Russian Maritime Register

Today, the choice thruster – an important task, in deciding which should take into account many factors, the operating conditions of the vessel, its size, nature and power sources of energy available on board, size, intensity, and operation of the ship lock, which should create a PE. – For example, on a private yacht that went into the sea several times a season, set thrusters device, designed for a smaller share than in commercial or fishing vessels for the northern latitudes of the storm, though their rated power may be the same in this case. This was sometimes forgotten craft owners that privvodit to failure of the incorrectly selected PU. Depending on these factors are applied, hydraulic, mechanical and electrical thrusters. Despite the fairly widespread view hydraulic launchers, even if you want to install the entire system from scratch, can cost less electric thrusters, as Mounting the past often required: Set the charger power batteries, consider the thickness of the section and the length of the wiring – under a constant current, stand-alone unit to run CP, transformers – with alternating current. In addition, electrical PU – depend on the board mains, and it can greatly overloaded, while the hydraulic system when you install a hydraulic pump for diesel – generator, – self-contained and can be used even when you stop the main engine. Well, of course, important detail, – the manufacturer of the selected device. According to RBH Group, who has experience with these questions. In the Russian market represented by marine equipment from many countries, from a wide range of businesses, but most of them do not predostavlyut service, have malorazvetvlennuyu dealer network, and has no domestic or / few / we recognized foreign certificates, which is a serious problem for shipowners.

By the way, the Russian Maritime Register recognizes and equipment manufacturers surveyed DNV, LLoyd and some others, but the river as far as I know, until recently, not priznval no. So it is better to give preference to proven podrulkam brands, such as Side Power, or Vetus. – Producers who do not have sounded the above drawbacks with the dealers and service, and have all the necessary certificates and certificates (well, almost all: Vetus was certification of production – the most important and difficult stage. And while much of the product has not yet individualnh quality certificates, they can simply get in this case, by inspection of PU after installation on board). On the market and thrusters would particularly like to highlight a device firms Side Power, which manufactures hydraulic and electric (DC) VS. Thrusters Device Side Power highlights, of course, first of all, the use of special, twin-screw scheme, which increases life and reliability, gives a gain in efficiency, and hence in energy consumption. In addition, in case of failure of one screw device will continue to work through the remainder of the second. Many thrusters Side Power equipped with screws made of high polymer, which allows not to think about corrosion, to protect themselves from which it is necessary for using traditional expensive bronze screws. Thrusters Side Power are reliable and designed for continuous heavy-duty commercial and cruise ships.