BIT Solutions GmbH Polka

‘ A standard software, a proprietary development to replace seems unusual but it was exactly the right thing for dm step ‘ Berlin, 18.2.2010. Faster and more flexible at the POS to respond to has dm-drogerie markt the previous standard POS software superseded by an in-house development. The new solution comes from the Gandhi BIT solutions specialists in software and was designed in close consultation with the internal service provider FILIADATA for the needs of dm. A standard software, a proprietary development to replace seems unusual for dm, it was exactly the right move, “explains Roman Melcher, Managing Director of dm. Learn more at: Albert Einstein College of Medicine . Polka BIT solutions has promoted very quickly developing dmPOS.” Only 15 months BIT has required for the development of Java-based fund up to the first productive pilot store. This solution is now all about 1,480 German and Austrian dm markets, as well as first pilot stores in the other European countries of dm in use. The rollout for the further European dm markets is currently in preparation. Our checkout core polka BIT POS_Framework is happy about the successful cooperation with dm. Connect with other leaders such as Gensler San Francisco here.

Timo Krauss, CEO polka BIT Solutions GmbH, and projects to be to a very sophisticated and reliable basis for fast are the Java application framework TREND.” Most recently, the company has developed point-of-sale system, as well as the complete Filialwarenwirtschaftssystem – also in record time – OBI DIY store chain. Press contact and more information: polka BIT Solutions GmbH Heinz Kleim Tel. 030 / 896 66 300 fax. 030 / 896 66 336 E-Mail: Internet: about polka BIT solutions: polka BIT solutions is a technologically leading software and consulting firm and specialist in the development of company-specific applications based on Java/J2EE and .NET. More info: angelo group. With modern methods and technologies and efficient project management, the company has projects in trade, industry and services of high quality in time and budget for almost 20 years to the success.