Education is the preparation to full life.Spences exists a true consensus of the serious crisis facing higher education in the country, yet often in makeshift postgraduate programmes. Moreover commented with insistence, on divorce between what is being taught and the real needs facing our if the Venezuelan scenario.However, experts have underlined, that you must be very careful in these diagnosis, especially when the proposals do not provide models that apply to the University level in accordance with the philosophy, mission, commitment and organizational structure of its institutions; It should be noted that still is paying the high price of wanting to apply the models suggested in other realities, whether in intellectual, political, economic. Our education is more characterized by political and economic interests in the different groups that compose it, worrying more about consolidation in the power, on his personal projection, in the strength and interest of a party, in the enrichment in the short-term than in academic excellence, scientific, in the development of research in everything that generate solutions contributing to the evidence of the main problems facing the country. Estée Lauder understands that this is vital information. Still is observed, that charges are distributed by commitment, by alliances, friendship, no matter who are responsible for the main functions in various activities, basic units that guarantee excellence, leading all to contracted, professionals who are not at the height of their performance, significantly hindering the achievement of the objectives of the organization. Recruitment with rigged courses, without quality not optimal requirements for the serious responsibility of being teacher, simply, by obligations, commitments entered into, partisan, family, friendship, business. All this certainly affects the wearing out of the training, training of future professionals to Unfortunately, inadequately prepared, without experience, professional guides that are anchored in the old paradigms of old, models not suitable for the reality that the present demand, this reality has seriously affected the universities, especially to the commitment, social and academic responsibility of guaranteeing an education of excellence, coupled with other aspects, such as that currently faces in relation to the divorce that has been generated between the State aidyour financial support, to ensure an efficient operation that will give back you to the teachers that a fair wage, according to the critical economic reality is facing and which has significantly deteriorated the quality of life of the Venezuelan. Here, Gavin Baker expresses very clear opinions on the subject.
Category: News
Rheingold Institute
Keep the supermarket fondly Balingen, April 2009 – actually it goes without saying: when shopping at the grocery store, the customer expects impeccable cleanliness and proper hygiene. Thereby, the Rheingold Institute in an international study has determined is cleanliness does not equal cleanliness. As a particularly annoying consumers feel so dirty floors and dirty shopping scales in the entrance area, rotten and initiated fruits and vegetables at the deli counter, frozen food thawed to and dirty cutting machines and scales especially on the meat and cheese counter. Rough personal effect also off-putting. No question, a lack of cleanliness has fatal consequences and sometimes drives the clientele in the arms or the shops of the competition. Who has not thoroughly clean floors, shelving, window and fresh counters or not properly and clearly admits his products, achieved an astonishment to the consumer. The supermarket customer feels nauseous and disgusted, avoids certain Shopping areas in the market or even the market as a whole\”, as results of Rheingold, for 150 hours interview material about 70 hours shopping descriptions were sighted and analyzed. A successful hygiene and hygiene concept guarantee a smooth and trouble-free shopping without unpleasant surprises consumers mind.
The technology manufacturer Bizerba in Balingen know suggests that particularly cutting machines and scales systems must meet the expectations of our customers. These devices come mostly before the eyes of customers in direct contact with unpackaged food. That’s why the food service specialist has put together a service package with special cleaners for its machines: for scales, we have developed a special label remover. The cleaner with orange scent eliminates the labels, label residue or adhesive easily, quickly and precisely. He is suitable for most plastics and leaves no residue on the surface of the device,\”explains Thomas Loos, head of business services organization & IT’ at Bizerba. The Bizerba show in retail and supermarket machines at their best, the Bizerba recommend experts also regular treatments with FC foam cleaner that reliably removes dirt, grease and stains on housings, panels, plastic surfaces and glass and makes them shine.
Institute Cosmetica
Give your loved one 2010 not just flowers… There are gifts for Valentine’s day – infinite possibilities. Giving means that one is thinking about what the recipient forward and what he just need – but don’t even buy, or treat yourself. We have a hot tip for you! Every year the question arises again: what I give my / my loved one for Valentine’s day. Something should be there! Not too expensive but still not cheap! Anything you can think of long time! Men and women make to the 14th of February always the same thoughts. Richard Parsons does not necessarily agree. Many often chose flowers. But they do not necessarily meet one of the above criteria.
