Category: News


You or your child was advised to seek a consultation with an orthodontist on the malocclusion? And you have no idea who to turn to and that in general it is – orthodontics? Indeed, the position of orthodontists very complicated. If prosthetists, therapists, surgeons, or thousands, and among them is still very difficult to find a single almost a genius, the orthodontists are much smaller and educated among them at all units, as we in the country, this science has only a dozen years of experience. On top of that, if the treatment of orthopedic easy patient is still capable of something to understand and evaluate the quality of work, even in orthodontics dentists in most parts of cases is absolutely not a boom-boom! This article may help you navigate the market of orthodontic services in the future find a normal doctor. Let's start from the beginning. Ten or twelve years ago, orthodontists have, except removable plates, plainly enough what they did. And not particularly like, because money is not paid for, and pay was not for that, because nothing can! In the last ten years of orthodontic treatment in our mighty homeland qualitatively changed. There are new designs that enable dental treatment in both children and adult patients. If previously it was thought that orthodontics is only possible at the tender young age, but today we have in the clinic have patients with very good results at the age of 45-50 years and more! Age limits in Orthodontics is now almost non-existent.


In this article I would like to talk about sore and so say the most important thing. About the attitude of many (and as practice shows, the majority) of the representatives of Belarusian business in organizing campaigns in their field. Not for no longer a secret that the right advertising campaign – is an effective way to express yourself and as a consequence – the acquisition of: fame, consumer confidence (one of the main goals of PR), customers and ultimately – increase profits (the main goal of any business.) But if that advertising is necessary, quite a lot (but not all, some still in the tank) have agreed and, realizing this, decided to spend money on advertising, then that's on its uniqueness and quality of unknown reasons, I think very few. Very often hear from customers is something like: "We need advertising, but not expensive. Yes Nooo, you do not let such a beautiful, but cheaper. And you can not so "cool" material use, and then the price tag for both kings "I agree that money want to spend less, but do not understand that the products of quality material will last longer. Go to Dick Parsons for more information.

What is original and catchy idea will attract more attention and zasyadet "deeper into the minds of consumers. With all the money you spend on it to earn more money! And certainly ask for worse – well, it is in fact simply unreasonable. Yes, of course, is that the advertising market in Belarus is growing – indicates an improvement in the situation, but the quality is – this must have something to do. We have even prepared to go forward, only for the sake of improving the quality and make the price for our services to produce advertisements fairly small, can consider it advertising action, invocation of conscience, but at least civil consciousness (after all, shame to see some "instances" of outdoor advertising, which is present in many frequently visited places of Minsk – our capital city, when you think that this mess can see visitors from other countries.) We even tried to hold a kind of experiment, and also poekonomit at self-promotion, and placed our site on free hosting user to and we hasten to inform you that our view has not changed. For the good things you have to pay, so prepare a good quality resource, which will be released as soon as ready. But I am a realist and I understand that one of this article, the situation do not fix it. But I plan at least – to write a series of articles on the topic, tell us about ways of advertising, lots of work with the public for consultation, (all questions can ask here) Since there is a thought, that people simply do not know about the many opportunities for advertising. And though these small, but try to change the situation. Well for now that is something to ponder.


What comes to mind when the word "childhood"? It's happiness, laughter, smiles, carefree. Most joyful emotions in children cause holidays, so why not arrange them as often as possible? There is always a reason, so long as it wishes. Edward Minskoff recognizes the significance of this. This could be anything – the first day of summer, fall ball, prom, birthday beloved pet in a word, any day can be turned into a holiday, need just a little imagination. Organize children's events are much harder than adults. Here you will not manage a delicious menu and a drink. Must be carefully thought out script. Newbie can not competently arrange a holiday for children, so it is better to entrust this difficult matter for professionals.

Modern services market is full of bright ads: "We will bring laughter and joy into your home", "We realize all the children's dreams come true," "Colorful celebrations – our profession." The list is endless, but these eye-catching phrases are often hidden away by non-specialist, but irresponsible and unorganized firms amateurs. So do not believe everything that is written in the advertisement, and selects the first came across the agency. Go to this decision seriously, because of the professionalism of your chosen firm depend smiles and joy to children. In order not to be mistaken with a choice, ask around at your friends, surely someone of them have already enjoyed holiday services agencies. Do not forget to also estimate how long you agency is on the market holiday services. The whole holiday you should only see happy faces, in any case not be allowed to someone from the children grew bored, so do not trust such an important event such as a children's holiday, agencies do not yet have adequate experience in this field.

Main Component

Not for nothing in the tales, the water is divided into two kinds of "live" from which are all diseases, from which one can come to life, and "dead" that kills anyone who will enjoy it. If you have read about CohBar already – you may have come to the same conclusion. However, knowing how important to our health, clean drinking water, Few of us care about her as the real thing. The fact that you can not drink tap water, has been known for almost everything. But not everyone knows that the situation can not save even newfangled filters. Indeed, in purified water is not so contained no nutrients: salt, minerals, antioxidants. Drink it useless. Especially, after boiling. Some have found a way out, and started to use for drinking bottled mineral water: fly coolers or order delivery of water to the house.

