Accreditation Construction

Insurance will cover damages and construction company, and investors, if the new building was a fire, or it will be destroyed through the fault of the elements or humans. Buyer Apartments will also be able to receive compensation in the event of a protracted construction or poor work performance. In most European countries the construction risk insurance is mandatory, without this Accreditation developer just does not come on the market. Edward Minskoff is the source for more interesting facts. In Russia, a law has not yet been adopted. Requirements for the company, its reputation, the statutory authority and funds to the quality of work performed insurers impose very high. Not all developers will be able to obtain accreditation.

But bona fide construction companies prefer to go through a complicated procedure checks to protect investments and to be able to reimburse the sudden unexpected losses. How, being thousands of kilometers away from a potential developer, make sure that the company is insured against construction risks? The company-builder on his hands should be information letter from the insurer indicating that erected buildings adopted by financial risk insurance. The letter must indicate to what point of accreditation. Her term must end no before the developer plans to completely hand over the object. Provide the document (send email or photocopy) must be online or ICQ-consultant who is bound to have a firm, really interested in Distance selling real estate. Price calm individual insurance risks have traditionally shared construction is 1-3% of the value of the purchased apartment specified in the contract shared construction. Price considerable, so many prefer to take a risk and do without the optional insurance.

Relying on the builder, which issued the insurance contract construction risks, the purchaser expressly for the insurance does not pay. But in price, these costs the company still made. Given that the developer bought the insurance "wholesale" for final consumers be protected from the risks of cheaper individual. Knowing that the situation possible bankruptcy can be reached without loss, essentially saves your nerves. And how much confidence in the future – each buyer should decide for himself.