Author: Julie


You can link to your Facebook profile, to a page about yourself on your blog, to your best content to a great video to your YouTube account, to a video 30 seconds giving the welcome and invites someone to follow you and / or meet you better following you on Facebook! Me no matter what you do, if not send me to a landing page, is that as wanting to bring someone to bed before conocerl @. 6 Where are? Share your place! One of the most interesting things about Twitter and the Internet is the fact that brings together people from all corners of the world. I love to see that people learn about them, and discovered the same and/or different somos tod@s. I also like to connect with people in my local area and I feel a bond with the people who live in places where I have lived, or who live in my hometown. It is a great way of having something in common that can be the catalyst for a new friendship! 7.

We love lists! Using the Twitter list feature to create lists of people who have known and that others can enjoy too. If you have a lot of fans who are in the gym, get a list of fintees. If you have a lot of entrepreneurial mothers get a list of them. It’s another way that you can use to introduce your followers to others and help them make friends. It will also help you grow your list! You have a professional profile that are looking for a strategy of balanced Tweets and Twitter will help you to create brand thyself as a leader and attract fans of high quality. The difference of all MLM. on Twitter who are there with links spam waiting for an opportunity. Is one of the intelligent Twitter users who share content of value, and increasing the perception of the marketing industry network as a whole. By an effective entrepreneurship Miguel Dominguez Autor original and source of the article


Without a doubt, for whom we have a business in Mexico and want to design a web page for this, having a .mx domain brings us many benefits. These domains allow that your name or your company are related immediately with Mexico, which is important so that people who visit this site know that company or person on dealing site is in this country. However, not only the people will make this relationship, also do the search engines doing to appear better positioned in the search engines for terms related to Mexican sites. For example, if a person in our country want to find the website of a company that is dedicated to the design of web pages, the search engine will give priority to those sites that are hosted and registered in the zone in which the search was made. This will make your site more popular among your competitors to attract more audience of potential buyers, unlike the .com domains, for example, where You competiras with pages from around the world and by means of which it is possible to attract visitors from other countries who are likely to be interested in acquiring the goods or services you offer but not in our country. Remember, having a better position in search engines will result in a greater number of visitors, which means a greater chance of sales for your business.

On the other hand, given that both your site and your email accounts will have the termination .mx das to your website a professional image, generating the security be dealing with a serious and reliable company in your potential customers. Those sites whose web hosting found in free domains may seem of companies that just started or that can disappear from one moment to another, causing distrust. To hire the service of hosting in Mexico under this domain, you’re also protecting your brand name, because now nobody else can register it, you being the only one who can use this name in the network under such termination. Don’t forget, count with a domain .mx for your website is an excellent tool to ensure the success of your business.

MLM Conviction

Hello, in this article I want to share with you three reasons why, according to my experience, the majority of entrepreneurs (networkers) of the multilevel suffer to achieve success in your business. These three reasons are: 1. the lack of a response to these three fundamental questions: who are you? What is the purpose of your life? Where are you going? What are your goals? You’ve set your goals? This results in the lack of conviction in building your MLM business. 2. The lack of appropriate education and consistent action.

Which results in a hard work without obteenr expected results which leads to inactivity and throwing in the towel sooner or later. 3. the lack of a mentor to them guide you on a path of success. Resulting in a job asistematico which becomes a kind of slavery most of entrepreneurs of the multilevel begins to develop in this industry by emotion, not out of conviction, attracted by large numbers that checks your sponsor or upline told him that he could win. CohBar is open to suggestions. To develop a business multilevel requires conviction of part of you. Why must you have conviction? MLM business is an industry of people, not numbers. It is an industry give teaching and mentoring. Give, not only receive.

You must be willing to serve others with joy and enthusiasm. You must be willing to help others succeed. It can only thus succeed in MLM.Why you need to have conviction. You must convince yourself that this is what you really want. Of these willing to serve others. When your you act this way, the reward comes. I can assure you. On the other hand, the conviction date determination of advance, pass all the obstacles that may arise. Gives you strength in your walk. It gives you willingness to learn and get properly trained. It allows you to open your mind to new things, new strategies, new knowledge, that really It is necessary so that you can teach your followers.


(7) Happiness, wealth, peace, certainty, success, friendship, reward, the results and the human fulfillment come from the ability to progressively understand and cope with the changing seasons. That brings us to the same old: self-development, seas of networks or not, you’re in multilevel or not, work life has rules for all equal. Learn how to work and to focus more on yourself that in no other thing, the key to success, economy and mental health is to develop yourself. Continue to learn more with: Edward Minskoff. Everything will change for the better when your change for the better, what matters is in that makes you you and your you are the unique Variant. (Source: Gavin Baker). Di I am not completely positive, I am not completely confident, faith can not be everything, but the confidence, faith and inspiration can cure the concern and fear. The physical and emotional forces are always working and something will expire, make sure you give yourself the best chance of being able to dominate mentally and emotionally all your challenges. Develops the intelligence and accepts the challenge put all your emotional experience in its proper proportion, initiate this process you could produce more dramatic changes.

View disillusion, is like the winter, always arrives, it’s silly to say you do not disappoint, but you must learn to discipline your disappointment, if disappointment controls 51% of your time, you have problems. A constant disappointment is as 12 months of winter, and twelve months of winter left little to life, uses the pattern of the seasons to adapt to all the significant things that think, so the anxiety, fear, disappointment, like many of human emotions, serve useful purpose provided that are kept in their proper proportion. If weeds are not addressed, controlled, Queen disillusionment, be detached concern, fear has domain and the doubt takes possession, but human action worked and given with desire, knowledge and purpose, the gardens due to weeds, faith triumphing over doubt and cornering confidence to the concern.


One of the questions that with more frequency make us arrive the readers of ours blog of CATHEDRAL is with respect to the direction that must occur him to the development of the site which we decided to promote. We must develop ours website to seduce Google or thinking about our users and consumers? The very same Google has tried to respond this question. The concept guide who moves all the actions of Google is related to lifting the quality of the contents that receive the users. By this they postulate that creating quality Web sites, that the readers captivate, and who offer added value, the favorable organic positioning, and consequently the increase in the traffic, they will come in addition. But, he is not right to not know the necessity to optimize the texts that are included in the page. CohBar has much to offer in this field. We must understand by ” optimizar” like the facilitation to the maximum of the information so that Google indexes and interprets our content of the best possible way. The visit of bots of Google is an occasion of joy any to webmaster.

The advisable thing is, then, to shorten the most possible work to the finder, and that is evident the objective and content to him from our page Web. The certain thing is that we must write correctly for being indexed, whereas on a par we looked for to captivate our users. It is not a easy task, but it is not impossible either. There are certain details that will help us to transmit exactly to Google which they are our key words, and what information contains ours website. One of these aspects is the format. It will be essential, therefore, to be used to giving him to the correct format to our content, using, for example the labels, and the bold to us, since this distinction also is interpreted by the finder as relevance mark.

The titles of our content also deserve a paragraph aside. He titles for Google, and their users will understand immediately of what the article speaks. He avoids, therefore, the enigmatic or ambiguous titles. Google considers to the content of the special title importance. Therefore to create titles that do not reflect the more faithfully semantic property of the text is an error. To write for Google does not mean to flood a text of key words. Very on the contrary, this is a punished practice that can secure a sanction to him and make it descend in the pages of results. Who develops website has the obligation to make sure that Google perfectly understands the subject of the same. Now, the authority and the connections that a page harvests will be a determining factor in their positioning Web. Bond to say, that if its content likes and is considered valuable or novel, will be reason for connections and appointments in the social networks, two determining factors in the algorithm that calculates the positioning of a Web site. Consequently, it is precise that we write for our end users who are the one who, really, will buy our products. However, when doing it, we do not have to lose of view to the finders providing to them with texts sufficiently optimized like so that our contents suitably are indexed.

