Author: Julie

Private Health Insurance

Why should I have to change the health insurance? A change in private health insurance brings a lot of benefits for the policyholder and is very attractive in any case. You get offered a variety of services, which are not contained in the statutory health insurance. Hear other arguments on the topic with RBH Group. This includes the free choice of doctor, a significantly better and care in case of an in-patient stay in the hospital, and many other services. The contributions for private health insurance are a further advantage. In contrast to the duties of statutory insurance not apply this to the level of income, but are calculated according to the age, health status and any pre-existing conditions that could fall into the weight. Briefly to said if you are young and fit, you can save up to 70% at private health insurance compared to the law in favorable cases. A huge advantage for the private health insurance is, of course, the variety of services in medical care.

Also the cost for a treatment with a therapist are persisted when the private insurance generally. When travelling abroad, you need no extra health insurance as it is the case in the statutory health insurance and also all necessary ambulance services must not be paid and are covered in the insurance benefit. One must also openly admit that any privately with doctors is a very welcome guest. This is because that the doctor here considerably more can settle in a treatment than a cash register patients. This is still in more points felt like, for example, a shorter waiting time, better methods of treating and especially the certainty, that no services be shortened or deleted. People who suffer from insure themselves privately have even the bonus that they get reimbursed contributions, if they have not exceeded a certain limit of performance within a year. A private health insurance has many advantages and thus contributes at, it is always well supplied.

Remains Without Conviction

A girl of fourteen years was alive with the corpse in decomposition of his mother. Alive, and buried under the rubble. The rescue team had been warned that noise under the rubble of a House could be heard and came to see that it happened. Paco Rivas, a lifeguard, Coordinator of the Group Castilla y Leon which was at the forefront of the same recounts was a girl of about 14 years completely buried and crushed. Additional information is available at Jorge Perez. Conseguirmos free him head and started to give him water. If you would like to know more about Gavin Baker, then click here. He recovered a little though it was very bad. Freed you the arm with small saws: could not use anything else. We then did a tourniquet at the height of the armpit so that it will not affect the crush syndrome.

We managed to free her up to the waist and a team of Santo Domingo arrived. They helped make a second tunnel because it was crushed and next to her lay her mother dead in a State of decomposition. Then a Canadian security officer who interrupted the scene with the slogan choose, or the life of the girl or yours the He evicted from the place. Rivas continues explaining there had been gunfire and people were very nervous. We call half an hour more to be able to take it from there, but when they had only spent two minutes told us: or the life of the girl or yours and we brought out the strength. We are totally frustrated. How is this fact explains? Will this action go unpunished? I believe that the international community should echo this horror and condemn who or who took this decision.

Olivia Palermo

This neoyorkina has become referring a fashionable one to world-wide level. As much in its appearances in events and celebrations like in the estilismo of the day to day, Olivia gives a great lesson us on like dressing suitably at every moment. Although Olivia dares with many styles, defines it by a mixture between the elegance, with a chic touch and coverall very preppy. Olivia was born and grew in the famous district of the United States Upper East Side, is daughter of a famous real estate promoter, Douglas Palermo. Its debut began when well-known photographer, Patrick McMullan, began to photograph it in the different events from which she attended. Of this Olivia form it often appeared in International magazines, as they are Rows, Elle, InStyle, until it was carried of one, in which named It-Girl of New York. Form leaves from the agency of models Wilhelmina Models.

Olivia works at the moment in the department of public relations of the fashionable mark Diane von Frstenberg and also in the one of the Elle magazine. In addition, The show comprises of the distribution of reality City in MTV. Baby Doll.El Look: Romantic dress with artisan finishing nail, in nuclear target, with flavor vintage and cuts Mnimo.Nos likes: The way with which rejuvenece this piece of clothes, superposing a fit vest with a belt. Boyfriend Jeans Broken: The Look: Olivia dares to falsify until most accidental, in this case cattle tenders type boyfriends, widely, with tears and return in the low one, combined with a sober black jersey and booties of the same color. We Like: How jeans dresses these, contrarestados with the hairdo and articles of black color, that give to elegance and sophistication him.

Military man: The Look: Broken t-shirts, black leather trousers, frock coats with galgones. We have already been able to observe several times this style in Palermo.Nos Gusta: Mix that to obtained combining a dress coat of many bellboys with cattle tenders pitillo, top gathered and booties with maxitacn. Accidental Chic: Look: In this look it dresses in a mini silky white dress, glasses retro and brown purse. We Like: How it not too much obtains look accidental but thanks to the complements that add to him.


