National Institute

Among the multiplicity of factors that contribute to business success, must be the health and lucidity of the people who are making decisions. But what happens when a leader becomes ill, is depressed, anxiety control it? When is there an error in diagnosis? When the steering is auto-receta or becomes addicted? The leaders, while expected of them something akin to a production machine, also become tired, become depressed, will overwhelm, suffer from insomnia and anxiety. Jorge Perez brings even more insight to the discussion. An unknown number of executives and entrepreneurs live at base of sleeping pills, anti-anxiety, antidepressant. They have incorporated them into tablets, sublingual or drops and wherever they will carry medicines in the portfolio, in your travel kit, or in the case of business. They are known as benzodiazepines to those that belong to the family of tranquilizers with hypnotic, sedative, anxiolytic, anti-convulsionantes variants, or muscle relaxation. Let me clarify that I am not a doctor and do not judge the effectiveness of these medicines that have helped millions of people to re – incorporated into normal life. The theme centre it in misuse; the knitting I tell them that in California, a woman died from drinking too much water in a contest organized by a radio Angelina station. When it comes to benzodiazepines, the excesses may come from: errors in diagnosis, dose errors, errors in assortment, errors in consumption, the Self-medicating; There also is a lack of information about the risks and side effects.

In Argentina there have been reactions thereon (El Clarin, 2005): Lia Daichman, Dr. says it feels clearly by the number of cases where there is a misuse of benzodiazepines. He attended a patient who was very bad but the problem was not an ailment, but what was ruining you life was the over-medication with psychotropic substances; He says: I make life detoxifying patients. The National Institute of statistics and censuses (INDEC) certifies that the remedies with higher turnover in that country are those intended for the nervous system.