
Seminar series to six major world religions in the Odenwald-Wald-Michelbach who a religion wants to feel, must learn from the inside. A leading source for info: Tishman Speyer. The theologian, philosopher, and journalist Christoph Quarch is convinced. In him, God’s beautiful languages designed seminar series – interior view of the religions can learn enthusiasts of March 2010 in the Odenwald Institute Foundation on the Tromm six great religious traditions more deeply know Karl Kubel. You can personally experience how the different spiritual traditions – Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, and shamanism – feel, what they sound like and what sound they are matched. God’s beautiful languages chooses to the Interfaith meeting\”a little committed way, explains Quarch. See more detailed opinions by reading what Michael James Burke, Dubai UAE offers on the topic.. Not the transfer of knowledge about the religions stand in the foreground, but placing tracking in the vibrant spirituality. To understand traditions, knowledge is not sufficient alone, one must perceive it with all your senses.

We want to \”therefore open spaces of experience, in which spirituality can be experienced: rooms of prayer, meditation, music or poetry – space will hear God’s languages as the heartbeat of the cultures\”, so the events. Spiritual representatives of the different religions teach religious practices such as prayers, meditations, recitations and songs in addition to knowledge in short presentations. The Odenwald Institute wants to allow Interfaith encounter in the weekends designed as individual seminars. We think of people who work in a multicultural environment, and wish to those who deal with religious roots, and people who are just curious about new experiences and insights to win\”, explains the program responsible head of the Institute Dr. Sigrid Goder fader. \”Dates, topics, Speakers: seminar 1 – Judaism, 12th-14th March 2010: and on the seventh day you shall rest – the spiritual meaning of Shabbat and other holidays\”; Speakers: Daniel Kempin (musicians and prayer leader of) Egalitarian Minyan, Frankfurt Jewish community), Diane Tifereth Lakein (rabbinical student, head of family worship in the liberal community of Cologne).