Month: November 2024

Happy Birthday

Things that cannot be already in their possession the famous? Not as this, some of them continue to receive some excentridades, such is the case of Lady Gaga, who a few days ago was caught with unaszapatillas of Ruby. On the occasion of its 25 springs Gaga was surprised with a gift before leaving to sing in the Staples Center de Los angeles, the interpreter assumed his fans red slippers of Ruby with an approximate value of $40 thousand dollars, which were originally made for Judy Garland, who played the role of Dorothy in the wizard of Oz, according to the Yahoo site. Credit: Albert Einstein College of Medicine -2011. The famous told his fans that when he was in eighth grade wanted to interpret the starring role of the the wizard of Oz, since work which failed to obtain: those who don’t feel like Dorothy today and feel like part of the choir or the scarecrow, know that they will have opportunities in life to change things and maybe one day someone will give them ruby slippers, he told his small monsters, Gaga as he sometimes referred to his fans. Although the singer did not want to reveal who you had been the person with such exquisite gesture, he thanked his audience and emotion erupted into tears to hear how more than 18 thousand fans chanted the Happy Birthday. Original author and source of the article

Wat Is A Wind Turbine!

HDT seminar “Dynamics, stress and design of wind turbines and their components” wind energy plants are exposed to considerable dynamic loads and characterized by a strong interaction of the mechanical and electrical components. This complexity is extended by other technical and economic challenges of an internationally expanding industry. “Desperately” search staff (mostly engineers), which bring the necessary knowledge to solve very complex problems. The seminar “Dynamics, stress and design of wind turbines and their components” on 15-16 March 2010 in food basics of function and the design of wind turbines and their components and this linked to current developments of international, industrial practice. It aims to expand the knowledge of the participants in specific areas through networking with other aspects and to convey as an in-depth overview. Under the direction of Prof. Martin Kuhn Foundation Chair wind energy at the University Stuttgart following topics: * Aero mechanical energy conversion, engineering and control * the mechanical and electrical system design * wind and its modeling for strength – and extreme loads * dynamics and simulation of the impact of the overall system and main components * policies, load cases, and evidence of Tower, hub, rotor blades and mechanical components * international market development as well as development processes with manufacturers and suppliers * the detailed event programme operation of wind turbines and economy * offshore – wind energy get interested in the House of technology e.V.