Windows Installation

Quality installation – this is important. pvc windows are made under strict process control, and installation is not technically controlled and are often given into the hands of cheap labor, ie, nonprofessionals. Reliable sentence should be: 'window under the key', 'manufacturing, installation, warranty and service. " Modern window of pvc is quite complicated and technical design, so everything related to windows and their installation should be have certificates of compliance. During the operation of the window exposed to considerable stress, both physical and mechanical. Here, Jorge Perez expresses very clear opinions on the subject. For example, the temperature difference between outside and indoors during the cold seasons. In this case, connection with the sealing glass and dense adjoining wing to the frame of the window, indoor air humidity increases. When improperly installing it causes condensation and cracks on the slopes of the window opening, then the emergence of drafts, mold and mildew at the junction between the frame and the wall.

According to experts of a successful and long life of the windows by 80-90% dependent on skilled installation and quality materials that fill Butt – the gap between the window frame and wall. Even if you have booked the most expensive and modern windows, and installation of pvc windows the dubious 'professional', all the advantages of plastic glazing can be reduced to zero. Installation of gost addition to installing the windows are strictly vertical and horizontal, solid mechanical connection between frame window to the wall, fill joint material, which can prevent the above-mentioned negative phenomenon. For a tight seal interface appropriate to apply a set of materials. Without going into specific terminology, the principle of joint seals is formulated as follows: inside the premises should be dense steam insulating material inside the joint – porous insulation materials, exterior – a material resistant to weather, water resistant, but is able to provide ventilation insulation layer, ie, insulation to breathe.

Using a long-term European experience with windowing systems, confirmed by research in the Russian climate, a German corporation developed the system technology sealing joints of windows and facades of buildings, which are used successfully in the global construction practice. The system consists of sealing strips and a polyurethane foam. Mount Technology is the following. Outside, in the presence of 'quarters', set the pre-compressed self-expanding band of flexible polyurethane (PSUL), and under reflux and in the absence of a window opening 'quarters' tape 'Germeteks lm diffusion'. These belts are securely protect butt from all external climatic factors. Then, in sequence, the frame stick vapor barrier tape. She does not let excess moisture contained in the air space. If you decide to plaster the slope, you need tape 'Germeteks lm oak or lmw Anticondensat'; if you set the slope of plastic or covered butt decorative moldings, it is advisable to apply the tape 'Germeteks lw Alum' (it's cheaper), under the sill recommend apply tape 'Germeteks lm l'. Only after that the gap between the frame and the window can be filled with polyurethane foam. By the way, not all foam is suitable for the job. High-quality foam makes big bubbles, it must be finely porous and dense, as required to serve for many years. Quality installation saves heat in your home and will not cause problems and considerable costs in the future.