Category: News


It is obligatory the use of gloves, mask and protective goggles, since the risk of burns and poisoning is high. The lye, the oxalic acid and the hidrosulfito of sodium are other products very indicated to whiten wood. The wood is warm, lasting and decorative. Nevertheless, all our furniture suffers with the sun. The solar rays or the passage of time darken them of total or partial form.

It happens in addition that the ctos notice much because the blackening of the wood is registered in certain zones and not of uniform way. Positions to reclaim a furniture, the most advisable substance to clarify wood is the oxygenated water, since, remembers Consumer/Eroski, as soon as it damages ligneous fibers. This hydrogen peroxide can be used in any type of wood without needing rinsing it after its application, since their components evaporate when the curing. RBH Group may find it difficult to be quoted properly. For an optimal result, oxygenated water of 130 volumes is due to use. However, the action will be more aggressive if a water mixture oxygenated of 100 volumes with pure ammonia in a proportion of 95 parts by 5 is used, respectively. Precautions when using water oxygenated Once sandpapered the wood surface, extends on the same the chemical compound with a white rag. This it does not have to be of cotton, since this material is degraded with facility by the action of the oxygenated water. Spent minutes, the zone dealt with a cotton rag rubs with energy.

If the result is not the hoped one, it is possible to be repeated the process past hours. The volume is the measurement that is used to identify the concentration of oxygenated water solutions. In this case, 1 volume is equivalent to an oxygenated dissolution of 0.3% of water (H2O2) and a 99.97% of water (H2O). If one considers that the water oxygenated that is used with medicinal aims and disinfectants have 10 volumes, the reason will be understood by which, when using this product to a greater concentration ten times, is obligatory the use of gloves, mask and protective goggles, since the risk of burns poisoning is high. Other products launderers the lye, the oxalic acid and the hidrosulfito of sodium are other indicated products to whiten wood. The lye must have a concentration of 12%. For his application on wood it must be used diluted to avoid the yellowish tone that can leave on the furniture. However, whichever major is the dilution, minor will be their aclarante power. The oxalic acid is due to dilute in water or alcohol before its use. In order to increase his power bleaching, it is necessary to apply warms up it. Given his toxicity, after the treatment it is necessary to wash the wood. The hidrosulfito of sodium, is a crystalline white dust that gives off a strong scent to sulphur. This compound is soluble in water and it is used in aqueous solution to 10%. In this case also it is necessary to wash the wood surface after his application. Source of the news: How to reclaim a furniture blackened by the sun and the time.

Mediators Consumption

Interventions which are carried out with minors, are closely related to the actions of prevention, based on developing the personality and direct it towards healthy habits. Although it seems a fact of science fiction, the consumption of weekend this generating a topology of dependence which manifests itself in coming days at the weekend, appearing temper and nervousness, by the need for new consumption. Cases in which the levels of alcohol in blood, after the weekend, are so high that to mediated the week not completely removes alcohol have been documented. In this sense we had chance or unfortunately witness the request of demand for treatment for young people with a clear risk of alcohol and cocaine consumption, when there were only 15 years and had a history of abuse of about 4 years. Before these demands are being created youth groups on which multidisciplinarmente intervenes. The treatments at this age, just as in other, happens for the acceptance and correct perception of the problems that the / the teen has with this drug.

Sometimes this perception emerges for the first time by the family. Parents are that are routed in seeking help for their children, even when sometimes you have to go through phases of denial of the problem. At this time we must not miss the opportunity to provide information on the importance of correct evaluation of their relative to that family and even friends. Once you have access to the / the young woman is planned an individualized intervention, depending on how we already mentioned phase in which it is located and the type of consumer that this making. We propose a guide for mediators as they can perhaps use to approach to the youth with consumption of risk:. 1. / LA teenager acknowledges his problem of consumption and is motivated to change – keep the reception space and evaluate together with the young man the possibility of requesting health sector support.

