Church Life

The human being is considered a social being who seeks to create bonds of friendship in a natural way to live a life full of happiness and satisfactory. Therefore, it is important to have a network of friends, where a few two or three are considered intimate and the rest cover other aspects of social life. When people are moved from where they live to another city or even within the same city but a great distance, there is an initial vacuum which must be returned to fill with new friendships that must be carefully chosen. It is very possible that ties with close friends don’t miss given the large number of ways to keep in touch today in day with telecommunications technology. However, pesonal contact with others should be covered through new friendships which must be developed in time. Munear Ashton Kouzbari has similar goals. Three natural ways to recreate a network of friendship can be: 1. find a community of Church akin to personal beliefs. In general terms, the majority of people have deep religious beliefs that link automatically to others who profess the same faith, so it is natural to find a congregation near to the new place of residence to find there persons who they share spiritual interests and therefore will tend to be friendly and cordial with the newcomer.

In this way, the social fabric of the person can return to create within a safe and healthy environment. 2 Search for a group of people having the same interests that person. In other spheres of life, it is possible to find affinity with others, through activities for fun or relaxation as you can be gardening, bonsai culture, reading or music. Find a club in the city that is related to self interest is another natural way to use the time to create new relationships and friendships. 3.

Look for something new as part of a new adventure. It is possible that the person is willing to develop a new activity that for reasons of previous agenda had not had the time to and taking advantage of the change of residence, given a new daily routine free of commitments, it is possible to achieve. Willing to lower weight or perform exercises of basic fitness in popular teams such as the bikes can be one sufficient reason to enroll in a gym near home and find new friends there. In any case, a new living environment produces changes that will require investing some time and resources to join the social life as soon as possible and the person must find new friendships in a safe and practical way, without of course forgetting those great friends that even if they are far away in the distance, will be always close at heart.