Rabbit Fattening, No Thank You!

action animal and the animal welfare Alliance fighting for the abolition of allows intensive farming of rabbits for fattening the animal welfare Alliance criticized especially the missing retention regulations for breeding and fattening rabbits in Germany”, explained Ursula Bauer of action animal Berlin. Without special legal requirements, for example, the space rabbits for fattening can in small wire cages continue to be crammed together and stacked appalling living conditions completely legally held”, so the next biologist. Therefore, signatures are gathered now to emphasize the demands of animal welfare Alliance for better conditions at the political level. Who wants to collect with the signature list under (heading join) can download download. The cage system practiced in the intensive fattening, which permits no species-typical behavior, is an absolute no-go for us animal rights”, says Ursula Bauer action animal Berlin. This form of attitude leads to Injuries, bruises, curvature and muscle degeneration and behavior disorders such as grating nag, cannibalistic ears and tail abbeissen or an endless to the own axis turn. Add conjunctiva inflammation and lung diseases are caused by ammonia gas, which is produced by the decomposition of nitrogenous rabbit feces, which relentlessly through the mesh of wire cages covered. For assistance, try visiting Gavin Baker. About 10% of the ZiKa-hybrid rabbit bred specially for the intensive fattening die due to the bad conditions before reaching slaughter weight.

The other 90% that have survived the 12-week ordeal of the fattening phase, be stunned by means of electrical stunning or bolt before with an automatically rotating knives have their throats cut through them. According to estimates one-third of the rabbit unit but only half stunned or not stunned under the knife and is also a slow, painful death”, says Ursula Bauer of action animal Berlin. The “Campaign video rabbit behind bars: If white is impossible and cruelty to animals is on the agenda” the suffering of the breeding and fattening rabbits documented with images from several German rabbit fattening farms. It can be viewed on the campaign website. The animal welfare organization action animal people for animals is e.V. with 210,000 members and 200 cooperation partners is a major animal and conservation organisations of in Germany. More information at: Ursula Bauer, certified biologist action animal, Tel.: 030-30103831). Press Office Kaiserdamm 97 14057 Berlin Tel.