Category: News

Managing Director

Qualified personnel to attract and retain, how does that work in the public administration? Berlin 09.10.2013 – are unabated efforts to modernize management in the public sector. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Nir Barzilai, M.D. by clicking through. Strategic human resource management is an essential component of the modernization efforts. However, empirical data indicating that the staff development in the reform efforts so far back behind budgetary and accounting, as well as organizational development the fields of action. The municipal education factory e.V. staff development module course starting in November “for the Government to rethink encourages. We want to make consciously, that to achieve modernisation objectives in the public sector human resources work is more than mere human resources management”, explains Dr. Andreas Urbich, Managing Director of the municipal education plant e.V. Further he describes: the personal development module course ‘ in public administration is about providing a solid base for recruitment, strategic Measures for staffing, employee orientation, personnel identification, knowledge management and the development of leadership skills”.

The call for greater administrative efficiency, change management and the demographic development compel public administrations to provide at an early stage that qualified staff remains capable of action, knowledge can be internally used and the human resource planning with strategic vision is addressed. The municipal education factory e.V., with his years of experience and accumulated expertise from a variety of training in the public sector, therefore the modular training human resources development “to this topic for the future around developed. In addition to the classic fundamentals of personnel management is the strength of the seven month training series in linking human resource management, strategy and development and organizational analysis.


Some useful exercises to get anger are: physical exercise, hitting a pillow, write about what upset you, or make deep breaths. 3. If you can not stay away physically, then it’s get away emotionally. Begins to make deep breaths slowly, and put your attention on your breathing. Think about that in that time is not worth continue fighting against what is angering you, since anger over never brings good results. It is more intelligent to learn to manage your anger that win a fight (either with another person or against traffic!) 2 Learn to be less vulnerable in those situations that upset us. We often say things like I did get angry, when in reality no one can make us angry.

Us we get angry when things that shoot us the anger happen, and are often issues which are sensitive. Each person is sensitive to different topics. Is for this reason that a comment like that you’re stupid, someone can cause you laughter, while trips to another a tremendous anger. We all have buttons to those who are sensitive and if someone touches that button, emerges in us anger. It has nothing to do with the other person, it has to do with that is a sensitive subject for you. It is a theme that your self-esteem is not very solid, and why you feel threatened. When something makes you angry, ask yourself what you really upset me for? this?.

You will discover the real cause behind your anger. Ask yourself at what I’m being sensitive?, and you’re going to discover in which part of your self esteem should work. The lower your self-esteem, more sensitive buttons you have, and you’re more irritable. When your self-esteem is strengthened, there are few things that can really affect you and detonate an anger. So don’t forget as well as implement the recommendations here are, continue your work of self-esteem!


Tourists generate expectations, imagine how is the product, what use will give you, and obtain the expected results. This component of intangibidad makes that consumers are not confident of what you bought, or benefit that really going to get when they consume the product. 2 Expiration. Tourist products cannot be stored. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Estee Lauder. 3 Pieces and substitutability. The tourist product is formed from the aggregation of several components, any of which can be Replace with another immediately. 4 Heterogeneity.

The tourist product is composed of many parts, and conditioned by many factors. 5 Subjectivity, individuality, immediacy and simultaneity of production and consumption. It is subjective because it depends on the conditions in which they are customers and borrower at the time of consumption. The satisfactions which produces are individual and different from some people to others. Its consumption is simultaneous to their real manufacture, that product is actually created at the same time that it consumes. 6 Others: Is a seasonal product. Liquidity or cash flow is high it is necessary to increase better formation and training of the persons responsible for the development and utilization of the Venezuelan tourism, provide new knowledge according to the advancement of techniques and what the role of markets has been generating in pro to obtain beneficial results. For even more details, read what Estee Lauder Chief Executive says on the issue. You need to be attentive in relation to: the valuable contribution that supported computing of a good management of the accommodation and other related services to the Tourism, can lead to if are you the attention that it requires.

