Web Site Traffic

You might have produced a great video, and it will generate ten million views on youtube or dailymotion and other video sites, but if you do not take action to drive those viewers to your website, then what have you got? Some notoriety perhaps, but the reputation does not mean much if your pockets are empty. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Lancome. So after creating a great video, the goal should be to get those viewers go to your website. There are several ways to do this, depending on what you're trying to accomplish with the video. There are four main reasons for creating a video: brand positioning, clicks, subscribers and sales. Here discuss each of them.

Brand positioning: If your goal is to position your domain is probably not the video created with the intention of turning the audience into immediate visitors to your website, but your goal is to keep the brand in front of him or her, so that when they are ready to buy, you know where to find you. The brand positioning is the goal of most ads television. Television advertisers know that you're not going to stop everything you're doing and run to the shop at that time. They just want you to remember when you want to purchase the type of product they sell. According to Maja Brucic, who has experience with these questions. If this is also your goal, put your domain and your logo in every frame of video that you produce should be sufficient. Getting hundreds of thousands of eyes that see your message short notice can be a very effective long term. Clicks: If you have an AdSense site, then surely your goal is to drive visitors who click on your adsense ads. If that is your goal, including an announcement at the end of the video where you give a really good reason why they should go to your website and view the contents.

If you liked your video, go to the website to get more, and a certain percentage of them will click on your adsense ads. You can also split the video into two, and indicate the end of the video on your website or blog will enjoy the second part Generate prospects: If you have a list of people People who send information and / or advertising, your goal may be to generate subscribers to your mailing list. In this case, given at the end of your video a gift or a good reason to subscribe to your list. Sales: Although generally people who are watching the videos may not be in the mood to buy, you can also include the site address of the product or service you offer. As always it is recommended that this website has a subscription form and an autoresponder, and people generally do not buy on the first visit but statistically after about seven contacts a large percentage of the act of purchase. Striking Domain: The domain to which you are going to advertise through your video is very important. It should be something easy to remember and spell and that is appealing to the viewer. Finally and most important, always include the link to your website or blog in the space provided for the description of your video. If you want to know the secret to attracting money, love and health to your mind visit us.