
The city asked for ten million dollars to buy a new strategic plan for their own development On the eve of the draft strategy eyeing Perm Territory Governor Oleg Chirkunov, Mayor Igor Shubin and all 'Functional' vice-mayor of Perm. At a closed meeting of the Municipal Planning Council executive representative of the regional center in the Federation Council Sergey E. Gordeev, presented to officials regular pattern of development of Perm. A former developer, the Guggenheim Museum raising party and ideological architect of several Moscow theater offered an eight strategic regional center project. 'Plan Gordeeva ', in particular, will include the missing at Perm master plan for infrastructure development.

Urgent need for the appearance of the strategy, according to the senator's upper house, is obvious. According to experts, fashion face of the capital region will not save any kinds of cosmetics. 'From Perm funneling brains because there is no interest to live. Rusty holzer can aid you in your search for knowledge. Also in Perm everywhere cork, crime, and not at least some modest development plan ', categorically stated Sergey Gordeev. Strategic urban policy, in his opinion, is not too late to develop. As an experiment for direct loans to officials offered 'success story' of several cities in Specifically, Spanish and Brazilian Bilbao Curitiba. Both of these localities are close to Perm in terms of population, resources, and age. The master plan for the capital of one of the Brazilian states, for example, appeared in 1968. Guide Curitiba chosen as the ideal model of a radial and identified in the historic downtown walking 15 blocks.