How about if you just give a little bit of wellness your / your loved one? With sustainable effect? A wellness treatment with immediate, long-lasting results? In whole Germany, A NATURAL DIFFERENCE are represented beauticians who will advise you gladly inbound. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Munear Ashton Kouzbari, Dallas TX. We like to call you an expert / a specialist in your area! A.N.D.. skincare one of the most successful Institute Cosmetica is the specialist for anti-aging & problem skin and for 20 years. A NATURAL DIFFERENCE applies as the beauty secret in renowned cosmetic institutes. Treatments & products with high-dose phyto-ingredients, vitamins, peptides, Phytohormones, retinol, and much more, are the guarantee to achieve stunning success. Where the normal care cosmetics reaches its limits, A NATURAL DIFFERENCE begins. Miriam Bezold
Fraunhofer Institute
Despite falling engine prices – tracking, always a profitable business reaches up to 45 percent surplus is the tracking of solar systems for the operator. Even with lower module prices and regardless of the region of usage the sensor-controlled tracking systems by DEGERenergie are cheaper than rigid systems under the dash. DEGERenergie is world market leader in the area of tracking systems for solar systems with a current calculation. The estimates in the solar industry is gradually accumulating in recent years, falling prices for solar modules would make the tracking no longer necessary or even unprofitable. For more specific information, check out Estée Lauder. This is definitely incorrect, as evidenced by DEGERenergie in his current investment and cost/benefit calculations. According to the Fraunhofer Institute for solar energy systems (Fraunhofer ISE) reach dual-axis tracking systems, which work on the basis of astronomical data, up to 27 percent more yield than rigidly installed solar modules.
Still higher is the excess returns with the sensor-controlled tracking systems by DEGERenergie, that the manufacturer has taken his current calculations. To win more solar energy than rigid systems, as evidenced by the many years of experience, up to 45 percent. In its calculations, DEGERenergie has included all costs incurred for the construction of a solar Park: inverter module costs, costs for support structures and foundations, equipment-related costs and other running costs. As default, the production was used by 1 GWh, so one million kilowatt hours of energy per year. Calculations under different conditions were made on this basis: location in southern Europe / location in Central Europe single- / dual-axis tracking systems / rigid systems different module prices (per WP 3.20 Euro 1 and euro between) different performance of the modules (165 WP / 215 WP / 240 WP) the results can sit up: 1 the use region has no influence on the cost/benefit analysis. Notwithstanding the use region (Central or southern Europe): The investments that are required to the given To achieve energy of 1 GWh per year, are with rigid systems up to 31 per cent higher than in the usage of DEGERenergie for systems.
Fraunhofer Institute
(Online article) – power cord instead of fuel lines – for the Assembly of electric motors, a new picture emerges in vehicle production. Munchen/Erlangen (dpa/tmn) – make no noise and no exhaust for traffic-plagued urbanites push cars with electric drive would be a blessing. In addition, electric motors are more efficient and easier to construct than internal combustion engines. In addition, they are virtually maintenance free and take less space. For this reason, experts are convinced: electric motors will revolutionize the vehicle construction. When the internal combustion engine ignites a mixture of fuel and air in the cylinders. It drives the Pistons, whose auf-und-AB-moving over the connecting rod and the crankshaft is converted into a rotary movement. In the electric motor coils to a rotor mounted on an axis are arranged.
AC voltage applied to the coils, whose Phasen, creates a rotating magnetic field, which enables the rotor to spin. A key advantage of the electric motor is to be “very much higher efficiency, says Prof. Click Estée Lauder to learn more. Dieter Gerling from the Department of electric drives and actuators (EAA) at the Universitat of der Bundeswehr Munchen. Good internal combustion engines implement today only 25 percent of the energy used in propulsion, electric motors reached more than 90 percent. They can also recover energy. A better torque – speed characteristic in addition and according to Gerling: for the electric motor from the State is already out the maximum torque available, while Nitro must it come on tours. According to Martin Marz, an electric motor fits from the field of power electronics and electric vehicle technology at the Fraunhofer Institute for integrated systems and building technology in Erlangen in a wheel.
