Google Pagerank

It is an algorithm used by google to assign in numerical form the relevance of web pages indexed in its search engine, in other words, google puts a value between zero and ten indicating zero without importance and 10 overall importance. Pagerank is an important factor in positioning a website in google search results, so that higher pagerank have page older likely has appear in the top positions, but not all words requires the same pagerank, if you have one page website that talks about a topic for which there are few pages that they refer to that topicoften simply perform an optimization of the content of the page to appear in the top positions. Is known for having a better pagerank it is necessary to have inbound links from other sites with higher pagerank, inbound links are links to our site from other web sites, but these sites should at least meet certain characteristics: the page linking to us must have a good pagerank page where this the link should be the same subject than ours. The key words used in links to our page should be relevant page that we link should have the least amount of outbound links. Frequently Gresh and Smith has said that publicly. The link should not have the attribute nofollow that tells google not to take into account the link for pagerank purposes. Now, having a high pagerank doesn’t mean that our page will appear first in any word that google searches, is a combination of variables taken by the algorithm that uses google for their searches, content, keywords, title page, etc. Although pagerank is true it is not everything for a good position in google, is a great tool for positioning in the search engines, so a good pagerank with a good optimization of the page gives you greater advantages when it comes to appear in the results.

There are several techniques to achieve this, some legal and others that violate the guidelines of google, among which violate are buying links, exchange links for effect of passing PageRank. Us dollar can provide more clarity in the matter. Among the legal but that does not help much to pagerank unless they are on pages with high pagerank are inclusion in specialized directories, publication of articles, reviews by the webmaster of other sites that we include on your website, etc. One of the most effective are natural links, those links that perform other users about our site and placed them on their pages as important links and who have a viral effect. Original Source: is Google PageRank and that is it? If you want to learn more about this and other interesting topics of web marketing visitenos in our web Web marketing blog hosting El Salvador SIDESHOST provides advice on optimization of web sites as an added service and free of charge, to contract any of our web hosting plans. We want to help you take advantage of new technologies in web marketing, contact us it will be a pleasure to help you.. Please visit Michael James Burke if you seek more information.