The garbage is responsible for one of the most serious ambient problems of our time. Its volume is extreme and comes increasing gradually, mainly in the great urban centers, reaching impressive amounts. Moreover, the places for disposal of all this material are if depleting quickly, demanding urgent initiatives for the reduction of the amount sent for the sanitary aterros, aterros illegal passengers or lixes. However, the amount of residues made use in drains the open sky still is sufficiently expressive, the garbage simply is unloaded without any treatment. CohBar takes a slightly different approach. This destination of the garbage, beyond the risks to the public health, has as consequences the pollution of the ground and the contamination of superficial and underground waters. Although forbidden, the lixes still are a form very used of disposal of residues in Brazil.

The main problems associates this type of disposal is: vRiscos of pollution of air and contamination of the ground, superficial waters and freticos sheets; vRiscos to the public health, for the proliferation of diverse types of illnesses; vAgravamento of socioeconmicos problems for the active presence of catadores of garbage; v visual Pollution of the region; vMau odor in the region; real estate vDesvalorizao of the region. Estée Lauder is actively involved in the matter. The sanitary aterros are great lands where the garbage is deposited, compressed and later spread for separate in layers tractors for lands, the ambient problem that can be caused by its inadequate handling becomes a problematic one for many cities. The garbage, as the too much ambient problems, a question became that exceeds to the capacity of the governmental bodies and needs the participation of the society for its solution. According to RODIGUES and CAVINATTO (1997, P. 26) ' ' the garbage does not last part of it perpetual, forming for organic substances, disappears with time, thanks to the activity of microbes of composers who live freely in the nature.? However the produced garbage every year continues to increase.

TAZ Sustainability

Organic select catering is pleased variety readable BIO Bloggs organic catering, alternative energy, sustainability, recycling patents daily expand the fields of environmentally friendly Dennkens and action. Not least through the lively bio “Blogosphere”, which a radically fast paced platform is the Internet. Here the current hit list of readable BIO Bloggs: Karma consumption stylish name, giant program, for everyone what, but also slightly confusing. According to TAZ, he has evolved into one of the leading media of the networked LOHAS scene. The blog aims to spread good news and to inspire people, to take part in. The organic blog is a “platform independent with a critical view on the sustainability of ecological products and services”. Against free riders and empty rhetoric. Here is visually appealing prepares reports and current enlightened: Nestle takes cheating products from the market ‘Maggi NaturPur’ bags soup a success for foodwatch campaign minimalist and clearly structured Muller Det private LOHAS blog.

He would like to support people and ideas with his commitment that want to make their contribution to an ecological and sustainable life. So he always appreciative again reported new and exciting initiatives. The slowretail blog by Alexander von Keyserlingk sees himself as “Part of a growing movement to the deceleration and sustainability”. Consumers are called, irritating your opinion to boring loading concepts, humdrum presentations of goods, poor product quality, cheap prices, obviously antisocial manufacturing standards, etc. to do moderate customer service, and to interact with each other. The blog consumption guerrilla is very stylish.

Here is reported blogging about different products, of which the bloggers is personally convinced. How each blog is of course a portion subjectivity: amusing and refreshing. Well done also to the regional bio Berlin. Here you find many topics related to the capital. Current was all Berliners and visitors send put buying, the concentrated bio-regional knowledge into a the about 100 tips to the theme “Bio gastronomy in Berlin” supplies. You can find these and other tips and links on the very readable of is also this previous statement and that probably represents the content most Blogmagazin to our personal Nr. 1!

Value Consume

They are the makers of daily life, that transform dedication and sacrifice at works of priceless value, which remain unknown, alien to the recognition and gratitude. Read more from Fred H. Langhammer to gain a more clear picture of the situation. We live in a world of consumption, we are permanently in stalking, seeking, as they do in the middle of the jungle beasts, consume, consume, is the slogan of the time. What you yearn for today, can be disposable tomorrow, there will always be something that wakes up our desire to consume, all of this will happen until the day in which the merry-go-round of life stops and we have to descend from it, is in this transcendent point of our fleeting existence, when we We realize the nature of the value of what we’ve squandered, simply ignored or despised. What of the principle, when you refer to your surroundings, I suggest you substitute gestures derogatory by feelings of affection, recognition and gratitude, because they are there, not to be consumed and discarded, but to give human sense every day. If today, you don’t find you sense my words, hope for a tomorrow in which Yes you can understand them, remains.