Consider as you said, than the role in the digital economy and marketing via the Internet which is exercising Pro in the streamlining of the tourism and hotel operations. As also facilitating and speeding up the purchase of documents for collection (forfaiting) between wholesalers and retailers of tourism. The new economic openings that have given way to a policy of foreign trade more agile venezolana, allowing tourism be encouraged more. Consider the results of scientific research on tourist and hotel activities and their planning, what universities, management schools performing markets mention this. New developments in the concepts of sustainable development; globalization; Economics, management and environmental assessment. Which have a marked influence on the formulation of tourism and hotel projects. Since then, as also shown, the evolution of finance and Commerce at the national and international level and its impact on the tourist and hotel operations. It should not be neglected, the elasticity of tourist demand is determined by the rates of reaction of consumers before variations in prices.Thus, expected that when lower prices of goods and tourist services, the demand for these increases and vice versa. The following direct study of attitudes statistical analysis of the relationship between price and quantity perceptual factors of the reaction of consumers can be used to study these reactions. It must be very careful in assessing and monitoring the behavior of tourism demand which depends on: 1. the individual and/or family income 2. The price of goods and services 3. Motivations for travel 4. An appropriate marketing strategy applied to good / tourist service that is intended to sell both at the local, regional and international level. There are other variables called latent variables or irrational factors that can influence demand; such as: tradition.Psychological attitudes tourist advertising. This entry of revenues has simply not be wasted.

Science Knowledge

The modern theories of the learning had undone the figure of ' ' professional of ensino' ' , placing the professor, as professional of the learning. In this direction, these theories indicate new routes for the formation of the professor; she is necessary to form the searching professor as solution to keep it in continuous perfectioning and update, in order to renew and to retroalimentar education. Recently Jorge Perez sought to clarify these questions. It is necessary to find alternative exits metodologicamente systemize, so that the professor can have greater productivity in the work, beyond being able to use itself simple and adjusted instrument to the accomplishment of research. Demon (1997) affirms: ' ' Certainly, it does not have formation without information, but this is half. It is of all crucial distinguishing formative processes from other instructive ones, without causing contemptuous blemish for these, since both are importantes' '. The information are to the reach of considerable number of people, in any part of the world, with rapidity never seen in all history of the humanity, what it implies in the loss of the power of what before they were its detainers.

The dissemination of the knowledge generates the democracy and, in the measure where to more it withholds it people, better conditions have to understand the reality and to consider alternatives for a future where if alive and more better. The education has as task the challenge of the rapidity in learning and the renewal of the learned one, having to use itself of the resources of Science and the Technique so that the knowledge if becomes substance cousin and the main factor of production and exercise of the citizenship. Under this optics the profile appears of ' ' new professor' ': it must be the person who orientates of the pupil in its initial learning, in the search of ways proper formative strategies; the estimulador of its curiosity to search the knowledge, searching and looking the information most excellent; the coordinator of the reached results to contextualizar them it the reality.

Change The Tax Deductibility Of Work Rooms

Retroactive change from 2007 who uses a part of the living space in his private work room, also a part of his housing costs tax can deduct. Because there are quite a few limitations, exceptions and special arrangements, this is unfortunately not always as easy as it sounds in practice. The real estate portal has collected important information on the subject. For assistance, try visiting Edward Minskoff. A work room in the home could ever since the Steueranderungsgesetzes 2007 only still tax be discontinued, if it formed the Centre of professional employment. This restriction is now declared by the Constitutional Court for unlawful reason. A few days ago, it decided that the cost of a work room also tax reduction will be counted, if the domestic work room is used because not enough space available in the actual workplace.

So even if the room is not the Hauptbeschaftigungsort. It came to this judgment, because a main teacher of the school, he taught in the no work available has received, where he could take care of the preparation and follow-up of his teaching. Because he then did this from home, he had asserted tax costs for his work room. After the Steueranderungsgesetz of 2007, that was no longer possible, because the study was not the main job of the teacher. The changes in the law must be changed now after the recent judgment of the Federal Constitutional Court retroactively to the first of January 2007.

