Escobar Partido Institution

In the room of commissions of the Honorable Council deliberating of the municipality of Escobar and convened by the Chairman of the Committee of safety public of the Ente Legislative Councillor German Maldonado was held a meeting in which the Chief District of the Party of Escobar, Mr. Marcelo Guerra, the Commissioners and owners of stations and detachments were presentthe Director General of community prevention alongside its two operational directors and other councilmen belonging to the previously named Commission, all of the District of Escobar. The main objective of the meeting was to deepen the channels of communication between the police institution, the Legislative Department of Escobar and through these, with all the neighbours of the Distrito.Durante large meeting lasted more than three hours the police institution representatives informed the present mayors about the latest crime statistics, their characteristics according to each zone and locality, as well as the amount of effective and mobile with them that counts each dependency. The concerns, needs, projects and possible solutions were also of significant importance.Should be noted that on several occasions, representatives of the police institution mentioned thanks to the constant support they receive from part of the management of the Lord Mayor Municipal Don Sandro Guzman.concluida the meeting, the President of the Commission reaffirmed the support of Councillors to police work. In answer to the question of Escobar the magazine and the community about the possibility of future meetings such as this, the councilman told us that (the meetings) are important and would be interesting to not only give them some regularity but also include, where possible, neighbors and institutions.