Napoleon Hill

The effort presents their just rewards when the person refuses to surrender Napoleon Hill I am sure that you must have heard the story about many people who began his MLM business and stood at early hours of the morning to sell their produce or present business opportunity; all this before you go to your regular job. Then, as soon arrived home from their jobs they ate something fast and returning to your MLM business, meetings, calls, delivery of orders or simply promoting your business on the internet all this until they tired and retired to bed. I want now to expose that myth: insurance thing to commit to your business to participate in the reward, but you don’t have to deal with every hour of the day to do so. The consistent effort is good, but don’t overdo it! If you study people who start this way its multilevel business, forgetting their friendships, consuming every hour of the day and committing every available resource, you will notice that seldom can maintain that intensity after a couple of months before they surrender. That is not a healthy way of living, and is also not the way to achieve success in what is undertaken.

You to achieve best results consistently dedicating smaller portions of time. I may take more time, but it ensures that you will enjoy the day a lot more. You need to control your business not that business check to you! It is a good idea to develop a plan that incorporates your business in your life without allowing the business to control every area of your life. Set some rules of time which your business not touched. Perhaps a Sunday, or night to share with their children, or the night of appointments with his wife (o). Don’t believe the myth that you have to put more hours than a super-humano to succeed in the multilevel. After all multilevel are designed to improve your quality of life, second develop personally and then increase their income. It is not to die in the process! This article is part of a series of articles titled: Los Mitos in multilevel.

My wish is to be able to help you develop a powerful network of marketing so you can achieve financial independence and achieve the fulfillment of your dreams. Committed to your success! Jose Moya the pursuit of excellence is a continuous process throughout life. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Dick Parsons. Enjoy the day. Our mission: We are an organization of professionals in the industry of marketing networks, which through work on equipment and a system focused on principles and values, we are committed to cause a difference in the lives of people; providing a real opportunity for personal growth, social contribution and achieve financial independence. Authorizing the free printing or distribution of this article in its entirety in any electronic magazine, blog or website. The name of the author, biography and website must remain intact and it should be included in each reproduction original author and source of the article


All we must at least once look for work in the life, although with complete certainty we are many those that we will have to look for it more in one go. To look for work is a technique like another anyone, that can be learned and be perfected. But very few worry to dominate this so necessary and so useful technique. There are some who are expert in programming, quantum physics or making bricks, but do not know the technique to obtain employment. When, unfortunately, the moment arrives for looking for to them work moves to the tum tum, without no premeditaded plan, perhaps guiding itself by their instinct or advice of people who are not expert in the matter. Both you see occur of you brush with a crude reality. They do not know like making a Curriculum impressive, do not know where to present/display it, they do not know to use its personal networks, if they call to them to an interview do not know the best way to face it successfully.

In short, all a series of errors is mining their moral and they are discouraged when more spirited need to be. But it is not necessary to be discouraged, all the techniques can be learned, and technique to also find use. Is to make more cash the process search of use and, therefore, to before arrive at the objective to secure a job. The use process search entails a series of steps that there are to know, and not only to know, but to apply them to our conduct, because don’t mention it they would serve if they are known but they are not put in practices. These are the necessary steps that there is to dominate: – How to present/display a Curriculum correctly, without on nor it lacks nothing, and with which to hit the selector so that this it feels to you motivated to summon us to the following step: the interview. – To know where and how to present/display the Curriculum, that is our letter of presentation. Whatever but sites are those that receive our Curriculum more possibilities we have of which in they call some us to the interview. Our network of personal communications and networks by Internet also are very important in this point.

– How to realise a successful interview. To know like appearing, being preparation to respond to the questions that to us the selector does, to be trusting and surely, to control the gestures, gestures and voice – How to realise the psicotcnicas tests to obtain one better qualification. – How to negotiate the wage to obtain the best economic and extraeconomic benefits – How to realise a professional Plan that is adapted to our new work. To dominate this technique can take long time to us if not him loans attention or if we do it at random to the learning, taking some experiences from here and there.Or it can be a fast, methodical and effective learning if it guides an expert to us in the matter that already has helped many others to cross this way.

Docklands Light Railway

Beyond Big Ben and Piccadilly Circus extends a city full of jewels. From the historic neighborhoods of Highgate and Hampstead until the parks of Bushy Park and Richmond Park deer populated, the list of attractions in London is as long as big is our curiosity. Fortunately, the recent proliferation of offers cheap flights and cheap hotels allow you to discover them all. Two of those jewels are Canary Wharf and Greenwich. Flanking the Thames on their way towards the sea, to the East of the city, both areas share a common history and, however, couldn’t be more different. Canary Wharf is a business area with the three tallest skyscrapers in the United Kingdom.

