Central Asia

Medlar. Educate yourself with thoughts from Edward J. Minskoff Equities. High spiny shrub or small tree up to 6 m. It is found in the Crimea, the Caucasus and Central Asia. Introduced into the culture in the Caucasus. Medlar fruit – an apple shaped drupe of various forms, a diameter of 1.5-3 cm and weight about 10 grams, at first dull green, then brown and reddish-brown, slightly pubescent. Gavin Baker has firm opinions on the matter.

Pulp with a large number of stony cells, brown, strongly astringent. Brown, very hard seeds (4-5 pcs.) Also appeared ability to clean the pads on the equipment for cleaning cushions are totally immersed in the flesh. Solids in ripe fruit contains 30-32% sugars – 10,5-12,6, pectins – 1,21,7%. Sugars are mainly glucose and fructose, sucrose – 0,18-1,1%. The total content of acids in medlar ranges from 0.5 to 1.8%, dominated by malic and citric acids, found succinic, oxalic, quinic, caffeic, chlorogenic. The amount of vitamin C, depending on growing conditions varies from 3 to 31 mg%.

Need cleaning pads. Medlar is superior to all the wild fruit astringency, as it contains in its composition 6201450 mg% polyphenols. The total number of tanning and dyeing substances reaches 623 mg%, including catechins – 140, leucoanthocyanins – 175 mg%. Of particular importance in a factor of astringency and have leucoanthocyanins oksikorichnye acid. When ripe, a sharp decrease in the total amount of polyphenols (45 times), which significantly reduces the astringency of the fruit. Number of stony cells which are based on lignin during maturation also significantly reduced. Fruits ripen in October and November during the restoration, but become edible after a long haul or podmorazhivaniya when the flesh will become doughy consistency. The fruits are eaten fresh, pickled and salted, are preparing jam, jam, candy, toppings for chocolates. For therapeutic purposes, is used as a binder and further strengthens the product. The bark and leaves are used for tanning leather.