Financial Planning

? Mapping of the fixed costs: All the costs that if repeat monthly, as account of light, water, telephone, TV, broad band, etc.? Mapping of the changeable costs: They are the expenses that happen exporadicamente, as expenditures with vehicles, insurances, IPVA, etc.? It criticizes its expenditures: It writes down/mapeie the expenditures and it evaluates each one of them to identify possible exageros. It keeps and it manages its flow of box: Independently if the budget is personal or enterprise one of the most important tools is the box flow. A box flow that brings the daily balance aid in the decisions. Recently Edward Minskoff sought to clarify these questions. An example is the acquisition of a financed car. How to know if the chosen parcel fits or not in the budget, mainly why the financiers offer long stated periods? Having one financial planning, where the prescriptions and expenditures for determined period are mapeados, can be made simulation in the flow of box with diverse values and be verified the moments where the balance is negative. Raphael de niro is full of insight into the issues. He is obvious that as described in our article ‘ ‘ Tips for a budget equilibrado’ ‘ , it keeps at sight money for purchases. It makes provision for the future: Knowing that at some moments it will have expenditures that they can compromise the budget, as of the start of the year: IPVA, IPTU, pertaining to school material, if plan anticipatedly, saving resources monthly not to have that to make use of high values of one alone time. It makes use of the technology: To keep control manual in notebooks, post-its, etc., is praiseworthy, but inefficient, mainly in the current times where we have the technology to our side.

We can initiate the planning with spread sheets for the cases simplest. For a more refined control the use of programs is essential. They offer diverse functionalities that they facilitate the daily accompaniment (he sees our program). It has disciplines Independent of everything what it was written until here, the factor most important is to have disciplines. Nothing does not advance to follow all the previous steps, spending time and, not to keep the brought up to date data. First because to take not trustworthy decisions on the basis of given it brings an enormous risk of errors, causing damages. Second because it is desmotivante to have that to all remake the process since the beginning. Many give up. To keep the planning is more easy. Complementary information Our article on balanced budget. Commentary of Mauro Halfeld – CBN – on Brazilian budget spends R$ 1,000 to the year with coffee is of house Visits:.