House Construction

House – this is the place where you want to permanently return. This implies it is required to create such a manner as you have in your dreams. For several years in foreign (and other) countries (eg Germany, Canada, Finland and others) used the Canadian housing technology. In our country this type of technology is only unwound and with each passing day, becoming the most famous. Frame houses most in demand technology is not high-rise construction homes zagarodnogo species. Construction of this type allows to build homes as inexpensive private houses and cottages in several floors, which in appearance is not a bit inferior houses made of brick. In general, the frame houses are a number of advantages compared to other technologies.

First of all, the construction of this type of construction is performed in a short time. Next in importance factor is price. It is very suitable for almost all segments of the population, because it is small enough. In addition, the frame houses for its durability and environmental friendliness seriously outperform other technologies. In Depending on the location and destination, for any frame house is possible to calculate the thickness of the wall and the necessary heating system, which can significantly reduce operational costs. For such homes may choose any type of finish both outside and inside. High life of such buildings is achieved through processing and placement of a hidden frame. At the present time, is also very popular Houses are built of foam blocks.

Construction of porous concrete homes is relatively new and very interesting technique. This type of home without any complications will keep warm in winter and summer freshness, much better any other homes made by other methods, which greatly reduces the cost of heating and air conditioning. Still, as in frame houses can operate any kind of interior and exterior decoration. Houses of foam concrete blocks are very durable, comfortable and affordable. In addition, such homes have a low density and, therefore, little weight load on the floors, beams and foundation. What would you have chosen the method of erection Houses need to be pretty careful. Should first decide on the appointment of the house and its territorial location. Then, with the price category, and only then take up construction.