Wooden House Construction

The new fashion for "tree" in the year of crisis, when residential construction sank, people increasingly turn to more practical and simple solution – the construction of houses made of wood. And really, why buy a closet in the concrete metropolis, where you can become owner of your own spacious and comfortable log houses? Of what constitutes a low cost? Let's start with the basics – wooden house does not require special preparation of the soil. Foundation Log houses (as opposed to the same brick and cast) quite shallow, so not expensive. Wood has low thermal conductivity and high strength even at low thickness of the walls, wooden house to get lasting and warm. If the wall of the same brick building on the standards must not exceed 500 mm, enough for a wooden house 150-300 mm – another article saving in your construction budget. The tree itself is a wonderful finishing material therefore, the most unpretentious homeowners generally do not apply any finish wall inside the house, leaving the aesthetic wooden frame as a decoration.

With all these advantages, a wooden house built in the shortest Dates: Mighty house is built within a year, plus a year is spent on primary shrinkage. Thanks to modern impregnation, the wood for a long time preserves the color, excellent resistance to rot, mold and parasites, do not ignite from random sparks and becomes so strong that can withstand many years of strain. If the village houses of our grandparents during the years of service only darkened, and the wooden houses that are built today, decades will look like new.