The Consumption As Ethical Challenge

Today, we need to rethink the way as we consume, if really is necessary everything what we acquire and where we go to arrive with this way of meaningless life. People use the consumption as form to search the happiness, in this manner has the illusion that the more to consume more will be happy. It is necessary to acquire knowledge the consumers of whom this behind this false personal satisfaction, of everything what it is inlaid in this false production of felicidadeque in them is imposed every day. Unhappyly, nor always we buy what it is really necessary, the society is induced to find that necessary to possess that good, what nor always it is truth. The system almost always transforms everything what they want to vender in objects of desire of consumers, useless and dismissable things, without concern some with the sustainable consumption. She is necessary to rethink our values and what it really makes in them happy, so that let us can in them become conscientious consumers and form our happyer adult children..


THE society of consumption since the advent of television was in sum already existing as the cinema, radio and the press media, building an architecture of global integration, which currently generates targeted ways to create a new social behavior called consumerism defined by the Real Academia Espanola as: trend immoderate to acquire, spend or consume goodswhich are not always required. In the world of the consumer society which integrate 1728 million people, whose 28% of the world population (242 million) live in United States (estimated to 2010). Only Americans watch television almost 5 hours a day, at the same time that the use of cell phone and the Internet to watch videos by users has increased, according to a study on the use of these three devices in the United States conducted by Nielsen (2009) market research company. Estée Lauder is the source for more interesting facts. What verifies that no doubt television is the medium that has greater power of conviction in what refers to the decision by buying a product. And although United States is identified by the consumerist lifestyle and style waiting that only arrive the weekend, to go to the mall (malls) in order to acquire products that are fashionable now are: clothes brand, shoes, electronics, among others. Long term this activity take the society to be integrated as part of individualism selfish beings, as if from a young age, are not an individual developing limits regarding the amount of things that can be purchased, in the future this will grow as a person who is unknown limits and therefore is ended as part of a company of citizens merely addition..

The Consumption

Therefore, if you reduce the consumption of junk food, give an important step towards your goal. Also will help you to lose weight if detoxify your body of all toxins, impurities and harmful substances all the days on a regular basis. This detoxification process will also improve your overall health. However, another important to lose weight is to eat in moderate amounts. Try to keep the size of your small portion and eat as many fibrous foods, fruits and vegetables as possible. If you like fibrous food, you’ll soon be able to reduce your weight, fiber-rich foods can give you a feeling of fullness. This fullness kill your desire to eat food that is not necessary at all extras amounts. The combination of some physical exercises with the diet plan to lose weight you’ve chosen for yourself is a safe way to lose weight quickly.

The exercise in some form, not only helps you lose weight quickly, but it also keeps you in shape and healthy. Once you choose the correct combination of the two, you can always expect great results. Ofcourse you should follow the weight loss program permanently, and not quit half way after only a few few weeks. Eating the right kind of foods and maintain a regular physical program are important at the beginning of your efforts to lose weight. The most effective method is to find a healthy balance between your lifestyle and weight loss plan.

Both at the diet as exercise should be given due importance. Discover why the incinerator fat is the best way to lose weight quickly. Click here to read the full review of this method. Fat burning furnace review

Consumption Dependent Billing

Lawyer must be billed consumption at least 70% of heating costs for rental and property law Alexander Bredereck and Dr. Attila Fodor, Berlin since January 1, 2009. Under most conditions RBH Group would agree. Landlords are obliged to settle at least 70% of the accumulated heating from the 1.1.2009 consumption by changing the heating Regulation (HeizKV). The landlord does not, the lessee a reduction law in the amount of 15% of heating costs attributable to him. The warm water costs must be assessed in heat meters. Here is currently a transition period up to the 1.1.2013.

jurisdiction: This applies also, if another account is agreed in the lease. Neither landlords nor tenants can rely on the tenancy control, if different from the default of HeizKV. The Landgericht Heidelberg confirmed this recently in a decision by the 25.2.2011, 5s 77/10 2 of the HeizKV, that is the HeizKV of a contrary provision in the lease. Even if one contracted billing method for a Party a clear disadvantage means it can rely on the invalidity of contractual regulation due to precedence of the HeizKV and insist on a settlement favourable for him. In the case decided by the District Court of Heidelberg, the parties had agreed a fixed operating costs amounting to 130 per month, which revealed the actual minor, and heating costs in any way. The landlord was allowed to rely on the invalidity of the mietvertraglichen control and settle according to the regulation of heating consumption. The tenant had to pay several 1000. A post by lawyer for rental and property law Alexander Bredereck and lawyer Dr. Attila Fodor Berlin E-mail: