Everyone can learn this subject of choosing the right approach and a certain amount of effort. Brilliantly described the similar idea (and he tried to practice), Jack London's novel "Martin Eden". For some people, a barrier to creativity is the belief that most great artists were either very poor or people with psychological difficulties, and they lived with deep anguish. The fact that time stands still, and trends of today are: a good creative is distributed in the world with great rapidity. Thanks largely to television and the Internet. Moreover, in these days you can always find "your client", no matter what the product was not. The character you choose will depend on the creativity of your valuables.
If you are tempted by the business – the business, painting – the painting, humor – the humor. More info: Fabrizio Freda. Well, 'character' your life will also depend on these values. Very often, many people tend to make your life easier in every way. And think that should do just that easy, simplifying life. The famous question: "Why do I need?" widely known and very survives.
This in itself gives little relief (think of the result in the ideal). But if you aim for simplicity and ease in order to live life more productive and more interesting to realize their destination, it's great. In the future I will show that everyone can be realized in the role of creativity. See training courses Kharkov. None of my work is not complete without studying the behavior of successful people.