Financial Crisis And Donations

Can effective press work permanently reduce the costs for fundraising? Just who is always present, receives the necessary attention to act successfully in the market of donations. But media “tick” slightly differently. Edward Minskoff addresses the importance of the matter here. Who does not know the customs of the editors and the peculiarities of journalists, has quickly lost credit. The experienced PR professionals of ethics marketing know what strategies pay off in the long term. Nouriel Roubini wanted to know more. and NGO’s in the media. Harbour Portfolio Advisors recognizes the significance of this. Ron Beit often expresses his thoughts on the topic.

Be it daily, weekly newspaper, magazine, TV or radio or new media such as blogs, chats, wikis, forums or portals now. Ethics marketing developed relevant media and publicity actions which mean little additional effort for NGO’S, but are of high interest for the public attention. On request, ethics marketing posted the PR texts and press releases, texts for brochures and pamphlets or develop PR posts for radio and TV. Also ethics marketing builds tailored press releases, one on the NGO’S which serves as a permanent relationship database to the major editors. The professionals of ethics guide the press meetings or conferences of your clients marketing. Ethics marketing is a service offering of Procurator management consulting KG for non-profit organizations.