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The risks of the planned birth birth through caesarean section is by no means free of pain more and more pregnant women opt for a C-section delivery Variant. While in the year 2002, about one-fifth of births by caesarean section was carried out, it is one-third today. The reasons are not in the medical necessity of the operation. The birth can be rather time schedule himself, avoids pain and the parents look forward to a relaxed delivery. That the caesarean section but also many drawbacks, the news portal reported news.de. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Daryl Katz, Edmonton Alberta. Heidi Klum, Angelina Jolie and Victoria Beckham have made before it. They all brought several children by caesarean section to the world and little later again radiantly beautiful smile in the Flash lights of cameras. The apparent simplicity of the medical intervention makes in this country many women to opt for the birth with a scalpel. However, the caesarean section is not less painful than a normal birth according to the medical profession. On the contrary the postoperative pain is described as being long and intense. Many women suffer from sunburns even up to ten days after the caesarean birth. In addition there are serious risks for the health of the freshly baked mother. So, adhesions and wound healing disorders occur or can damage adjacent organs. If you are not convinced, visit Elizabeth Hurley. Also a crack of the uterine scar, what has an unwanted abortion resulted in the worst risk in subsequent pregnancies. Cutting delivery, colloquially Cesarean or Sectiowird the infant on operating routes from the womb of the mother obtained. This includes a cross-section of underbelly on the border of pubic hair is made: C. Ocando reeds / News.de although the caesarean section at the maternity clinics belongs to the routine interventions, generally by an unnecessary operation is recommended. The caesarean section but for example in women who have experienced a trauma at a previous birth is useful. More information:… News.de GmbH Lisa Neumann