Simon Rodriguez

His teachings were definitive for forging a personality Sturdy and geared to the success of any initiative that would have, especially in those related to the art of leading men. One day, when Bolivar was in the restless age of 22 years, found him the teacher somewhat depressed by the situation of the beloved homeland. It ordered him to walk with him and took him to Lyon and Chambery then traverse the Alps and entering the Italian boot and passing through Milan, Venice, Ferrara, Bologna and Florence. In Milan he would attend. However, it was Rome, the eternal city, which really attracted him. In the Sacro Monte, near to the land of Romulus and Remus made a sacred oath and acquired the commitment to firm and sacred meet the following years of his life: I swear in front of you; I swear by the God of my fathers; I swear by them; I swear on my honor and I swear by my homeland I will not give rest to my arms, or rest my soul, until it has broken the chains that oppress us by the will of the Spanish power Bolivar fulfilled his promise and grateful lived with his master, to whom years later named Director of public education, physical and mathematical sciences and arts and Director General of mines, agriculture and public roads of the Bolivian Republic in 1824 wrote an emotional letter in which expresses it its gratitude and recognition: you formed my heart for freedom, for Justice, for big, for the beautiful, I have followed the trail that you taught me Simon Rodriguez was a creator of dreams and a forger of freemen. And Bolivar was fortunate to have at your side at decisive moments of his training as a leader and as a human being.