Study: Manufacturing Companies Have High Power Reserves On

Integration of production and business processes the main problem; MES systems to optimize necessary Serrig, 28.05.2008 – production processes in the German production company have according to a survey of the Software House of the FELTEN GmbH high power reserves. The self assessments of company-based study shows that at present in three out of five plants less than 85 per cent of the performance potential is exploited. In almost every third company, the efficiency rate is including even significantly and only 14 percent to review their production processes as only slightly optimized. As the cause of the nearly 400 respondents companies specify in particular an insufficient integration of production and business processes. Over two-thirds of the farms have established this as a central problem. In addition, there many to a desirable speed in the production processes at similar and resource management has weaknesses.

The flexibility of the production control is not in three out of five companies Practice requirements. As well, the companies complain about a high rate of production errors (59 percent) and poor integration into the downstream processes (58 percent). Another weakness is the FELTEN-survey in every second case in inadequate cost transparency in the production processes. However, the punctuality performs comparatively well. It represents a significant problem currently only at 43 percent of the manufacturing companies. As a consequence of this situation, the optimization of production processes for 62 percent of the companies is top on the agenda. A third attaches a very high priority in the current business plans you, another 29 percent assign a high strategic importance the optimisation measures. Only every tenth production facility is currently no requirements to address this topic with great interest.

The companies pass their tuning intentions but hardly because, to take account of MES systems in their projects”, judge Werner Felten, Managing Director of the Software House. Because the core problem of inadequate activatable performance potential is the lack of integration of business and manufacturing processes. This ultimately causes that the production control not on timely data can be accessed. As a result all occurring changes lead to errors, downtime, production errors, quality defects and higher consumption of material.” But also the data transfer due to a missing integration necessarily manually marked detrimental value, Felten explains. About FELTEN GmbH: The FELTEN GmbH is an international operating software and consulting company, the solutions to optimise processes for all production areas and according to international quality standards of GMP and FDA (21CFR part 11) developed. Beiersdorf, Boehringer Ingelheim, Symrise, Sensient, Texas’s customers include instruments, etc. meetBIZ & think tank GmbH Wilfried Heinrich Pastorat str.