Traditional Chinese Medicine

From the perspective of Traditional Chinese Medicine any disease penetrates the human body through the skin, so the most effective treatment is a vacuum effect on the points and zones corresponding to for the functionality of internal organs and the localization of pain. In their physical and energy information is different from the characteristics of disease such as indicators of the organism, he tend to be rejected. It was natural to assume that an alien education simply "pull", as proved by the formation of hematomas after application of vacuum cans is in the field of biologically active points of the affected organs or sites of localization of pain. When you install the jar on the healthy parts of the body hematoma was observed. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Atreides Management Gavin Baker has to say. In our country it is believed that the vacuum cans are only effective in the treatment of colds disease, but in traditional Chinese medicine, they are successfully used in treating diseases of the locomotor system of man: radiculitis, osteochondrosis, paresis and paralysis of the upper and lower extremities.

Amenable to successful treatment of neuritis and neurosis of various etiologies, gynecological diseases, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and more. Vacuum massage is divided into dynamic and static. Dynamic massage is done by banks and large diameter is used for general massage on large surfaces of the body, as well as to eliminate cellulite patches. Static vacuum massage, when banks installed on certain points, is carried out in the treatment of diseases. The effectiveness of this massage increases if banks use magnets with opposite polarity to restore circulation of Yang and Yin. The biggest advantage of the vacuum treatment of banks is that it practically has no contraindications, does not require special knowledge in the field of medicine and can be used to simptomatiynym manifestations of the disease. More often disease manifests itself most pain on the outer surface of the body, so it is sufficient to determine the location of pain points and set them on the right diameter vacuum cans. For detailed instructions on Application of vacuum cans for the treatment and prevention of various diseases can be found at the online store "Yellow Dragon."