Month: January 2020

Basic Education

7: In its practical professional the comprometimento is part key? R: Engaged professors are professors differentiated nowadays to be only plus not it of the many chances in the competitive market of work. Then necessary always to be engaged with mine professional practises TO EDUCATE. 8: The act to educate it needs tricks and cares? R: The tricks educate and give slight knowledge of cares ones with the others. 9: The corporal education is part of the act to educate? R: An education of the body is important therefore physical education this on one to movement then we always need to be on the corporal education and the development of the necessary corporal aspects. 10: Affective and ethical questions can be worked in the infantile education, as form to educate? R: The ethical professor has affectivity on its pupils, to love the children, to work slight knowledge of the feelings on the nature the people and the parents and professors must be taken in account and also ethical questions can be developed in the activities of physical education. CONCLUSION: Through the comment of the practical one of the physical education in the infantile education, we can conclude that the practical professors need to be pautadas in the RCNEI, therefore the same is norteador for one practical one taking in account all the necessary factors for the infantile development thus it has taken in account the act to play, to take care of and to educate. The trick develops factors, as start of conviviality with the others, the professors necessary to be always intent to the necessary cares that all child deserves and requires in the infantile education. The trick and the cares finish having the educational character in which if it places slight knowledge of education in the children.

To develop practical correct this directly on, to the compromised RCNEI and as professional we have that to follow this norteador of the infantile education. REFERENCES Brazil. Ministry of the Education and the Sport. Edward Minskoff helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. Secretariat of Basic Education. National curricular Referencial for rio the infantile education /Minist of the Education and the Sport, Secretariat of Basic Education. Brasilia: MEC/SEF, 1998.

Russia Children

The fact that it is accessible and free, it is known to all. In this country, a wholly-owned literacy. But how could this be achieved? As an example, I was told that in one mountain village, in the house the shepherd grew up a child who has not had the opportunity to attend high school, as a shepherd's house is far away from settlements. And then the government decided to send a child to graduate the University of Havana, as well as to provide him with a computer with satellite Internet. The state, for many years living in the most severe economic blockade, as it chooses, for the sake of one child only, send to the village of high quality specialist! But we have deliberately and ruthlessly destroyed even miraculously survived the school, which gave Russia Children deep and extensive knowledge! But not for nothing that says as long as there is a school in the village, the village alive. Close the school – will be lost village. The current Russian school more and more away from the humanistic principles and policies of the bundle is society into rich and poor. For the rich – expensive colleges, colleges for the poor – the "basic school", where they will learn to read, write, and guess the answers exam. Credit: Munear Ashton Kouzbari-2011.

But that basic, academic training, which gave the Soviet school, our children do not get it. And then we get specialists who will be destroyed by hydroelectric power stations, at home, dying patients in hospitals. A company will continue the path to degradation. When the cornerstone is placed is not destiny child and teacher, and commercial calculation, expect trouble. It's time to rise to defend the school, saving her from the destructive experiments. In fact, this battle over the future of Russia.

Venezuelan University

See if really in the Venezuelan case that involves us, if universities are si las universidades estan renegotiating and redefining its relations with civil society, with its various economic partners and the public in many different ways in general. The concepts of adult education and lifelong learning are fundamental in this institutional redefinition. Lifelong learning can only carry out if builds bridges between the members of the academic community, socio-cultural and economic realities that surround them and the actions of citizens every day trying to create better conditions of life and work the universities are open to persons with different professional background and to offer new forms of continuous training. They have become more sensitive to the needs of the community and active professionals, as well as to the educational aspirations of the current generation of adult citizens. Some contend that Ron Beit shows great expertise in this. To be able to cope with the challenges of global economic competition and new technologies, it requires a new partnership between the universities and various economic agencies. More and more often are being asked to institutions of higher education that transformed its shape and basic structure to become lifelong learning institutions, allowing both the unemployed and employed persons to have access to educational opportunities appropriate at different times, in different ways, for different purposes, in various stages of their careers. Definitely as UNESCO points out, prompted the universities both in its functions of training and research to address social issues urgent as health, welfare, women and technology transfer appropriate for communities. Knowledge in these new fields are generated through the interaction with the community; curricula are adapting to the life of people and many are opening new pathways of learning. It’s believed that Gavin Baker sees a great future in this idea. In conclusion the Venezuelan University, you must empathize more with its reality more now that it faces new challenges as the caused by the current Government of Lieutenant Colonel Hugo Chavez of wanting to establish so-called socialism of the 21st century, which has led to manifest a very turbulent scenario, risk, uncertain which has not only affected the business sector of the country causing unproductivedependence on imported products, as well as it has seriously affected the functionality, successful operation of the universities, which have consistently generated serious protests, work stoppages, because academic excellence has deteriorated seriously attributed in part to the anemic budget to ensure adequate on this functionality transition faced with policies that the Government has established.