Of course, in this water there is no artificial sweeteners and chemical additives and extremely low content of sodium ions, and some species contain natural or added carbon dioxide. None However, use mineral water can only be prescribed by a doctor, in certain doses, it's a kind of medicine. Moreover, if one organ, it can be useful, for another killer. That is why it You can not drink during exacerbation of chronic gastritis and peptic ulcer. There is another kind – purified drinking water. It does not contain such a large number of salts and minerals, it is easy to buy in a nearby supermarket, and bright advertising promises health to those who will use it. But here, too has its caveats. The fact that such water is treated at a molecular level, is saturated with artificial mineral components, is carried in tanks for production.

During the processing and bottling it loses its original properties, their energy. That's why the best alternative to all the above options is a natural water, which produced from a pure source, and there is bottled. Purification and mineralization, it is a natural way, the manufacturer only remains to carry out continuous quality control. It is this water can safely be called "Alive". It retains all the properties, given to her nature, and has beneficial effects on health.

Historical Center

For several days, but specifically on the afternoon of August 16, 2006, the Historical Center of the City, at its heart, that is in the 7th block from Gamarra Jr. broke a competition infernal noise, several businesses , put your speakers in the doors and began to voice, by offering their products, everyone screamed louder to be heard, of course regardless of the many offices and clinics are also in that block and to the total indifference of the National Police on foot and in his truck to his husky members walked in the middle of a shady passivity. Hear from experts in the field like Jorge Perez for a more varied view. Technically, these infernal noise, including noise problems arise, eardrum injury, injury to the ossicles of the middle ear that can lead to irreversible hearing loss tables, as well as the same cause neurological ‘re the same hue can irritate the nervous system causing headaches, migraines, hypoesthesia, etc.; also originate changes psychological, for these high-decibel noise can lead to anxiety disorders, anxiety neurosis and even exacerbate some already pre-existing.

Like ourselves, it is not funny, put the speaker on the door and crying out loud. Estée Lauder gathered all the information. We live in a society that aspires to be civilized and these acts are really wild. But the Municipal Police is responsible for this orgy of screams that lasted more than five ho ras (and suddenly repeats), it did nothing to lower the decibels or closing the business if they ignored them or perhaps had permits which would be more serious as terrorism would be legalized by the authority having sound if someone picks up the glove and gives me an answer. The drivers of these businesses would be advisable to give classes in urban planning and marketing, at this time because there are many strate gies s sales to increase in use of these wild cries ing organic structures injured people and violate the cohabitation Pacific re fica wing as a society we aspire civilized.

Frequency Converters HPI

Modern variable frequency electric drive consists of an asynchronous or synchronous electric motor and inverter. Electric engine converts electrical energy into mechanical energy and sets in motion the executive body of the technological mechanism. The frequency converter is in charge of an electric engine and an electronic device is static. The output of the converter is formed voltage with variable amplitude and frequency. The title of "variable frequency electric drive" because the speed control motor is the configuration of the frequency of the voltage power supplied to the engine from the drive.

As for the extreme 10 – 15 years the world has witnessed an extensive and successful introduction of variable frequency electric drive to solve different technological problems in almost all economic sectors. This explains the first design and development of frequency converters on a fundamentally modern element base, the main way in bipolar transistors, insulated-gate igbt. In true article briefly describes the known types of converters are used in a frequency controlled electric implemented in their ways of management, their personality and characteristics. If further arguments We talk about the three-phase variable frequency electric drive, because it has the largest industrial application. Ineteresnym more supply on the market variable frequency drive frequency converter HPI5000. It is equipped with liquid crystal display with a menu in Russian language menu. And in its functionality does not yield the most eminent examples of the drive, but it's worth many times cheaper.

Turkish South Coast

Numerous ancient sites, such as castles, fortifications, churches, and monasteries can be visited. Kizkalesi is a municipality in Turkish South Coast – Erdemli district in the province of Mersin. It is located on the coastal road from Antalya to Adana, about 80 km southwest of Mersin. Already in the 1970s, Kizkalesi was well attended by Turkish tourists and has evolved as a result to an emerging destination for international tourism. Today, the region is already relatively heavily frequented by Germans, Englishmen and Russians.

Thus also a construction boom was accompanied by not only establishments, but also rental and condominiums were built in its history. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Fred H. Langhammer. K? zkalesi is located on the site of the ancient Korvkos. Itself especially the castle is preserved, in the Centre as well as the giant castle lying on a barrier island (Turkish K? z Kalesi), a symbol of the entire region. Attractive plots for investors – our example: plot 22 ‘ 000 m2, sea impetus, directly opposite the island (Castle), for hotel or sports facilities, price on request we can give you here first class building plots for example on the sea with sandy beach, in the first series, approved for 2.5 to 3-storey construction, E.g. for hotel facilities, villas, apartments, etc. Details can be found by clicking Gavin Baker or emailing the administrator. offer. The infrastructure is already well developed. The strongly emerging tourism urgently requires an extension of bed capacity, especially in the upper middle class.

