Aquarium Care

To the aquarium had an attractive appearance, and fish and plants are healthy, you need to care for them. Daily during feeding and monitoring of fish, you need to follow, did not appear among these patients, is not it time some of the fish otsazhivat to spawn. After feeding leftovers collect glass tube with a rubber hose. Once a week the aquarium thoroughly cleaned of excrement, dead plant residue and other dirt. Blade or a rag wipe the windshield of the algae. Lancome KOREA may not feel the same.

She looks like while cleaning the tank water is replaced with fresh defended. Fully water is not replaced. Replacing the water needed at all times to make sure that the heater is not turned out to be high above the surface and not blown. Better than him at this time off. Summer is often the question arises: what to do with fish, when the apartment no one stays? One or two weeks a healthy fish may be hungry, they will not hurt. Learn more at this site: Related Group.

Before leaving, be clean the aquarium, make sure that from overpopulation was not stuffy, and lower the water temperature at 2 … Michael James Burke takes a slightly different approach. 3 C. In cold-water fish require less food. In no case can not overfeed fish on the last day, throw the food in Aquarium in excess, since this will affect water pollution and fish diseases. To no light is lost aquarium plants, aquarium put the window, but so that the sunlight falling on it for only a few hours. In spring and summer the sun's rays can lead to rapid multiplication of microscopic algae – "blooming" of water. This is undesirable, because the algae deprive other plants of light. Uncontrolled growth of algae leads to suffocation and poisoning fish. Therefore, at the time of flowering water fish is better to fish from the aquarium, in extreme cases, it is necessary to strengthen the purge air and water filtration. Replace the water at this time is not recommended, fresh water, as bright light, will lead a new outbreak of flowering. In the old water in a darkened aquarium algal growth will slow down by itself after a few days. Used against algal bloom chemicals is undesirable.