Development And Education

One perceives that since the first decades many people had fought so that its right the education was forbidden. Therefore in these years it had some movements in defense of the public schools carried through by educators, intellectuals and for the population in search to have its rights the education, without distinction of person, race or color. In this form, to construct a popular public school is to extend the allied popular educational aspirations to the reorientation politics of our country, it is to adopt for the pertaining to school education a resume thought about the population. It is to make a school that stops Freire (1991, P. 43): ‘ ‘ (…) it stimulates the pupil to ask, to criticize, to create, where if he considers the construction of the collective knowledge, articulating popular knowing and knowing critic, scientific, mediated for the experiences in mundo’ ‘. Still for Freire (…) the school had to be constructed to schools with ampler an educational resume, would have to enable pupils to be people of critical knowledge, a school that was the pupils, whom the knowledge demanded more than, making as soon as that pupil felt will to ask more, so that it can get more knowledge of the world and gain more experiences of life. Valley to point out, however, that in the decade of 1980 it has a change in the standard of accumulation of the capital.

The education comes back to be unquestionable value dress of a democratizador speech. This value, of the education and the development, had if lost in the decade previous. It was initiated fight for a type of democracy and education that took care of the interests of the popular classrooms. 1.5 – Programs of combat to the illiteracy In this direction, when we speak? in adults in alfabetizao process? , in the Brazilian social context, in we relate to the men and women to them marked for infancy experiences in which they had not been able to remain in the school for the necessity to work, for conceptions had moved away that them from the school as of that? woman does not need to learn? or? to know the rudimentos of the writing already is enough? , or still for the selectivity constructed internally in the pertaining to school net that produce, still today, formal discontinous itineraries of learning.


Already with the liberating directive educator, the soconvidados educandos to think, to make a new reading of its reality, where sepretende to educate to humanizar and for the freedom. The man is a being with very peculiar characteristics. Sele can reflect on definitive thing, if distanciar to contemplate it. Sa species human being can act conscientiously, endowing its action with feelings. Differently of the animals the man is a being that thinks about quefazer, it transforms the world through the work. Then all practical its aescomo need a north to become fullfilled, being semprecondicionadas the simplista reflection despite.

' ' But, if the men are beings to doquefazer this is precisely why its to make is action and reflection. It is prxis. transformao of the world … ' '. (FREIRE, 1987, p.121) At the moment of approach with the reality, the man noconsegue to enxergar it as something cognoscvel its conscience criticizes, that is, manifest it not if of understandable form, is only one approach ingnuaque if this realidadevisvel initiates through the espontaneidade human being when knowing. This taking of conscience is not still the awareness, because this consists of the critical development of the conscience taking. Aconscientizao implies, therefore, that let us exceed the spontaneous sphere deapreenso of the reality, to arrive at a critical sphere in which realidadese of as cognoscvel object and in which the man assumes a posioepistemolgica (FREIRE, 2005, P.

30). Therefore the awareness is more than pure and a simplescontato with the reality. As Freire says: ' ' … does not consist of being front realidade assuming an intellectual position falsely … ' ' (FREIRE, 2005, p.30), therefore ' ' … the more awareness, more if DES-candle the reality, more penetrates in the fenomnica essence of the object … ' ' (FREIRE 2005, P. 30), oqual we are to observe, passing to an analysis process.

Environment and Education

The environment will change depending on the age of the children, but there are a few general lines: 1. maintain a basic order in things but also introduce changes in the environment. It is important that the child knows where to find materials (paints, leaves, etc.), toys, books, costumes, etc. For more specific information, check out Jorge Perez. but we must also incorporate new proposals and discard some. 2. Create environments where children can remain children.

For the little ones (and probably for all ages) leave they become dirty, they can put hands and feet in all sorts of situations, that can move, touch and experience without accountability to any objective scholar. Especially when they are small, should never missing a drawer of sand and water in order to experience. 3 Offer unstructured materials. Natural elements (seeds, leaves, sand, shells,) and everyday objects (caps, plates, empty bottles, eggcups and all kinds of recycled materials). Everything has to be well classified and sorted. I You sorprendereis what you can do with simple objects. More info: Jorge Perez. 4 Enable game corners. Symbolic game (cooking, cleaning, dolls, shop, blocks construction, theater, costumes, carpentry, etc.).

