Fish Dishes

It's no secret that fish is not only tasty but also very healthy. Many writers such as Edward Minskoff offer more in-depth analysis. Variety of dishes from our daily diet of fish, we supply your body with therapeutic substances, and myself – a great excellent health and well-being. Fish dishes are less caloric than the meat, so they can not give rise to extra pounds. Boris Kuzinez has much to offer in this field. Fish contains a huge amount of vitamins, including which vitamin A is required for normal vision. Vitamins B-group, also contained in this product are necessary to maintain in good condition of the nervous system.

In addition, fish is a very complex useful trace elements and other important substances. Chronic use of fish as food support in good condition, the human immune system. When we choose to fish, you need to decide exactly what kind of dish you want from her cook. Not from a large river fish make great soups, hot and cold snacks, but for the preparation of dishes does not work. For salads, appetizers and other delicacies need a very soft and tender fish. The ideal option would be to use salmon or sturgeon, but you can replace them, such as anchovy or hekom.

Suitable for cooking both marine and freshwater fish, but choose the best one in which almost no small bone and is easy to clean – perch, hake, whiting, tench. The same applies to the preparation of meat: the smaller bones in fish is, the easier it will be to prepare and chop her filet. As for the cooking broth from the fish, then there There are no restrictions in the selection. Soups can be prepared as a single species of fish, and several, and in the second case, the stock will be much more richer and tastier. Lovers of fish dishes you need to know certain rules etiquette related to its serving and eating. Fish dishes are served on oval or oblong dishes. An ordinary knife for fish is not suitable. Need to lay the table with special fork and knife, which is very convenient to remove the bone. In appearance it is more like a paddle. If you do not have a knife, you can use two forks. Ordinary cutlery allowed to submit only the hard marinated fish. As decorating with fish dishes are best suited parsley or dill, lemon slices, olives or olives, lettuce, pomegranate seeds and pickled onions rings previously. To obtain a better fish dishes use the same ingredients as for cooking. You can add a treat with different sauces, like hot and cold. It is best to combine wine with fish, sour cream and mayonnaise sauce. If you are interested fish dishes, then on the 'Fish – fish recipes baked' you will find a huge number of recipes. It describes the recipes of soups made from fish, fish burgers, salads, fish, stuffed fish, and many other fish dishes. Described there recipes and cooking fish dishes have been tested and carefully chosen. We wish you luck in cooking fish!