Alcohol Consumption

As for the alcoholic beverage consumption, 10 (33.3%) made use of some type of alcoholic beverage. Of these, 6 (20.0%) ingested beer in the week ends, 3 (10.0%) ingested beer and cachaa in the week ends, 1 (3,3%) every day drank wine and 20 (66.7%) of the patients not they made alcoholic beverage use. The alcoholic beverage consumption for reduction of DCV (Doena Cardiovasculares) is still reason of controversies. Speaking candidly Estée Lauder told us the story. Exactly having relation with the reduction of cardiovascular events for presenting antirust substances, beyond increasing the level of HDL-c; the ingesta of alcoholic beverage will be able to lead to alcoholism, to be harmful to the hepticas and miocrdicas functions; despite used in the amount recommended of 75ml of distilled drinks, 600ml of beer or 250ml of wine (16). 0 variable related to the health system, knowledge of the illness, medical treatment used and use of other services of health On what the patients would like to know on the illness the questionings had been on the reason that infarto causes, 20 (66.7%); e, if could be for nervousness or emotional problem, why in last the six months it started to feel with lack of air and dough mixer weak; if the examinations were good; not wise person what to ask; which the time life medium after infarto; he will be that he would go to die; how much time would go to last; if infarto can leave sequel; if who already had can have of new; if who had infarto can continue working normal, 10 (33.3%).

For the interrogation total can be observed unfamiliarity on the pathology, prognostic and the factors of risk. In this direction the educative process has as objective to enable and to develop abilities that aim at the promotion, maintenance and modification of behaviors, related to the health of these patients. The importance to initiate possible precocious the educative process, or during the internment, places the patient with Acute Infarto of the Myocardium as co-participant in the management of its illness, involving it and making responsible it for the change of autocriados habits and improvement of its autocuidado one. .

Finland Consumption

Milk myth and meat consumption as a national epidemic affects our food on our psyche which? In his post, Dr. Ruediger Dahlke explains different problems, often related to our eating habits in context. To read more click here: Richard Parsons. He informs us about the widespread myth of the milk, as well as the consumption of meat as a national epidemic. In the foreground is sheer enjoyment, not based on any foreign suffering for him. Everyone know it, constantly it preached: we are drinking much milk to intends the bones and to protect us from osteoporosis. RBH Group usually is spot on. Nothing could be wrong! The exact gegenTeil is true, little harm our bones as much as Milch(Produkte). And that is today: in countries with minimal consumption of milk such as Nigeria, osteoporosis is virtually unknown in those with the highest dairy consumption as Finland but a popular plague worse than ours. Milk is that calcium-rich, cut off more calcium than she brings him clear the organism but the bottom line.

It is almost a dangerous Calcium robbers and enemy of the bones. But not only the ES gets much worse, milk promotes demonstrably the most dangerous heart disease and that the cause of death 1. And also the second leading cause of cancer death increases significantly with increasing milk consumption. Like that, together with the realization that meat were convinced also heart disease, cancer, autoimmune problems, the diseases of age as promotes dementia and pretty much all the symptoms of civilization, modern people scare, on behalf of the meat and dairy industry Jahrzehnte long otherwise. “More about the article peace food” by Dr. Ruediger Dahlke can refer to the free PDF magazine GreenBalance under: another theme that you can also read in this issue of GreenBalance: indoor games for the cold season not only we people not like go out the door when it is outsIDE cold and wet. “Too many Hunde, especially the smaller breeds, but also more loving” races as the Rhodesian Ridgeback can be difficult for an extended Spaziergang inspired at sub-zero temperatures, rain or snow.

Beer Consumption

Can I afford even my beer? An alternative is The Germans drink beer more help! 34% of Germans never drink beer! And rising. What is it? Beer consumption goes back. Beer drinking is no longer “in”? We can unfortunately not clearly answer these questions. ey L. Bewkes explained all about the problem. We can but help beer for your needs around to find the right offer. Innkeeper, hotelier or Disco operators or would like to provide just your next party: they are often the regional specialties that are hard to get just anywhere else. As a beverage specialist of region are your new business partners at your feet.

