Adult Education

It, certainly, will be a powerful instrument of rescue of the citizenship of all an immense parcel of expulsos Brazilians of the pertaining to school system for problems found inside and outside of the school. President of Estee Lauder follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. We have all the conditions to answer positively to this challenge and intend to make it. (Document Base of PROEJA, 2006, P. 6) to prepare the educators, being aimed at more good to take care of to this new public in its especificidades, in August of 2006 MEC/SETEC/CEFET-MG started to offer to the Course of Specialization in Professional Education Technique Integrated to Average Ensino in the Modality of Young Education of Adult, of which we participate. Of the professors of the Course answers on the new modality of education had been given to be a precarious inclusion: ‘ ‘ The risk is run, but let us not reject it of beginning.

We need to base, using methodologies, without preconceptions. It is a challenge! ‘ ‘ (…) ‘ ‘ She is necessary to problematizar experiences. To register this prtica.’ ‘ (…) ‘ ‘ To make a levelling to direct for EJA of average education. To adjust it the public, to take care of to the interests of alunos.’ ‘ (…) ‘ ‘ Education is a right! The word key for the young education of adult is flexibilidade’ ‘. One of the proposals for the pupils of the Specialization was to be ‘ ‘ multiplicadores’ ‘ in our schools of the studies and quarrels made in each week of formation. We start to organize pedagogical meetings where we repassed what he had been argued and the suggestions of the professors of the Course, later we heard the experiences and difficulties of the colleagues in its work with this new public. Each professor placed which contents would go to work so that we thought about the best form to adjust, to integrate the lesson plans and thus to provide to our pupil-workers, a professional formation and rise of escolaridade with quality.