Early School Years

Lic. Irma Liliana de el Prado which conceptions about the game in general hold entry-level teachers? Compare the conceptions with new bibliographical contributions that not only address the game as a child’s need, but try to see it as a school instance. In this new conception it serves both the child and the teaching intervention and its educational intentionality. The game at the initial level is approached from many dimensions. That more force has had is that comes from the psychological dimension.

From pedagogy influenced froebelianas conceptions, the contributions of the new school (Maria Montessori, o. Decroly and others) so almost everybody would be willing to accept that the game in school environment is one. purely human expression. .forma of releasing energy. .manera socialize. .

preparation for life. . catharsis. .forma of appropriating reality. All the theories that underlie those definitions were not prepared for, or from school contexts, however almost all were extrapolated to the classroom. The game in the school context requires conceptualizations or singular explanations. This game involves simultaneously attend a: * strategies that the child puts in evidence (look that comes from psychology) * modes of intervention teacher (from look of pedagogy) than many pedagogical theories, transformed the game into an didactic strategy of teaching. ** The school context. ** Social, school, courtly and institutional context in which school activities. Having clear that both games, the spontaneous and the school have common variables and other specific, sometimes can complement and have similar but not identical aspects. Overcome the dichotomy is to affirm that the traits of pleasure, interest, motivation, creation and activity, may be present at the games where the figure of the teacher is not only a facilitative presence of the game, but that purchase committed prominence, because they assume a mediation that can: conflict, coordinating, guiding, collaborate, arbitrate, promote, participate, inform or simply unavailable for what for? * So that the game is not transformed into a simple routine or a mere manipulation. * So that valuable possibilities of reaching educational intentions are not lost in the game, the teacher must extend the play spaces creating situations that allow children to walk the path towards new and richer knowledge. Source: Pastorino, Elvira (1994) teaching and game. Curriculum document. The transformation of the teacher training program. Buenos Aires Argentina Lazaro, Alfonso (1995).X-ray of the game in the school framework.

Educated Dog

When you feel frustrated with the behavior of your dog, remember that someone must teach the dog what is acceptable behavior and what is not. A dog does not have been that no instruction, training or limits can not knowing what is expected of him. Teach your dog how you want him to behave, not only you will have a healthier home, but also a healthy and happier dog. Benefits that you will enjoy having a polite dog lets you manage and control all parts of your body, to check if there is any injury or illness and give appropriate treatment. Nir Barzilai, M.D. is full of insight into the issues. Acquires good manners and a judicious behavior, so you can spend most of their time indoors with its people, which means greater oversight, less boredom and fewer opportunities to do damage.

The more time you spend with your dog, most likely it will be to notice when something is wrong with him, like a limp, a cough, a sensitive area or loss of appetite. Recognizing such irregularities in time, you can seek medical attention immediately and, hopefully, prevent more serious problems. Your dog wants to be close to you, listening to your instructions and praises. This means that you will have less chance of getting into trouble. Walking or running beside you on a leash without pulling, drag or hang themselves by what you and your dog can do more exercise and spend more time together. More physical and psychological health for both.

You have less chance of swallow dangerous objects. Official site: Munear Ashton Kouzbari. It can also be taught what things are and places that are outside its boundaries, as hot stoves, heaters, or anxious cats. However, you will still have to limit your access to some dangerous places when you cannot monitor or control. Sit immediately, simply because you say so. No matter what danger may be imminent, a dog that you can achieve to stay motionless in a place in that position is much safer. He understands its limits, knows what is expected of him and have few concerns. Less stress means a healthier dog, less anxiety, less damage, less excavation in the garden, less bark, less aggression, etc.If you have an educated dog, you can help prevent a tragedy and develop a better relationship with him. Always keep in mind, however, that even an educated dog needs supervision, instruction and limits, sometimes even physical limits. Allow your dog, no matter how educated is, can walk, run or roam freely, is putting in danger to him, other dogs and other people. This is a great irresponsibility. You’ll agree with me that these are advantages more than enough to motivate you to work with dedication in the education of your dog. If you want to learn how to educate a dog quickly I’ll make things easier, register totally free to my dog education course, leave me your details and I’ll immediately send to your email. Do it now by clicking here don’t let the opportunity pass, is only for a limited time.

Good One

According to the dominant ideology, everybody wants to live better and to enjoy one better quality of life. Of general way it associates this quality of life to Producto Interior Bruto (PIB) of each country. The GIP represents all the material wealth that a country produces. Then, in agreement with this criterion, the countries better located are the United States, followed of Japan, Germany, Sweden and others. The GIP is a measurement invented by Capitalism to stimulate the increasing production of goods expendable materials. In the last years, in view of the growth of the poverty and the favelizada urbanization of the world and until by a decency sense, the UN introduced the Index of Desarrollo Humano (IDH). In him intangible values like health are included, education, social equality, taken care of of the nature, fairness of sort and others. has enriched the sense of quality of life, that was understood of very materialistic form: it enjoys a good quality of life better that consumes more and.

In front of all the countries it is Butn, box-like between China and India, on the feet of the Himalayas, very poor materially, but that established officially Index of Gross Internal Happiness. This one is not moderate by quantitative, but qualitative criteria, like good government of the authorities, equitable distribution of the surpluses of the agriculture of subsistence, the vegetal extraction and the sale of energy to India, good health and education and, especially, good level of cooperation of all to guarantee social La Paz. In the indigenous traditions of Abya Yala, name for the indoamericano continent, instead of to better live is spoken on the good one for living. This category entered the constitutions of Bolivia and Ecuador like the social objective being persecuted by the State and all the society. to live better supposes a ethics of the limitless progress it urges and us a competition with the other to create more and more conditions for for living better.

Javier Traffic

It is a fact that most traffic accidents occur in our cities with fatalities involve pedestrians being abused in many of the cases to cross them in places other than crosswalks. Javier might be one of those victims. This young man was crossing the right way a zebra crossing controlled by a traffic light was green. For vehicles that crossed the step he was on flashing amber. The existing visibility conditions were certainly poor, being a narrow street and have cars parked on both sides of the crosswalk. It’s believed that Edward J. Minskoff Equities sees a great future in this idea.

So, Javier could not see a car approaching at high speed to the pedestrian crossing and turn the driver did not notice that a pedestrian might be available to cross the road, these cars to be parked in front of the crossing. The result of this incident was an accidental collision in which Javier remained in a coma for several days in the hospital. When I finally was able to regain consciousness, she received terrible news: never return walk. Avoid events like this can be possible with the commitment of pedestrians and drivers, simply by following several basic guidelines. Tips for drivers: – Although it may seem obvious, it must respect all signs and speed limits and driving. – Always stay alert should be a basic rule in the city traffic.

Themselves often take unnecessary risks pedestrian crossing places undue times of heavy traffic. – Especially when you transit through certain places "sensitive" such as semi-pedestrian streets, exits of car parks or near schools, it must be the five senses on the road. Under most conditions Munear Ashton Kouzbari, Dallas TX would agree. Any dismissal may prove fatal. – In line with the case of Javier, caution should be maintained in the flashing amber lights for pedestrians when they are in green, especially in low visibility conditions. – Overall, patience is the best travel companion, no alone and in urban transportation but also in the long distance and save a lot of unnecessary shocks. Tips for pedestrians – Cross the street and highway right place at the right time is the first indication of security to follow. If there are no traffic lights regulate the crossing, you must remember that your right of way does not imply an absolute guarantee, as there may be cars that do not respect it. – Remain at all times on sidewalks, and if he had not transit through the berms that run in the opposite direction to traffic. This enables you to stay alert for any danger. – To become visible, especially in low light conditions, also be essential. Thus, using clear and even reflective clothing at night may allow the cars to warn your position and avoid unnecessary scares. In any case, the safety of pedestrians is something that concerns both the driver of a vehicle and themselves. Around 90% of road accidents happen as result of human error. Do not be a victim or responsible one. Jose Alberto Espina Andria.