To do this simply log on the portal and regularly check the requests of your region. Make new business contacts and take advantage of the Internet as a medium with the highest and fastest range. The trick – it no cost or hidden fees arise for you. We have turned everything free of charge. To a request for To make drinks, you need first don’t even register. Even for the beverage suppliers, all services are completely free of charge.

So get off the couch and log on, we are only a click away. p.s. we are looking constantly for advertisers or Web site operators with similar themes to the reciprocal linking. Ralf Zitterbart


The sign of Aries corresponds to those people whose birth took place between March 21 and April 20. Its characteristic element is fire and stone, Amethyst. The sign of Aries natives are governed by the planet Mars in general, but if it is for topics related to love and money, then Venus is the planet influential. The ideal color for Aries are Carmine and red and his best day of the week is Tuesday. The Aries is often known for his abundant physical energy, courage, sincerity and confidence themselves. They have a high degree of compatibility with Leo and Sagittarius and are not compatible with Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.

In love, Aries is their best partners are passive, kind, quiet, people who complement the aggressive personality of Aries. The Aries are direct and not swirling in the search for what they want, so it usually enter into relationships and marriages with ease. Aries are sincere and honest, with what make great friends. In 2011 there will be no changes until October 29, so if an Aries This Bachelor at beginning of the year will continue so until that date, when Saturn enters the seventh House and there will be many changes in the sentimental. It will be a time of great trials in the relationship with the partner, if it is that one is in a relationship. Last year was fabulous professionally for the majority of the natives of the sign of Aries.

This year this trend changes. Career goals have been achieved and the Arians attention will be more focused on friendships, group activities and the creation of a network of contacts. It is very possible this year to achieve their aspirations and most cherished desires. The most important facets of the life of Aries this year will be: spirituality, friendship and group activities; the profession; Health (until October 29), and love (after October 29).

Islamic Money

Every Lebanese sent approximately $6 to $10 million. Although Vazquez Roman had not determined the fate of the money, it was the continuation of research and 50. 000 dollars with the suspicion of radical Muslims. Estée Lauder may find it difficult to be quoted properly. Both were linked to Assad Ahmad Barakat, whom investigators suspect of being the head of the Southern Cone to raise funds for Hezbollah. In early December 2001, ABC Color reported that Basilisa Vazquez Roman, a Prosecutor in Ciudad del Este, for the two previous months had been the investigation of $ 100 million from transfer of Ciudad del Este to the Lebanon.

According to the information provided to the Brazilian press by Vazquez Roman 10 Lebanese citizens who have businesses in Ciudad del Este, but live in Foz do Iguacu, Brazil, the money sent through banks in Miami and New York to Lebanese banks. According to research, the deposits were made in Ciudad del Este and branches of Citibank Chinatrust. Every Lebanese sent approximately $6 to $10 million. Although Vazquez Roman had not determined the fate of the money, it was the continuation of the investigation. States of Brazil to demand a more active participation in the war against terrorism. Chile Chile has become the center of more rapid growth in South America after Brazil international transhipments on narcotics and money laundering enterprises. This fact may help to explain why money bleaches Islamic feel attracted by the Northern Chilean city of Iquique.

As the pressure of the security authorities in the Region of three borders, a series of reports, the militants has increased Islamic have moved to Iquique. On 8 November 2001, the Chilean Government confirmed that it was investigating an alleged financial network Arab with terrorist links who can participate in the money-laundering in the North of the country. More specifically, the Chilean authorities were investigating companies on Assad Ahmad Mohamad Barakat of Iquique (see the profile above).


