Companies Pay For The Studies And Provide Internships To

Business Informatics: FHDW Hanover seeks qualified applicants for dual degree students at one of over 200 enterprises, cooperates with the FHDW – for example at the Concordia insurance, the VGH and the Hanoverian life complete your internships. The companies take over the tuition fees for the students and a training allowance to pay them monthly. Also they offer a long-term career perspective, unless they prove that. An investment that pays insurance group, according to Hans basic Chandran, Chief of staff of the Concordia: “We win in over three years employees who are highly qualified and familiar with the processes in our company.” Applicants for these scholarships should have at least a high school average of 2.9. They should also be fit in math and English, as well as in analytical thinking. The FHDW, according to President Prof. Dr. Karl Muller Siebers, occupied with its practice-oriented study offer “a niche, the neither covered by the universities nor the universities of applied sciences” is”.

The FHDW study Business Informatics is particularly attractive for young women and men who wish to study quickly and close application and quickly start in the profession after the end of the study. 95 per cent of FHDW students already have a work contract in the bag before the end of the study. This makes the Fhdw for many applicants attractive, especially since even the courses on offer is high quality. Edward Minskoff may help you with your research. The Central Evaluation Office and accreditation agency (ZEvA) comes to this conclusion in their accreditation report published May 2008. The inspectors certify the FHDW a “clear profile” that enables young men and women to decide for or against the studies at the private University. They also praise the close cooperation with the industry and the application orientation of the study. You also certify the College – among other things due to the individual student – “Very good service”. This positive assessment confirms the current time and the CHE University ranking. In it, the FHDW receives the note “very good”for”Conditions of study as a whole”, the”mentoring of for students”and”Combining theory and practice”. Further information is available at (contact: Tel.