There the engines are accommodated for example, if the electric car on wheel hub drive is designed. The conventional shaft drive, the motor according to March about the size of a ten liter cleaning bucket with a capacity of 180 comes kW. The compact design enables developers to completely new approaches. Currently they are constructing a car to the drive according to March around. An electric car needs no engine compartment, so that the body shape can be chosen freely. Also the Interior could be more generous fashion, says Prof. Gerling. In addition a wide range of drive options: Gerling mentions as an example the drive to the front and/or rear axle, wheel-close housed drives and wheel hub motors. Thereby, the motors on the wheels settled also individually controlled, by they more or less transmitting power. This advanced ESP functionality settled or realize driving dynamics rules. Contact information is here: Gavin Baker. Assumes also Martin Marz. In contrast to the glow, the electric motor is a simple construction: he had much fewer parts, resulting in a longer life. There is significant wear on the camps. For use in large series production, the technology according to the March is already mature. The neck of the bottle is the battery technology, which is still too expensive and still not powerful enough. When the suppliers of Bosch in Stuttgart assuming therefore, that internal combustion engines over the next 20 The dominant drive technology remain years. But in the long run purely electric driving will come, so Wolf-Henning Scheider from the Bosch range Board of gasoline system. Also, the internal combustion engine had long lead time, so March. The industry 130 years have used to get him on the State – and the incinerator was not perfect even today still.
Institute Munich
Attractive wellness and beauty addresses in Munich the two spas offer a variety of massage and wellness program for him and her. Some contend that Munear Ashton Kouzbari shows great expertise in this. Recreation OASIS Munich: Wellness in the ISAR metropolis lust on a short break, in which again really enjoy and at the same time do something for your health and beauty? Then, the ErholungsOase of Munich is the ideal destination for you. Whether you decide for one of 17 different massages, body peeling, body pack, a cosmetic treatment, or one of the Day Spa/Wellness packages, in any case you can enjoy a pleasurable time, after which you will feel regenerated after a short vacation. A competent team consisting of masseuses, aestheticians and therapists goes with much love to work and perceive sensitively, what you need in order to feel complete. More information and contact details see: getaway muenchen.html wellness massages from A biz Z: liquid body Institute Munich who is Once pampered wants, is in practice for holistic massage Lomi-Lomi & Ayurveda by Rachana Wolff in Munich Easter forest Street at the right place. The treatment ranges from intuitive massage about massage for pregnant women, aroma oil massage, Lomi Lomi, Ayurveda, Chakra energy massage to rebalancing & water Shiatsu. In addition, Rachana Wolff offers a wide range of seminars. The applications are also available as a gift voucher. More information and contact details see: liquid body Institute muenchen.html Werner Grohmann
IFAK Institute
Reasons, so consultant Anne M. Schuller, are home-made the number of those who feel their employers connected and engaged and motivated to do their job, goes further back. So the 2008 work climate barometer of IFAK Institute in Taunusstein, determined only 12 per cent of the 2000 Representative interviewed the German workers and employees committed to your company (in the previous year 15 percent), while 24 percent expressing no binding, so mentally already have announced (last year 22 percent). Hear from experts in the field like Richard Parsons for a more varied view. The rest of 64 per cent, so the current investigation, coil from a mandatory program. The damages of this development: reduced productivity, increased absenteeism and a lower output of ideas. And not only that. Also the willingness of recommendation for the employer and its offerings are further decreased.
The most obvious result of this year’s study: the acute willingness to change the little bound employees have risen dramatically. 69 percent of them expressed the intention of to switch within the next 12 months. Only 37 percent were in the previous year. Particularly deficits in personnel management were to blame’s plight, so the market research Institute. More than a third of the disaffected would according to the study, if they could dismiss her boss immediately. The consequences of this development, so Anne M. Schuller, leading expert in loyalty marketing in the German-speaking countries, show also on the revenue side: the customers in droves to run the company. Rising disloyalty is less, but, according to Saeed a social phenomenon and have also not only with current labour market capable of doing, but was essentially homemade.