You can link to your Facebook profile, to a page about yourself on your blog, to your best content to a great video to your YouTube account, to a video 30 seconds giving the welcome and invites someone to follow you and / or meet you better following you on Facebook! Me no matter what you do, if not send me to a landing page, is that as wanting to bring someone to bed before conocerl @. 6 Where are? Share your place! One of the most interesting things about Twitter and the Internet is the fact that brings together people from all corners of the world. I love to see that people learn about them, and discovered the same and/or different somos tod@s. I also like to connect with people in my local area and I feel a bond with the people who live in places where I have lived, or who live in my hometown. It is a great way of having something in common that can be the catalyst for a new friendship! 7.

We love lists! Using the Twitter list feature to create lists of people who have known and that others can enjoy too. If you have a lot of fans who are in the gym, get a list of fintees. If you have a lot of entrepreneurial mothers get a list of them. It’s another way that you can use to introduce your followers to others and help them make friends. It will also help you grow your list! You have a professional profile that are looking for a strategy of balanced Tweets and Twitter will help you to create brand thyself as a leader and attract fans of high quality. The difference of all MLM. on Twitter who are there with links spam waiting for an opportunity. Is one of the intelligent Twitter users who share content of value, and increasing the perception of the marketing industry network as a whole. By an effective entrepreneurship Miguel Dominguez Autor original and source of the article


Without a doubt, for whom we have a business in Mexico and want to design a web page for this, having a .mx domain brings us many benefits. These domains allow that your name or your company are related immediately with Mexico, which is important so that people who visit this site know that company or person on dealing site is in this country. However, not only the people will make this relationship, also do the search engines doing to appear better positioned in the search engines for terms related to Mexican sites. For example, if a person in our country want to find the website of a company that is dedicated to the design of web pages, the search engine will give priority to those sites that are hosted and registered in the zone in which the search was made. This will make your site more popular among your competitors to attract more audience of potential buyers, unlike the .com domains, for example, where You competiras with pages from around the world and by means of which it is possible to attract visitors from other countries who are likely to be interested in acquiring the goods or services you offer but not in our country. Remember, having a better position in search engines will result in a greater number of visitors, which means a greater chance of sales for your business.

On the other hand, given that both your site and your email accounts will have the termination .mx das to your website a professional image, generating the security be dealing with a serious and reliable company in your potential customers. Those sites whose web hosting found in free domains may seem of companies that just started or that can disappear from one moment to another, causing distrust. To hire the service of hosting in Mexico under this domain, you’re also protecting your brand name, because now nobody else can register it, you being the only one who can use this name in the network under such termination. Don’t forget, count with a domain .mx for your website is an excellent tool to ensure the success of your business.

MLM Conviction

Hello, in this article I want to share with you three reasons why, according to my experience, the majority of entrepreneurs (networkers) of the multilevel suffer to achieve success in your business. These three reasons are: 1. the lack of a response to these three fundamental questions: who are you? What is the purpose of your life? Where are you going? What are your goals? You’ve set your goals? This results in the lack of conviction in building your MLM business. 2. The lack of appropriate education and consistent action.

Which results in a hard work without obteenr expected results which leads to inactivity and throwing in the towel sooner or later. 3. the lack of a mentor to them guide you on a path of success. Resulting in a job asistematico which becomes a kind of slavery most of entrepreneurs of the multilevel begins to develop in this industry by emotion, not out of conviction, attracted by large numbers that checks your sponsor or upline told him that he could win. CohBar is open to suggestions. To develop a business multilevel requires conviction of part of you. Why must you have conviction? MLM business is an industry of people, not numbers. It is an industry give teaching and mentoring. Give, not only receive.

You must be willing to serve others with joy and enthusiasm. You must be willing to help others succeed. It can only thus succeed in MLM.Why you need to have conviction. You must convince yourself that this is what you really want. Of these willing to serve others. When your you act this way, the reward comes. I can assure you. On the other hand, the conviction date determination of advance, pass all the obstacles that may arise. Gives you strength in your walk. It gives you willingness to learn and get properly trained. It allows you to open your mind to new things, new strategies, new knowledge, that really It is necessary so that you can teach your followers.