Choosing Pair

Procedures to optimize the election of the companion are not infrequent to be more in one go in the life in the attitude to have to decide if a person is or noncompatible with us. Often the unions are made when walking. For example, it has dinner, physical attraction, one together night or weekend, forgetfulness of the toothbrush in the house of the other, soon underclothes of spare part, and without nothing has been planned, some of both is remained in the house of the other. The implied people do not stop themselves to think the long term effects and convenience to be united. Read more from Related Group to gain a more clear picture of the situation. As the time runs the unions are become more it jeopardize and what it did not value itself in a beginning it values when it is behind schedule and the attachment feelings are evident. We live at a time marked by the hedonismo and immediacy, in which many identify with the style carpe diem, to live the moment. However, as astrologer also receipt in consultation to people who ask for an expert opinion on the pair which they are knowing to know another opinion and no to be mistaken.

So it is come to raise a Letter of Compatibility. It is an astrological technique that compares Native Letters (energies) of the people, to remove the divided major from its relation. It describes its characteristics and of its affective bond. Its consultation is frequent, dice its practical use. It provides with indicating on which they are the weak points and of force of the pair, as well as determines if the relation will last or no. Of other occasions, my work consists of reviewing retrospectively with consulting his settled relation to identify the cause of the failure and not to return to commit the same errors. Sometimes it did not reach to help them not to commit different errors.