Philip Dos Santos

The discovery of abundant regions in gold in the center-south of Brazil took the Portuguese Crown to search the biggest possible profit with the exploration of the mineradora activity, creating measured high taxes extremely and taking drastic that they intended to reduce to the maximum the contraband. Ahead of this reflection we understand that already well the reasons that had taken the Portuguese government to implant separate administrative and judicial structure for the region of the Minas Gerais, at the beginning of century XVIII are known. The maintenance of the public order and the routine management of the concession of rights of cultivate and of the collection of taxes on the extration of the gold they had shown insufficient and inefficacious when centered, first in the jurisdiction of authorities hosted in Rio De Janeiro, later in the one of So Paulo, to the measure that grew the population in the region of the mines and increased the volume of the gold production. The insatisfao of the population in relation to the politics tax of the Crown was very great, what it created a climate of hostility in the region took the Portuguese troops to adopt sufficiently aggressive positions of control. Beyond the people, commercial employees and rich owners of mines also did not agree to such politics tax. The Revolt Philip Dos Santos was a reaction to the economic policy of the metropolis. The reasons of this raise had been the successive increases of the fiscal and administrative oppression of the Portuguese Crown. The Revolt of Philip Dos Santos, or Revolt of Rich Village, that if registered in 1720, in the region of the Minas Gerais, is considered as a nativista movement for the historiografia in History of Brazil. This raises had beginning in the night of Is Peter 29 of June of 1720. In this region, the raised high prices of life, the tributes charged with severity for the Portuguese Crown and the perspective of the creation of the House of the Casting and the Currency to collect the fifth Real, had caused the indignation of the local population against the authorities metropolitans.