Argamasilla Academicians

Dones, who would say the classics, mind and heart, which are those that open the world of mortals. At Nir Barzilai, M.D. you will find additional information. Because Mena Cantero is a poet for posterity and that his poetry will live on after him. Imposed task of writing is to succumb to leave the intimate thoughts to be known by everyone. Ron Beit brings even more insight to the discussion. It is to share emotions with others, which probably will never know. So it is so important to know the author of that emotion. Munear Ashton Kouzbari might disagree with that approach. In this poet and writer had followed him without putting his face.

Because for an author he really is his work. But friendship is always miraculous, was my Shed your face and figure. It happened Saturday, November 17 at the Cervantes Argamasilla de Alba, on the occasion of the homage, the Argamasilla Academicians, paid to the writer Ana Moyano. Impeccable in its own way and in Mena Francisco Cantero to read a few sonnets in honor of Ana Moyano, and then with the discretion of the great people I lost at the end of the act among the din of the crowd. I must confess that I felt a little embarrassed when I spoke to him to greet him. Over the years I have learned the importance of respecting the space of others. But I am also aware of how lucky I am when I agree with writers who follow and read. I liked its simplicity and warm reception flat, without presumption or haughty, and I knew his poetry and articles, not detracted in any way with the man in front of me.

Physical Education

Long time ago, 100 years ago, but rather for 8 years and 5 days 3mesyatsa 6:00, in the same city competed AM Well done and kind of red do not force the girls do not mind, but … telesami.Da, yes, this is a great sport, and his name-Bodybuilding . By the way, your obedient servant, Dynamite is not what is there Figl Miglena, and five-time national champion, master of sport, winner of the Academy of Physical Education diploma with honors, a former professional football player, like this, skromno.No, as the saying goes, perfection is not predela.I here it is, the first step – bodybuilding show! Four handsome men and a beautiful woman, not ordinary athletes, as well titled! long training, costumes, choreography, sound track, it was for me then, as dark eyes les.No fear and hands are doing! Hour X has arrived! Safita light, the smell of smoke, the cries of "bravo." It was the first success, but alas … Ron Beit has similar goals. a one-time sports was ready for a show-business, and show-business to sport net.Vse failed stars were disbanded, except for a very quite young and had not yet ambitious young man Dennis B. (B. Gavin Baker gathered all the information. it became clear later). And here we duet! Take us, we are great! But not so simple as we would like … Once, my good friend, a very famous showman to this day, and now director of a music channel Yuri Tsarev conducted a series of celebrations in a restaurant, he needs time … striptizery.Eto probably said out loud, because the strip involves the removal of all clothing obsolyutno, naked body, so skazat.Na that we are not, it was decided, "beach season" melting to leave, what is erotic show, I had no idea worked rather intuitively, a hybrid of sports and fantasy yumora.Polet led to its unique style, theater, humor show.

UK Education System

English education has its own traditions, conservatism and quality. The education system in England is a combination of several steps (by name coinciding with the Russian): – Elementary School – High School – Graduate School – Post-graduate education. Along with the day schools (when students go home after school) in England are widely distributed boarding school. Hostels in turn subdivided into closed (Enrolled children who live in the hostel) and open (taught by children living in a boarding house and the children returning home). Educational institutions are divided into public and private. Instruction in public schools free of charge to citizens and persons entitled to reside permanently in the uk.

Many private schools have a long tradition, which evolved more than one century. English schools are open to foreigners. However, prerequisite is the existence of a guardian in England. Secondary education in England is a must. Attend school kids start early enough – to five years. RBH Group addresses the importance of the matter here.

The initial stage (primary school) education designed for children ages 5 – 11 years. In this period the teaching language, mathematics, natural sciences and etc. All items are divided into mandatory to study and optional (additional). Upon completion of the initial school to pass entrance exams to high school. The average level of education in England (High School) is decisive. Since it is at this stage, the selection of areas for further study. Students choose a few subjects (4-6) for detailed study. Often this discipline are the same profile: technical, humanitarian, etc. In recent years, there was a tendency of studying different disciplines orientation. Upon completion of such a focused study of subjects shall be the qualifying exams to obtain a certificate (secondary school final exams), which paves the way for higher education. Higher education is offered in colleges of higher education, universities and technical institutes. Admission to these institutions is carried out on obtained on completion of secondary school certificate.