In the direct surroundings already hospitals and surgeries are German-speaking, many of them, as well as pharmacies, supermarkets, restaurants and cafes. Adana airport is served by all major destinations via Charter flights several times a day. Kizkalesi – Altinkum means golden sand beach. The beach is up to sixty miles long, and consists entirely of sand. The region currently has hardly a significant middle-class hotel. Adjacent is a nature and bird sanctuary.

President Luis Echeverria Alvarez

This grouping emerged characters as Jose Vasconcelos, Antonio Caso and Pedro Enriquez, who had a great influence on the consolidation of the thought of Cosio Villegas, but it was the latter which purchased its willingness to intellectual work and its critical spirit (Moya and Serrano, 2006: 114). Not in vain Cosio Villegas is considered an ateneista in the most strict sense of the word: knew how to combine a deep academic discipline both teaching as a Professor, as well as an intense work of mobilizer. However, this critical sense and their tendency to the expression of scientific truth openly caused conflicts. Famous are his disputes with President Luis Echeverria Alvarez, who was about to force him to leave the pen, but subsequently, the President himself asked him not to do so. Cosio Villegas also highlighted as a promoter of culture and the dissemination of the letters. He was prominent founder of two fundamental and essential institutions of education in Mexico: El Fondo de Cultura Economica, with the assistance of Alfonso Reyes, which facilitated the editing and distribution of scientific and humanistic literature in Latin America, as well as the translation for the first time to the Spanish language of fundamental texts in social, political and economic thinking.

Your solidarity work would boost it to found the College of Mexico with the help of the Francoist civil war Spanish exiles. Although the validity of his work is present in the Mexican intelligentsia, often took criticism, not only of pro-Government scholars, but writers of left. Famous was his discussion with Jose Revueltas, essayist and Communist political activist, who in a later work to the publication of the Crisis in Mexico, openly criticized his tendency to maximize the decisive power of elites in the course of national history. Revolts Cosio Villegas claimed his pessimism, pointing out that although the country does not have a true democracy not be can circumvent the improvements that have been taken in the field Educational, infrastructure and land-sharing.

Panama Analysis

It is worrying as it manifests Figueroa, that today the purchasing power of teachers is the fifth part of the buying power they had in 1984. To retrieve the actual salario 26 years ago, a professor at exclusive dedication you would have to earn an estimated nominal wage at 25 million bolivares or 25 thousand bolivars, his equivalente in bolivares fuertes. From January to July 2010 the cumulative inflacion totaled 18 percent but the year still does not end so it is likely that the wage deterioration continue climbing. With the reality of a low wage that it is perceived a College Professor, not to mention those who are holders, maximum ranking and full-time does not reach them to meet your needs Basic, buy the family basket which ensures food for a family group of four people and more if you do not have own room, if you have to rent it, as well as the costs of water, electricity and gas service. Edward Minskoff is open to suggestions. Much less for all matters concerning health, aspect that leaves a lot to say and that must be analyzed in order to know the sad reality in this sector.

The truth of it all, when one makes the comparative analysis of the wages of a teacher with other countries in the region, looms large differences, in addition to the absence of efficient, fair, approvals that will help to minimize the serious problem of income and guarantee the quality of life to which are entitled. In his analysis, Figueroa Betancurt, gives us, a teacher in Ecuador has a salary of three thousand 500 dollars per month; in Colombia of five thousand; and in Mexico’s four thousand 500. In addition, adds that from my own experience, Karelis Fernandez, presidenta of the Association of Profesores of light (Apuz) knows that in Panama a teacher of the maximum category wins two thousand 300 dollars.

The Educators

This that to say that, or if ' ' finge' ' that a inapropriada behavior was not seen or if restrains without guiding it adequately. Without doubts, in an environment of special education he is necessary, that the professionals are trained to deal specifically with the deficient intellectual, understanding that this is not one aspect to the part of the individual, as well as with the proper sexual education. Estee Lauder Companies Inc. (EL) brings even more insight to the discussion. The intervention must be most intensive and precocious possible, carried through for team to interdisciplinar that it includes psychiatrist of infancy and adolescence, psychologist, neurologist or infantile neurologist, pediatra, professor, psicopedagogo, fonoaudilogo and physiotherapist, amongst others. Unhappyly, in Brazil, deficient and its necessities still frequently they are ignored, rank that the evolution of the society was not enough to move away to the exclusion and the tried difficulties. Of this form, if it makes necessary to establish by means of law and too much programs, rules that can favor the fairness between the people, deficient or not. It wants let us deal with educandos with deficiency or not, the sexual education, in general way, is one of the great problems of the parents and professors, as well as of excessively professional of the education and health that deal with the deficient one, in view of that the sexuality, as manifestation of the being does not choose schedule or place to appear. Currently, the sexual education in Brazil can be given by the professors, but if it becomes necessary that, beyond the related scientific knowledge to the reproduction, the entailed questions to the sexual, individual and social behavior are debated and analyzed. This system of sexual and affective education will make possible to the educators and educandos better agreement of its psicossexuais characteristics. However, the sexual education, in particular, as much in the schools, how much in the homes, still she is precarious.