different types of wood. Windows play an important role in the appearance of the building, and in the interior of its interior, and their aesthetic perception is important. High quality surface treatment, giving complex shape of the profile is only possible with high technology. Despite the fact that the windows themselves are among the most important elements of protecting our buildings from rain, wind, dust, cold and noise of the city, they too must be protected to prolong life. Wooden windows need it more than others, so they must be high quality paint to ensure a better conservation. Wooden windows are painted with both internal and externally. Estee Lauder may not feel the same. Most importantly, carefully apply the paint on the outside. If you live in a mild climate, those windows that are made from sustainable timber to external actions, it is better to paint with oil paint or used to protect wood varnish.

Paint bright colors are generally used for heavily lit areas to sunlight can better capture and window profile is not overheat, and, correspondingly, no crack prematurely. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Ron Beit has to say. Some inconvenience of wooden windows is that they paint periodically need to update, since the penetrating even through a small damaged area can contribute to moisture and rot destruction of wooden parts. If the timber, due to exposure to water, is already damp, and its surface has lost its original form – these places, for starters, should be well sanded to paint them better behaved. When staining or polishing sash should take care to protect windows from dirt, varnish and paint. To do this, there are many ways to save the glass. For example, before this can cover the surface of the glass solution of soap suds and allow it to dry out before painting, and to use protective shields, masking tape and other protective materials. The wooden parts of the window covered with a layer of varnish is recommended immediately after installation or during the first six months, and additionally apply it once every three years. In addition, we must bear in mind that wood varnish can be applied to the rubber seals and fittings.

Windows Installation

Quality installation – this is important. pvc windows are made under strict process control, and installation is not technically controlled and are often given into the hands of cheap labor, ie, nonprofessionals. Reliable sentence should be: 'window under the key', 'manufacturing, installation, warranty and service. " Modern window of pvc is quite complicated and technical design, so everything related to windows and their installation should be have certificates of compliance. During the operation of the window exposed to considerable stress, both physical and mechanical. Here, Jorge Perez expresses very clear opinions on the subject. For example, the temperature difference between outside and indoors during the cold seasons. In this case, connection with the sealing glass and dense adjoining wing to the frame of the window, indoor air humidity increases. When improperly installing it causes condensation and cracks on the slopes of the window opening, then the emergence of drafts, mold and mildew at the junction between the frame and the wall.

According to experts of a successful and long life of the windows by 80-90% dependent on skilled installation and quality materials that fill Butt – the gap between the window frame and wall. Even if you have booked the most expensive and modern windows, and installation of pvc windows the dubious 'professional', all the advantages of plastic glazing can be reduced to zero. Installation of gost addition to installing the windows are strictly vertical and horizontal, solid mechanical connection between frame window to the wall, fill joint material, which can prevent the above-mentioned negative phenomenon. For a tight seal interface appropriate to apply a set of materials. Without going into specific terminology, the principle of joint seals is formulated as follows: inside the premises should be dense steam insulating material inside the joint – porous insulation materials, exterior – a material resistant to weather, water resistant, but is able to provide ventilation insulation layer, ie, insulation to breathe.

Using a long-term European experience with windowing systems, confirmed by research in the Russian climate, a German corporation developed the system technology sealing joints of windows and facades of buildings, which are used successfully in the global construction practice. The system consists of sealing strips and a polyurethane foam. Mount Technology is the following. Outside, in the presence of 'quarters', set the pre-compressed self-expanding band of flexible polyurethane (PSUL), and under reflux and in the absence of a window opening 'quarters' tape 'Germeteks lm diffusion'. These belts are securely protect butt from all external climatic factors. Then, in sequence, the frame stick vapor barrier tape. She does not let excess moisture contained in the air space. If you decide to plaster the slope, you need tape 'Germeteks lm oak or lmw Anticondensat'; if you set the slope of plastic or covered butt decorative moldings, it is advisable to apply the tape 'Germeteks lw Alum' (it's cheaper), under the sill recommend apply tape 'Germeteks lm l'. Only after that the gap between the frame and the window can be filled with polyurethane foam. By the way, not all foam is suitable for the job. High-quality foam makes big bubbles, it must be finely porous and dense, as required to serve for many years. Quality installation saves heat in your home and will not cause problems and considerable costs in the future.

