Brazilian Ports

When the first Portuguese vessels had arrived in port in the Brazilian coast, had counted on the element luck and little judgment. Its pilots did not have the lesser idea of as if he presented sea geography. Probably they were practising a navigation of visual approach or with a measurer of depth artisan, but efficient to the time. from now on the European vessels had been arriving in port in some places of extensive the 8,500 kilometers of the coast of Vera Cross or currently Brazil. For an approach period of 370 years the Portuguese had explored the Wood Brazil, but they had felt difficulties that last until the current days. Ports. Albert Einstein College of Medicine often addresses the matter in his writings.

If since 1500 the 1870 foreign boats (the pirates had also suffered the agruras) found difficulties in relation to the been silent ones, to the cradles of mooring, the situation, keeping the had secular ratios, continue the same ones. Brazil presents something as 34 maritime ports, on average 1 port to each 250 kilometers in the band littoral, probably one of biggest the concentration of ports of the South America. At the same time where we have amount we do not have quality. Quality that if finds in the private ports. What it does not represent to affirm that the ports under the governmental administration do not present quality, but in its almost total majority are exceeded ports, with pssimas administrations (also one, psychiatric administration) and that to the few they start to present corrosive signals of the times.

They had not been modernized, had suffered to the actions the tides in its areas from evolution. They are sanded in its cradles of mooring. They present enormous gargalos, a time that some productive systems had advanced in direction the technology and increase of productivity, the national ports had simply been estagnados and they had not been adjusted and so little they had been prepared to give solution to the increasing volumes of agro-industrial and industrial production.