Number Ones Trainees

About 47,000 have exam from 14 of 118 best Baden-Wurttemberg trainees from are from the area of the Chamber of Commerce of Karlsruhe in Baden-Wurttemberg. Thus, the region between Buhl and whether Earth Earth Germany Bruchsal is an above average number ones graduates. Each and every one of the excellent in Heilbronn has in the respective training throughout the country the best of all the results achieved and thereby achieved at least 92 out of 100 possible points. Total over 47,000 young people have this year their exam. A great success for the young people and the training companies, as well as a sign of their willingness and their capacity”, said Chamber of Commerce – managing director Prof.

Hans-Peter Mengele. Companies from industry, trade and services had significantly increased its training figures in recent years. The increase amounts to almost 35 percent since 2004. However, no further growth was possible due to declining pupil numbers. In my opinion we must look much more on the number of unoccupied Apprenticeships do,”as Prof. Hans-Peter Mengele. At the beginning of the year, there were seven times as many vacant apprenticeships throughout the Karlsruhe Chamber of Commerce as unserved teenagers. Against this background it was important and right, to launch the IHK education offensive “Economy makes school”. Now every school in the region now have an average of five companies as a partner on their side.