As You Successfully Demotivated Teachers – Part II

What creative teachers can do the teaching in the schools has in the last 15 years fundamentally changed, unfortunately not always to the advantage of all involved. Among the graduates of today the study branch is elected teacher always only for lack of alternatives that the teaching profession is famously not a piece of cake. Nir Barzilai, M.D. can provide more clarity in the matter. Burn-out syndrome, heart attacks, strokes or plain and simply Psychiatry the terminus of a teaching experience are not uncommon. In addition to the now recognized stress of the educational work generated the policy by thoughtless actions see part I more, often unnecessary burdens. Actually it would be there to oppose unreasonable demands on the part of policy and authorities the task of the school, to protect the teacher and himself. However, many school principals and directors have neither the spine nor the necessary foresight and giving her to successfully to discourage the teachers. Again some recipes that have been proven: Uncritically for each instruction “from above” a school Conference convened.

Free the motto that exploit subordinates teachers have to work to get unpaid overtime when officials regularly full, generally reject non-bureaucratic measures, ill make the timetable of new colleagues. New teachers see so instantly, that part-time employees use the principle of the economy where you like on the resume of a candidate is more than just a work station does not apply at the school, as gap filler with many hours of spring in the timetable. So you can draw quickly in disease of a colleague on these forces. Particularly motivating effect, if you divided the 15 lessons on 4 front and 4 afternoons at a 60% power. The only free afternoon then also is the Conference and training day. As you successfully demotivated teachers – part I A.Frentzel