As the children grow up other corners are generated: legos, dolls articulated type Playmobil, music, board games, workshop, I know, they will flood the House, but it is worth. 5 Try to take care that there is calm, without much excitation and auspicious times for individual activities. You have spaces of time without an uproar game, television or interruptions, favors the concentration. 6 Have cultural elements arranged on shelves for easy access to children. We will have games, musical instruments, elements for literacy (alphabet mobile, sandpaper letters), and mathematics (Association, Seriation, abacos, strips, geometric shapes, scales) and reference books. It is very useful to have a magazine rack with books and magazines that we are changing periodically. 7 Have a wide table tailored to children. It must be stocked with everything you need for the spontaneous creation: with sheets of paper, pencils of colors, paints, etc. 8. Book a relaxing area. It can be the sofa of the living room or bed or a corner with cushions but a place to tell a story or take a suenecito is important. 9 Have an outdoor area. If we have outer space we can have material for motor activity or game houses and even with garden area and animal farm. You can serve a terrace, patio or walks in the mountains and the beach. 10 Offer group activities organized by adults: outputs to different parties or visits from outside that enrich our lives. Interior spaces must be filled with life. Every experience of the child is a starting point for new learning. We can put a whole range of possibilities available to our children so that they can develop their full potential.

The Great Shift

Guess that would be pointless, we do not know this exactly, or just our mind can not understand it. The main thing – to realize that the Earth and humanity will occur very large-scale change, and they will, in general, positive, but only for those who survive the Great Shift, its not all survive. If we talk about the end times – is the change in frequency of our existence, when the category of time or at all disappear, or move to a new level. Some people say that Time will never, past, present and future merge together. Others claim that Earthlings will go with just a disharmonious 12:60 timing frequency to a harmonious 13:20. Follow others, such as Estee Lauder CEO, and add to your knowledge base. In any case, the category of time as it is now meaningless, it will be the end of time (this site). The Great Shift will allow people to use of 5%, as now, a lot more of your brain and consciousness. We will be available Telepathy, reality space of thought (materialization), and more about what we do not even suspect.

What else is important? How to survive the Great Shift, how to prepare. Those people who have fairly well-developed conscience, will make the jump to the next level easily, the other to develop their minds, it's the only way that will move to a higher level of existence. Our worst enemy – our same reason that keeps us within the framework of assumptions and beliefs. Problem – To go beyond that, as ideas about the world shared by a majority of people – flawed, imposed by the system (read about the impact on the system to an individual). Methods of consciousness are many, but the main thing – to understand that the world is not what we are taught to see it. More information can be read on the site, it is dedicated to the theme of the Great Shift, how to survive it and how to move beyond the erroneous conception of the world.

Creativity Venture

Without customers a business not You can survive. Responsibility, therefore, of the entrepreneur is, analyze its customers to understand their needs, and everything they need to get ahead in your life. It is a compulsory diagnosis by an entrepreneur. Only thus can determine what should be given to our customers, when and how should be given, and in what amounts. There are certain steps that must be taken to avoid that a business project will fail, and those steps are directly related to certain characteristics of his personality. Without these innate characteristics in some cases on the personality of the entrepreneur, a venture could failing. A venture is seen as expressing a vision, take action before the viewing, and continue the work to achieve the goals proposed to our vision with constancy. I.e., leaving a mental state of desire and make it reality, through a series of actions, carried out with perseverance and perseverance.

I can say that some features are attitudes and, in that context, some of the features required for a successful venture, are the following: 1.-optimism. A simple way, the optimism means see the future in a positive way, without promoting any circumstance that could impede the development of our business, but rather, minimizing them. Experience has shown that success depends on the knowledge and ability to handle difficult situations. 2 Creativity. It is thinking and acting out of the ordinary, but with common sense. It is to broaden our minds further than ordinary and traditional, through a critical analysis of the circumstances and events. 3 Stability. An entrepreneur must be, at the same time, a leader; and a leader must have stability, in all senses of the life, physical, mental or emotional, and social.

With stability I mean the ability to handle different situations submitted to it with moderation. 4 Charisma. By this I mean the ability to communicate with different persons.