Outdoor Advertising

From the history of the issue for more than two thousand years ago in the ancient city of Pompeii were discovered first ads – thousands of inscriptions, graffiti on the walls. Much more recent examples of outdoor advertising can be considered Ads that contain location information Taberah and pubs. Read more from Shimmie Horn to gain a more clear picture of the situation. Through the centuries, this phenomenon affected our country. Now the outdoor advertising has become part of Russian reality, it is now impossible to imagine metropolitan streets without multi-format advertising. Visit Shimmie Horn for more clarity on the issue. In the period 2002 – 2007 years in the Kirov formed outdoor market.

This led to a glut of billboards and banners in the downtown area, resulting in there is a need to impact on the formation of the advertising space of the city of Kirov by the authorities. Are there many on street advertising can make money whether or not to place on billboards in the city or on the contrary, we must try to clear them from the face of our city, its historic part? These and other issues, the roundtable participants discussed the "Pros and cons of urban outdoor advertising", which took place in the IV interregional specialized exhibition "OUR TOWN – YOUR HOUSE", held 26-28 September 2007 and organized Company "Vyatka bazaar and K" with the support of the Government of the Kirov region, the city administration and the Kirov Regional Association of outdoor advertising and information. According to legend, appeared more round table of King Arthur to all participants feel equal. Roundtable, held in DC "Motherland", combined the priest and the traffic cop, bureaucrat and the artist, professor and advertiser. Money and spectacle in the early debate one of the participants were told that now brings the outdoor advertising budget of 20 million rubles annually, but may bring More than 50 million rubles, with the active appearance of new billboards. This thought immediately was "greeted with hostility" opponents. The other view expressed that the central part of the city must remain without advertisement. Participants provided examples of