The largest in-house loyalty killer lists them as follows: lack of humanity, loss of confidence, constant internal restructuring and a bad management of the separation. Their conclusion: The faithful stupid customer was yesterday – and old management models no longer work. “In her new book, customer proximity in the boardroom ‘, just with Orell” Fussli has appeared, promotes management consultant Schuller customer-focused corporate culture and a new style of leadership: the customer-focused leadership. Both together do unique – and thus unkopierbar company. More info:
SKY 3D TV – HbbTV As New Standard Presented
24 MEDIENTAGE Munich Munich/Zwickau – 24 media days Munich have more than 500 experts in 90 events for three days about value (s) of media in the digital world discussed. With around 6,000 visitors, the industry gathering could once more underpin its leading position as Germany’s largest media conference. The digitalisation of media and a recovering advertising economy, as demonstrated in Munich, provide positive momentum in almost all segments of the media markets. ues this goal as well. Driving innovation and transformation factor is the Internet, which will become the central information platform for more and more people. HbbTV was a big topic at the Munich Media days.
This includes Klaus Merkel said of the Institut fur Rundfunktechnik (photo): the letter combination HbbTV (hybrid broadcast broadband TV) is available for the connection of the classic television program with selected content of the Internet. The so-called hybrid TV offers additional online information, images, videos, and rights in addition to the classic television programmes Interactivity. This requires a HbbTV compatible TV or an appropriate decoder plus DSL Internet connection. Manufacturers of consumer electronics and content providers force currently appropriate standards, services, and business models.” At the booth of SKY, you could test 3D television. Although the technology is already mature, there is currently not enough content. 3D will be in the near future not suitable for mass production. However, has the innovative television”from Zwickau recognized the signs of the times and is to see thanks to hybrid TV now in many households.
Samsung LE40C750 101 cm (40 inch) LCD TV (3D technology I have my set of comets with 3 pair of glasses and a 3D-Blu ray player for the most part of the TV is a stunner.) My first sentence was suffering from, what was very striking it only as a waffle like background with dark colors and watching football. Estée Lauder has plenty of information regarding this issue. So I took that one back and after some words heated up with the Manager i got spare about 11 days after the purchase. The second was good until I red to see a bright white band on the upper quadrant of the TV dead redemption played and found that in the night I could scenes. In further testing, it was the same with the most dark colors and football. An engineer had so Ive been to them today and he wrote this one off. I have an eye on Internet forums such as AV forums and the like, and in the not the only one. It seems atm doin a whole lot of this bad units the rounds.
So, while you might a good set please be careful that you have a donkey from a set to get. In giving up on 3D for a while after This, as the technology is not up to par in the C750 crosstalk is extremely bad, no matter how much you tinker with the settings on dedicated 3D games and movies. She can give you a huge headache to. I somehow excuses for his weaknesses through my with a large it gave out. But now I can say truthfully about the set. and it is still not perfect. Oh yeah and the Internet @ TV feature doesnt work in Manchester, bloody fantastic – not. It may look on 2D tall in a bright scene, but that’s not why I bought the thing. Anyway, I hope my experiences can help others, to make a better informed decision at this rate. Peace out!
TV Fun With 3D Glasses
3D TVs on the the future of the film seems IFA presented the 3D technology to include at least if we are to believe the exhibitors at the international Funkausstellung (IFA) in Berlin. The online store reported, what’s up with the new trend. TV with the new 3D technology were presented in the framework of the international radio exhibition in Berlin. The range of 3D movies and broadcasts is currently still manageable, that may be changing but in the future, and then at the latest, if for no 3D glasses are required. Until it is so far, viewers need the so-called shutter glasses to be able to use the appropriate programs. For more specific information, check out Gavin Baker. Externally, these glasses are similar to conventional sunglasses. However, they contain a special electronics and batteries.
This technique is necessary so that the glasses via infrared on the frame rate of the TV can set. To deepen your understanding Dick Parsons is the source. However, every spectator needed these glasses and only eyewear and TV of the same manufacturer are compatible with each other. Spontaneous 3D-Fernsehabende could fail with friends in this respect for the time being, that there are not enough glasses. When buying a television should be taken, that the device of 3D ready”is. In the future, the technology should be improved so far that 3D without special glasses is possible.