Construction Materials

Forest and timber, currently used for construction, have a wide range and variety. The main material of construction lumber, applicable to today's construction sites and not only is wood. Wood, as is known, has a number of advantages. First, wood lumber very easily processed timber strong enough, and inter alia, the tree has a low thermal conductivity. Wood, which is used for the manufacture of construction lumber, it is mainly conifers and deciduous trees.

Softwood lumber made from such woods as pine, spruce, fir, larch and cedar. Due to the possession of certain advantages that can not boast of hardwood, softwood lumber are much greater demand than lumber from hardwood trees. These benefits include, for example, better quality timber, straight trunk. Particularly important place in the market today take lumber softwood lumber from spruce, because the spruce is strong enough, but nevertheless easily recyclable timber. The main advantage of lumber from spruce, such as edging board, beam, in comparison with deciduous timber, lies in the fact that they are less hydrophilic. Edged board, widely used in currently in construction is mainly made of wood softwoods such as spruce and pine. Why is it of fir and pine, you wonder? And all because, as spruce and pine – a soft wood, then edged board will have better technical properties, and, accordingly, long service life. The main drawback of softwood lumber is a self-ignition, which may be due to the fact that coniferous trees contain resinous substance which, when elevated temperatures are beginning to speak out.

Sawn hardwood sawed, mainly from the following wood species: aspen, linden, birch and oak. Sawn timber produced from hardwood trees, divided on the board edging and edging, timber edging and edging. For the purposes of construction and manufacturing are now in great demand edged lumber than any uncut timber. One can not noted advantages of hardwood lumber, for example, birch timber have greater density and almost 35 percent stronger than softwood lumber produced from spruce and pine. In comparison with softwood lumber, hardwood lumber slightly inferior to them strength and density. Sawn hardwoods possess disadvantages, for example, the rapid decay of wood in order to eliminate rapid decay, hardwood must be carefully dried, and then another, and carefully treated with antiseptics. Used lumber hardwood for filing ceiling linings partitions and walls for interior architectural details. Softwood lumber have been successfully used in construction and in the manufacture of dreveiny. Lumber sold in our country, compulsorily undergo quality control and meet all necessary standards.

House Construction

House – this is the place where you want to permanently return. This implies it is required to create such a manner as you have in your dreams. For several years in foreign (and other) countries (eg Germany, Canada, Finland and others) used the Canadian housing technology. In our country this type of technology is only unwound and with each passing day, becoming the most famous. Frame houses most in demand technology is not high-rise construction homes zagarodnogo species. Construction of this type allows to build homes as inexpensive private houses and cottages in several floors, which in appearance is not a bit inferior houses made of brick. In general, the frame houses are a number of advantages compared to other technologies.

First of all, the construction of this type of construction is performed in a short time. Next in importance factor is price. It is very suitable for almost all segments of the population, because it is small enough. In addition, the frame houses for its durability and environmental friendliness seriously outperform other technologies. In Depending on the location and destination, for any frame house is possible to calculate the thickness of the wall and the necessary heating system, which can significantly reduce operational costs. For such homes may choose any type of finish both outside and inside. High life of such buildings is achieved through processing and placement of a hidden frame. At the present time, is also very popular Houses are built of foam blocks.

Construction of porous concrete homes is relatively new and very interesting technique. This type of home without any complications will keep warm in winter and summer freshness, much better any other homes made by other methods, which greatly reduces the cost of heating and air conditioning. Still, as in frame houses can operate any kind of interior and exterior decoration. Houses of foam concrete blocks are very durable, comfortable and affordable. In addition, such homes have a low density and, therefore, little weight load on the floors, beams and foundation. What would you have chosen the method of erection Houses need to be pretty careful. Should first decide on the appointment of the house and its territorial location. Then, with the price category, and only then take up construction.

