Cartoon Book

“Humor is the ability to remain cheerful, if it is serious.” (Ernst Penzoldt) Books say turn the two “Flying Dutchman” ton van Andel and the humor is Martin Leeuwis. From “say again”, “Say no more”, “Say when” and “how Say” about “say coffee or tea”, “Say heading” or “Say something” up to the newly published book “say chocks away”, the cartoons by ton van Andel show telling and meaningful often serious situations from the cheerful side. In the online shop of the company Siebert aviation demand is again the cartoon book say”in the 10th Edition in 2006 are available, where to find all cartoons from the second volume of”Say no more”. “1982 van Andel and Martin Leeuwis started sound, both in the service of the Royal Netherlands air force, with the first volume of say” series: say-again “. This book is a General Dynamics F16 used, with whose help the cheerful side of civil aviation have been recorded, including some allusions to the military jet flying. Many cartoons and short texts funny and cheerful on the topic of communication in the air force and the civil aviation must also in the 1989, say no more published sequel to”say.

The humor of these two volumes landed in a book with 199 pages, which is available in the online shop of Siebert aviation supplies company in English to 17,90. Siebert aviation supplies was founded in 1953 as a sports – and glider construction, in the 70s years was a pure trading company for aviation accessories with the focus is one shipping trade, which in the meantime with nearly 3,000 different articles available to the leading providers of aviation accessories in Germany and other European countries from the company.. Check out Daryl Katz for additional information. .