1,0 Brazilian system of Education and Superdotados (Carrying of High Abilities) the Brazilian system of education passed if to interest in the development of the education for superendowed in 1970 middle, where some research had after become necessary transformations in the educational system to take care of this group. In this same time seminary was carried through 1 on superendowed detaching some basic necessities: ) A precocious diagnosis of the superendowed one. b) Organization of a system of education for the superendowed one. c) Preparation of specialized staff pra to adequately take care of the necessities of this group. d) The donation of an superendowed operative concept of. Helena Antipoff was ones of the specialists who if detached in seminary for its carried through works related to intelligence in France and Switzerland, and Brazil called attention for the necessities a precocious identification of the superendowed one and educational services for the pupils who if detached for abilities and talentos special. Some works carried through for the specialist deserve prominence, therefore it stimulated improvements in the education, as well as programs of attendance to the pupil with abilities special in such a way of the agricultural zone how much of the urban periphery.
In 1973, was created the National Center of Special Education? CENESP that supported meeting of specialists as well as seminaries aiming at to complement the initiatives of the Brazilian system of education. Later the Brazilian Association for Superdotados (1978), this sponsored other seminaries since then and seminaries, lectures, courses and workshops related to the creativity and talentos of the superendowed ones. The Secretariat of Special Education of the Ministry of the Education published documents to the federal level for the attendance of superendowed, introducing another terminology for this group: ' ' high habilidades' '. Politics and lines of direction had been elaborated in all the states having as objective to program programs special, different models of attendance, promoting conditions favorable to these talentos. .