Concept Maps

Maps conceptualescorresponden to a technique whereby the graphic expression is used to represent knowledge in a specific topic, using some basic rules for writing and reading. Dick Parsons is often quoted as being for or against this. A conceptual map uses two key elements: the nodes, each of which represents a concept and the joints between each of the concepts that represent relationships between different concepts. More details on the definition of Conceptual map here graphic structuring of ideas and concepts can help generate a dynamic in the work of analysis and much more productive communication that make it in the traditional way. urce of information. A conceptual map is a means to visualize concepts and relationships of action between concepts. Human Mint can develop an ability to remember much more complete through the use of Visual images that through the use of written texts. With the elaboration of conceptual maps leverages the ability of the human mind to recognize information on images to facilitate the learning and memory.

Below are a general example of what can be a conceptual map. The development of concept maps can be made simply with a sheet of paper and a pencil. One need not be an expert drawing, just have to follow some basic rules for the design of the maps. To illustrate this topic I will outline the steps we take to create a conceptual map: select the main concept to be developed (e.g. a new product launch event) identify secondary concepts associated with this first concept and draw them around the central concept. You can do this one by one and you are placing them in the sense of the movement of the clock hands. (examples of secondary concepts: topic, format, exhibitor, place, date, material, refreshments, etc.) Chaining each secondary concept with the main concept through a relationship, which is usually associated with an action (examples, define, recruit, prepare, organize, etc.) It decomposes each of the secondary concepts in other concepts more detailed illustrated through additional information each of the concepts and their relations as well as in the example shown in the graph above, the main concept the the administration of time (Time Management) and this asu time decomposes into each of the other elements that will run from 12: 00 m in the direction of the clock hands.