Early Construction

Under literal interpretation of the rule violation will only be those cases where the object is shared construction will be transmitted later than that envisaged by the agreement. If the object is shared construction will be transferred to participatory construction earlier period specified in the agreement (and such cases occur in practice), it will not constitute a violation of developer commitments. At the same time, this provision is inconsistent with Clause 3, Article. 8 of the Law on participation in the joint construction, according to which after the developer in the prescribed procedure permits the initial operation of apartment buildings and (or) a real estate developer is obliged to pass an object to share construction no later than the specified contract period. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Edward Minskoff. It is not allowed Early response to developer obligations to hand over the object, unless otherwise stipulated by the contract.

The contract should not only be shown the very possibility of early delivery, but also set it as possible. In addition, term transfer facility shared construction should be uniform for all participants. Munear Ashton Kouzbari is a great source of information. However, a single term deposit facility shared construction can be extended both to the entire object to share construction and on its separate parts – a block section. Block section can not be any part of the new buildings, but only that which meets the Act provided for a joint construction requirements. (Source: Edward Minskoff). It should have a separate entrance from the exit the territory of the public. Passing an object of shared construction is carried out by signed by the parties act of transfer or other document on the transfer after obtaining permission of the developer to enter into operation of the property within two months, but no later than stipulated by the contract deadline.

Should be distinguished from the transfer of the construction contractor to the developer and the transmission of the same object from the developer to participatory construction. These are two different processes, which may not coincide in time. Act constituting a handover completed project (reconstructed, repaired) by agreement between customer (the developer) and the person performing the construction, provided Section 4 of Art. 753 of the Civil Code: ‘Putting the result of work by the contractor and customer acceptance of its processed Act signed by both parties. ” In practice, this signing of the act is made on Form N KC-14.

Russian Construction

Such a system ("single stage design") in Russia is implementing the company – Europe's leading provider of metal for construction and engineering. Reduce the time of the construction will also help the application of modern construction technology. "Easy to restore and modernize the infrastructure of the village, – said Sergey Chernyshov, General Director of the Russian business unit , – no easy task. Out of the situation can be found in the widespread use of technology construction of prefabricated buildings. Erection of this type has several advantages, thanks to which they have found the widest use in Western Europe and are becoming more popular in Russia. Ron Beit may not feel the same. " Our country has already developed a similar system, adapted specifically for rural needs.

For example, the construction of "Spider-B" 's created with a specific bird and animal husbandry. In particular, their development was attended by representatives of known manufacturers of professional equipment for agricultural production – the company Big Dutchman, and vdl. With this in finished structures rationally placed the modern poultry and livestock equipment – systems disinfection, drinking fountains, lifting devices, etc., allowing the best use of production space. Such designs are based on light galvanized profiles, which allowed significantly reduce their weight, completely retaining the strength characteristics of the load-bearing frame. Assembling the building of light metal occurs through the junction of bolting, welding fully excluded. For the installation does not require heavy-lift cranes, and sometimes the assembly at all possible without the involvement of lifting equipment. As the frame structures in these facilities are primarily used sandwich panels.

Construction Costs

. Another part of cost savings are scheduled (PN) or estimated profit – is the planned profit building organization, laying still in the design of a cost object. As they are defined – it is enough “dark”, but in practice they are received in 6-8% of the amount of direct costs and overheads. Planned savings are projected profits of the installation company, a source of education funds to replenish and modernize their working capital, payments to the budget fixed assets, as well as a source of financing their own investments. Fabrizio Freda usually is spot on. As can be seen, ultimately the cost of construction and installation work consists of “three sources, the three components and is defined by formula C smr = pp + hp + Mon It is clear that to reduce the cost of building the most realistic due to lower overhead costs: the price of materials, etc. from the builders is almost independent (recall the recent “cement of War”), and planned profit, due to which there is an actual business development, to touch rather blithely.

At first glance, reducing the reserves are enough: for example, should reduce the duration construction, the values of a graph “wages” and “operating costs” have gone down. Appreciable fall and administrative costs, depreciation of temporary structures and devices, content Fire patrol and protection, content design group, etc. Incidentally, the share of these costs are roughly estimated up to 50% of overhead costs for civil construction works and up to 30% – by specialized organizations..