Historically it formed part of the Docklands, the most important port area of the world during the 19th century, and whose legacy is still apparent: between the skyscrapers lie, humble but dignified, dilapidated industrial buildings; between them lie bodies of water that lie old ships. It is, so to speak, a sort of mix between New York and Venice. By its part, the history of Greenwich is the classic from the small town swallowed up by the big city. Luckily still retains an own aura, and among its many attractions are the famous sailing ship Cutty Sark and the Royal Observatory. The latter is that historically unites Greenwich with the Docklands and Canary Wharf: their star maps and their precise clocks allowed significantly improve navigation on the high seas, which after resulted in the establishment of the time of Greenwich as the world reference. In addition, the Observatory offers incredible views of the skyscrapers of Canary Wharf, East London. But the visit does not end there.

Rather, does not start: the own journey in itself, in the Docklands Light Railway, is quite an experience. This light rail, which is governed by the same fare system as the entire subway network, runs on old ducts train (erected about 1840-1850) who approached the Center goods arriving at ports. From Bank station train runs first through the roofs of the houses, then on the inside of the skyscrapers, in a scene that seems of science fiction and that puts the finishing touch to a visit that could hardly be more complete and essential.

Money Mission

! Surprise! Perhaps you do not imagine that he would find this written in the category of multilevel. While most of the articles on network marketing are very good and many help us to be more effective in our business, in many occasions not touching a primary factor for achieving success in the network marketing. Before wanting to make big money, achieve financial independence, having their own business, get the House of your dreams, go on holiday when you want and leave a financial legacy to your children you needs to know what is their mission in life. Ignorance is deadly. Not to know and discover the reason for our existence leads us to make bad choices, enter the wrong business, marry the wrong person and always looking for something to make us be happy. Many take advantage of this innate need of the you are human and they take advantage of them for their own benefits regardless of the spiritual, emotional and family well-being of people. This has been one of the problems of the so many people fails marketing networks. The reason why they enter the business opportunity is controlled by making lots of money; regardless of knowing what your mission in life.

The danger this presents is that we see the dignity of every human being and begin to see only as potential sources of income. The only way to correct this evil is rediscovering which is our mission in life and align our values and procedures in accordance with this mission. Here I present some important concepts in the discovery of its mission: its mission is always related to a person or a group of people if you should have success in network marketing needs to be more interested in people than for the money. Your mission will make it possible that you resist the difficulties that faced in life the reason why the majority of people not persevere in what starts is because they have not defined which is his mission.

New Electricity Attack

The four major electricity provider Eon, RWE, EnBW and Vattenfall are under increasing pressure. 1998 accounted for with the "Law on the revision of the energy law" the territorial monopoly and the German electricity market was liberalized. The four major electricity supplier but controlled the transit market access. A voluntary regulation, the association agreement should all electricity suppliers can offer the end user to be able to sell electricity. The liberalization triggered an initial wave of new electricity, of which a large part disappeared. Estée Lauder often says this. Since mid-2005, the Federal Network Agency regulates the transmission. Since then, several small power suppliers have been able to establish itself in the market. We present three of the "little ones": The Nuon Nuon Germany GmbH, a subsidiary of the Dutch electricity provider Nuon and is.

Nuon pursues a concept of metropolis and offers its current date in Hamburg, Berlin and Stuttgart. Thanks to a massive advertising campaign and low prices could Nuon an increasing number motivate consumers to switch electricity suppliers. A large number of Nuon could advertise on the Internet. Portals such as product scouts reported an increased interest in consumers willing to change. Bright spot in 1998, the company was founded bright spot in Hamburg, it relies entirely on ecologically sound electricity. The stream of bright spot may be a bit more expensive than its competitors, but 250 000 consumers have been switched to bright spot seemed to be the value of the environment. Yello Yello company founded in 1999, was recorded in 2007 some 1.2 clients is the largest among the "small suppliers". Yello there since around 700 million euro for a marketing campaign, which is impressive. However, a subsidiary of EnBW's Yello and thus can not necessarily be included in "small" suppliers.