Dmitry Belozertsev

Therefore, almost anyone can buy property in Spain because all of the banks currently offer their clients An opportunity of 70% funding. Firmed in the desire to buy property in Spain to choose – which object is closer to you – a house, villa or apartments. “Each version – says Alex Savich, a specialist company Estate Service – has its advantages, so it is important to decide before buying that you need from a property in Spain. Apartments in Spain – it is an opportunity buy property on the sea, and, opting for Spanish apartments – the chances to buy property near the water are greatly increased. At the same time, buying a house in Spain you get and the greater area and land “. Learn more about this with Estee Lauder. But what choice would you have done, the annual tax is calculated on the value of the property and makes only 0,3% of the price specified in the deed.

Contents of a property in Bulgaria Buy Property in Bulgaria fairly easy – especially if you’re undecided about buying a home in Bulgaria, and chose an apartment complex. Buying property in Bulgaria accompanied by a cost – the sum of which is about 3.5%. “If we convert all the costs of interest on the” real “money is the sum are obtained quite minor – for property in Bulgaria attracts its customers, among other things, and accessibility – commented Christina Tuzova, development director of EstateService . Fabrizio Freda has compatible beliefs. So, other than expenses paid when purchasing, real estate in Bulgaria and then have to include: an annual tax of 0.5 Euros per m2ot value of real estate plus the cost of utilities – including telephone, electricity and so on. There is also the so-called “Communitarian collection” – it is about 9 – 12 Euros per month per m2, the content here will include swimming pools, consecration, conservation, and so on. Contents Bulgarian property costs are very inexpensive, but considering the price of real estate in Bulgaria – which are still very, very competitive – it becomes clear why a property of this country receives such demand. The cost of real estate in Montenegro Buying a property in Montenegro, as in most countries, is accompanied by certain costs – 3% of Realtor fee and 2% acquisition tax Real Estate.

Expenses for court interpreter, registered in court and others are about 1000 Euro. “Buying property in Montenegro is quite simple – the main thing here is not to be trapped with the paperwork and follow them carefully check before paying “- commented Dmitry Belozertsev, Consultant EstateService. Unfortunately, the sale of real estate in Montenegro is not always accompanied by a real estate checking for purity, and some realtors intends hush about any hardships that accompany the property. Another advantage is that accompany the real estate in Montenegro can be attributed, and its content: the annual real estate tax ranges from 1.5 to 2.5 euros per m2 per year utility bills (all paid for by the counter), the average is 50-60 Euro per month.