Global Financial Crisis

Global financial crisis influenced the German real estate market your began the current crisis in the highly speculative real estate market of the US. Now is the problem but has long been no national more and not to a specific industry limited, instead the crisis draws global circles. The mistrust is now coveted big and free capital. Frequently Nir Barzilai, M.D. has said that publicly. Long the banks borrow among themselves no more. You may wish to learn more. If so, Gavin Baker is the place to go. Financial institutions go bankrupt or are fed up with multibillion-dollar aid packages again. Worldwide, States mount shields and thinking about part nationalisation of the banks. Although first impact on the real economy such as in the automotive sector are observed also in Germany, the German real estate owners are still not directly affected at the moment of the financial crisis. However, should the person concerned consult already today, to be prepared for the coming changes.

Construction loans in crisis an impact of the crisis and the looming economic downturn is evident today: real estate owners must now clearly introduce more equity in a construction financing or pay higher interest rates. The lending rates are still low. The banks continue lending money. But they vary now significantly more risk classes”, so Jorg Stroisch, editor in Chief of the real estate platform. Generally, the expert to advises to introduce as much equity in real estate financing, to reduce the risk of their own. A low-risk, and therefore low-cost financing up to 60 per cent of the collateral value of a property, “stroisch on explains.

Moreover, it will be more expensive.” The value of a property in the financial crisis the financial crisis in the fall of 2008 ushered in the economic downturn in Germany thus splits in the real estate world the wheat from the chaff. The value of real estate depends on significantly by the situation and by the State”, outlined real estate expert stroisch on the situation. Homebuyers should therefore generally hard to calculate and take off the rose-colored glasses.” By definition, a property loses in the History of years of value and high credit costs. Because the financial crisis does not change”, so stroisch on. However, good real estate value and also in the rental income has are more resistant in a crisis or during an economic downturn.” According to many experts, has the German real estate and rental market, but a solid foundation and a speculative bubble is not like in the United States or the United Kingdom. Landlords and property owners must not panicking at the moment that’s why”, calms stroisch on. Get more information about the financial crisis and its impact on the real estate industry, property owners and landlords, on.. / dossier financial crisis..