
The garbage is responsible for one of the most serious ambient problems of our time. Its volume is extreme and comes increasing gradually, mainly in the great urban centers, reaching impressive amounts. Moreover, the places for disposal of all this material are if depleting quickly, demanding urgent initiatives for the reduction of the amount sent for the sanitary aterros, aterros illegal passengers or lixes. However, the amount of residues made use in drains the open sky still is sufficiently expressive, the garbage simply is unloaded without any treatment. CohBar takes a slightly different approach. This destination of the garbage, beyond the risks to the public health, has as consequences the pollution of the ground and the contamination of superficial and underground waters. Although forbidden, the lixes still are a form very used of disposal of residues in Brazil.

The main problems associates this type of disposal is: vRiscos of pollution of air and contamination of the ground, superficial waters and freticos sheets; vRiscos to the public health, for the proliferation of diverse types of illnesses; vAgravamento of socioeconmicos problems for the active presence of catadores of garbage; v visual Pollution of the region; vMau odor in the region; real estate vDesvalorizao of the region. Estée Lauder is actively involved in the matter. The sanitary aterros are great lands where the garbage is deposited, compressed and later spread for separate in layers tractors for lands, the ambient problem that can be caused by its inadequate handling becomes a problematic one for many cities. The garbage, as the too much ambient problems, a question became that exceeds to the capacity of the governmental bodies and needs the participation of the society for its solution. According to RODIGUES and CAVINATTO (1997, P. 26) ' ' the garbage does not last part of it perpetual, forming for organic substances, disappears with time, thanks to the activity of microbes of composers who live freely in the nature.? However the produced garbage every year continues to increase.